Soul Chess/Characters/Soul Society Exiles: Difference between revisions

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{{spoiler|Former}} Executive Militia Commander i.e the head of the first branch of the stealth force. She reports directly to Yoruichi. {{spoiler|In large contradiction to canon. Soifon joins Yoruichi in being banished to the World of the Living.}} She subsequently winds up {{spoiler|teaching at Ichigo and Tatsuki's dojo, becoming their teacher and is currently their teacher for Freshman year. Her students}} know her by her real name Shaolin Fong. Lelouch is the only person Soifon can truly depend on as a friend. {{spoiler|She and Yoruichi are currently lovers}}.
* [[Abuse Is Okay When Its Female On Male]]: Makes {{spoiler|Keigo}} do pushups for {{spoiler|mocking academic achievement}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Almighty Janitor|Almighty Teacher]]}}: Soifon is captain class, but {{spoiler|ever since coming to the world of the living}} she's taken up the role of {{spoiler|being a normal school teacher to both Ichigo and Tatsuki}}
* {{spoiler|[[Badass Teacher]]}}
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* [[Can't Hold His Liquor|Cannot Hold Her Liquor]]
* [[Cool Big Sis]]: Towards {{spoiler|Tatsuki}}
* [[AbuseDouble IsStandard Okay When ItsAbuse (Female Onon Male)]]: Makes {{spoiler|Keigo}} do pushups for {{spoiler|mocking academic achievement}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Expository Hairstyle Change]]: Removes the cloth and rings from her hair and lets her hair flow out before charging into Hueco Mundo.}} [[Word of God]] says this {{spoiler|prevents her rings from whapping her during sharp turns she might make during her [[Artistic License|alterted Bankai]] state because she can't control her speed}}. Interestingly enough {{spoiler|she keeps the hairstyle because Yoruichi thinks it looks cute}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Impaled with Extreme Prejudice]]}}: By {{spoiler|Talbumosuke}} in chapter 44.
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[[Category:Soul Chess Soul Society Exiles]]