• Dawson Casting: The worst examples being Danso Gordon who was 26 and Aasha Davis who was 31.
    • Chris Hunter being the exception. He was 18 when the show started playing senior Glenn.
  • Executive Meddling: Forced the producers to tone down the lesbian content in Season 2.
  • Hey, It's That Guy!: Ashley's and Kyla's dad is played by Poison guitarist CC Deville.
    • Aiden dated Niki Stevens who seems to be obsessed with UCLA in Season 3.
  • Reality Subtext: While Clay is one of the most gay-friendly characters on the show, Danso Gordon left because his (not-entirely-compatible) worldview was portrayed in the character of Paula (who the audience was meant to hate).
    • Also, Maeve Quinlan, who plays Paula, was encouraged to take the role by some lesbian friends.
  • Romance on the Set: Matt Cohen and Mandy Musgrave eventually married after being on the show together. Their Real Life relationship may have been the cause for Ashley and Aiden's short rekindling in Season 3.
  • Screwed by the Network: The show has barely seen the light of day outside America--Foregoing DVD in favor of iTunes was not a great idea.