Second Law, My Ass: Difference between revisions

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* ''[[Nextwave]]'' has Aaron Stack. Though he wasn't like that before ''Nextwave''. Aaron used to be a very nice guy, although even back then he could get very impatient with humans' failings. Then in his [[Darker and Edgier]] series ''X-51,'' he got put through all kinds of hell through no fault of his own; then got taken away by the Celestials only to be returned to Earth with no explanation other than that he'd been somehow found unfit.<ref>The Celestials said he was "total ☠☠☠☠"</ref> Since then, he's been extremely bitter and depressed, and has discovered he's capable of getting drunk.
* [[Death's Head|Deaths Head]], Freelance Peacekeeping Agent.
== [[Literature]] ==
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** It's an odd example of this trope. She generally obeys the Connors, but relatively early on she makes it clear that if orders given by the John Connor on the show conflict with directives from the future John Connor that sent her back in time, she obeys Future John's directives. What those directives actually are were never made clear on the show. Finally, we find out that some reprogrammed terminators occasionally go crazy and revert to their usual [[Crush! Kill! Destroy!]] programming for no apparent reason. So she's Second Law compliant to one John, but not the one on the show, and no one knows exactly what orders she's following, and the possibility is open that she might stop obeying even those directives.
* Crow T. Robot and Tom Servo from ''[[Mystery Science Theater 3000]]'' are constructed with the capacity to disobey, insult, and disagree with their human companions. It's implied that Joel Robinson built them this way specifically because he desperately needed the intellectual stimulation; when he briefly reprograms them to be ''nice'' to him, he finds their servility tedious and boring.
* Arisa from the Russian film ''[[Better Than Us]]'' is clearly not Three Law Compliant, despite being depicted as a decent person overall. The first time she kills a man is when he tries to rape her, an act that causes her to flee from her creators and find a purpose in society. In fact, one could honestly say she is more human than anyone else in the story.
== [[Role Playing Games]] ==