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* In ''[[Yggdra Union]]'', every major army is neither perfectly good or perfectly evil--even the bandits are just taking advantage of others to survive, the character who engineered the constant wars is a [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]] [[Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds]], and the society that broke ''him'' so happens to be a bunch of [[Knight Templar|Knight Templars]] being manipulated by a [[Villain with Good Publicity]]. The Royal Army, despite being the heroes, are not exempt from this--they commit several atrocities over the course of the game, just to hammer home the point that [[War Is Hell]].
* ''[[Sigma Star Saga]]'' has this in spades: you, the heroic human character, are ordered to do some pretty horrible things by your superior, while the Krill, supposedly aliens hell-bent on Earth's destruction, are actually pretty decent people (with a few glaring exceptions) who harbor no particular ill will towards Earth at all. {{spoiler|Turns out that there's a couple of [[Government Conspiracy|Government Conspiracies]] on ''both'' sides of the conflict who are the truly evil ones, and the vast majority of both humans and Krill are good.}}
* ''[[Ar Tonelicotonelico]] II: Melody of Metafalica'' is a great example. Despite the fact that almost every character holds the same moral stance from beginning to end, pretty much every antagonist in the game will be considered a valuable ally at some point and nearly every ally gets a respectable stint as an antagonist. Even [[The Hero]] is arguably a [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]], and the closest character to true evil is a foreigner trying to save his homeland.
* ''[[Halo]]'' probably qualifies:
** The [[The Federation|UNSC]] is fundamentally benevolent, but somewhat heavy-handed with its colonies, and willing to resort to questionable methods for survival.
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