Second Law, My Ass: Difference between revisions

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* ''[[Nextwave]]'' has Aaron Stack. Though he wasn't like that before ''Nextwave''. Aaron used to be a very nice guy, although even back then he could get very impatient with humans' failings. Then in his [[Darker and Edgier]] series ''X-51,'' he got put through all kinds of hell through no fault of his own; then got taken away by the Celestials only to be returned to Earth with no explanation other than that he'd been somehow found unfit.<ref>The Celestials said he was "total ☠☠☠☠"</ref> Since then, he's been extremely bitter and depressed, and has discovered he's capable of getting drunk.
* [[Death's Head|Deaths Head]], Freelance Peacekeeping Agent.
== [[Film]] ==
* Arisa from the Russian film ''[[Better Than Us]]'' is clearly not Three Law Compliant, despite being depicted as a decent person overall. The first time she kills a man is when he tries to rape her, an act that causes her to flee from her creators and find a purpose in society. In fact, one could honestly say she is more human than anyone else in the story.
== [[Literature]] ==