Shut UP, Hannibal/Playing With

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Basic Trope: A hero rebukes a villain's attempt to deconstruct them, usually with violence.

  • Straight: Emperor Evulz tells Bob that his reasons for fighting him are ill-founded and pointless, and he should just give up. Bob, unimpressed, summarily tells him to can it and punches him.
  • Exaggerated: As soon as Evulz opens his mouth, Bob punches him for no apparent reason.
  • Justified: Bob has been shown to have a solid grip on his beliefs, and much harder to unnerve than Emperor Evulz would have liked.
  • Inverted: Shut Up, Kirk
    • Bob gives the Affably Evil Evulz a speech about how they aren't so different. Evulz agrees and enters reasonable negotiations.
    • Evulz gives his speech and Bob tries to clock him but Evulz just drops his ass and keeps talking. Evulz builds to a dramatic conclusion, to which Bob just laughs.
  • Subverted: Bob protests Evulz's claims, but eventually knuckles under and believes him...
    • Evulz's response to Bob's fist is a mildly annoyed "As I was saying..." and he incorporates the attack into his speech as an example of willful ignorance.
  • Doubly Subverted: ...or, at least, that's what Evulz thinks until Bob lashes out and strikes back with conviction when he least expects it.
    • Bob's reply is "Are you finished yet?" and then proceeds to give a counter lecture to shut him up.
  • Parodied: It's a borderline Curb Stomp Battle in which the only blows Bob manages to land are sucker punches in the middle of Evulz's many and varied speeches.
    • When Evulz accuses Bob of being Not So Different from him, Bob misses the point and assumes that Evulz means that he, like Bob, is at heart a good person. Evulz is horrified by this implication.
    • Bob calmly mentions on how he doesn't recall doing any evil deeds like what Evulz did nor does he recall Evulz doing anything heroic like Bob did. Bob then asks how are they similar again.
  • Deconstructed: Bob has a (un/justified) deep seated fear that he may be just like Evulz. Evulz tries to exploit that to psych him out and Bob devastates him beyond the usual fare of the work. Bob stops Evulz's speech but can imagine worse ones than Evulz could ever write and is haunted by them.
    • Or that despite on how Bob tries to prove that Evulz is wrong even though he isn't, while Bob still thinks that he is very much a hero, the plot has a Bittersweet Ending implying that Evulz might be right.
  • Zig Zagged: Bob dismisses Evulz's arguments, but is caught by surprise when Evulz has an answer for that. Bob refuses to give up, and a pitched philosophical debate follows. However, things quickly deteriorate into a deadlock, because both of them are using completely different value systems. Recognizing that this is getting them nowhere, Bob goes back to Plan "A" and takes down Evulz like he originally planned. In the aftermath of his defeat, it becomes clear that some (but not all) of his arguments were right and Bob has to struggle to solve the problems set before him.
  • Averted: Evulz's arguments go unchallenged.
  • Enforced: "We can't let our hero be defeated by some jerk's attempts to deconstruct him. Bob's not gonna listen to that. You know what? Bob should just hit him!"
  • Lampshaded: "Go on, Bob. Isn't this where you reject my perfectly valid argument with a fist to the face?"
    • "Ow, what the hell?! Let me finish my speech, asshole! Where is your heroic dignity?!"
  • Invoked: "Go ahead. Tell me all the ways I'm wrong and why I shouldn't bother fighting you. I've always got time for some perverse rambling, but I'm gonna have to cut you off in a minute."
  • Defied: Evulz brushes aside Bob's attempt to shut him up and keeps talking until he's good and finished.
    • Bob doesn't bother letting Evulz talk at all.
  • Discussed: "I've seen this all the time. Once you get him making a speech at you, it's the perfect time to strike."
  • Conversed: "Why does Emperor Evulz even bother with the Hannibal Lecture? Bob's just gonna kick his ass anyway."

Shut UP, Hannibal You're nothing but the main page that I want to go back to!