Seinfeld Is Unfunny/Tabletop Games: Difference between revisions

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* ''[[Dungeons and Dragons]]''. Your [[Five-Man Band]] of [[Five Races|elves, dwarves and such]] all [[You All Meet in An Inn|Meet At An Inn]] where you run across some troubled soul that [[We Help the Helpless|you agree to help]] because you know that your karma is named [[Monty Haul]]. Yeah, it would be incredibly cliché if not for the fact that it singlehandedlysingle-handedly both invented and completely drove nearly every RPG trope into the ground.
** Many, perhaps most RPG tropes are actually originally from Tolkien. ''[[The Lord of the Rings]]'' and ''[[The Hobbit]]'' are basically prototypical D&D campaigns. And they may be even older than Tolkien, given how much he borrowed from even older sources.
** Many of the ''mechanical'' RPG elements that are tropes/clichés today, were also created or popularized by D&D. The [[Class and Level System]], [[Hit Points]] (arguably present in the tabletop wargames that preceded D&D, but named and popularized by D&D nonetheless), [[Character Alignment]], the "+ 1 magic sword," and so on.
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