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* Just about all of ''[[Dragon Age II]]'' which [[Up to Eleven|manages to be even grayer than its predecessor.]] The mages, chantry, and qunari are ready to tear each other apart and all of them have good people and bad people or [[Blue and Orange Morality|have different morals all together]]. All have good reasons to be pissed at the others and all have their own major flaws. It gets very difficult to see anybody as a major villain because there is really no white or black. Though all sides are closer to the black on the gray scale.
* Daein and Crimea engage in this for most of ''[[Fire Emblem]]: Radiant Dawn'' (taking it so far that you, the player, actually control a party from each country at different points, even when those two parties fight each other) before finally banding together against the unequivocally black morality of Begnion's corrupt senate.
* ''[[The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind]]''. Although the main quest is pretty much black-and-white, the politics in Vvardenfell are very clearly Gray And Gray. House Hlaalu, for example, is open-minded but corrupted, House Telvanni is honest but elitist, House Redoran is strong but xenophobic, the Empire often ranges from oppressive to a little bit too lax, the Dunmer Temple is kind and charitable but has [[Knights Templar]] (the Ordinators) and is to some degree a [[Corrupt Church]], and the three [[Physical God|god-kings]] to which it is devoted are respectively benevolent but pathologically dishonest, egotistically psychotic, and dead.
** House Dagoth are portrayed as evil, but still remain rather gray. At most the main quest is closer to [[Black and Gray Morality]].
** The fifth installement, ''Skyrim'', takes place in the middle of a civil war: the Empire, after losing a war against the [[Our Elves Are Better|Aldmeri]] [[The Empire|Dominion]], was forced to outlaw the worship of Talos and are generally viewed as cowards who oppress the citizens of Skyrim instead of resisting the Dominion's rule. The Stormcloak Rebellion wants an independent kingdom, but most of them are bigots who want "Skyrim for the Nords" [[Fantastic Racism|and confine the Argonians, Khajiit and Dark Elves to slums]].
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