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[[File:empowered-carfu.jpg|link=Empowered (Comic Book)|frame|We ''could'' make this picture more awesome, but we're really not sure ''how''.]]
{{quote|"Captain Hammer threw a car at my head."|[[Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog|Dr. Horrible]]}}
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== Comics ==
* ''[[Empowered (Comic Book)|Empowered]]'' plays with this one. After a not very successful attempt at the superpowered version in Volume 1 (see below), Emp later defeats a supervillain who's already flattened the other Superhomeys by running him down with a large SUV, at 110 km/h -- and noting that to be more effective than simply throwing a car. Sadly, the others are out cold and she gets no credit for the knockout. The author even refers to this trope on the back of the book jacket as 'Hummer Fu'.
* ''[[Preacher (Comic Book)]]'': Coming back to save his mate, Cassidy rams his pick-up truck into the [[Badass Longcoat|Saint of Killers]] at full speed. [[Implacable Man|Who doesn't even flinch]].
{{quote| '''Custer:''' Ugly fella there just drove a truck into you. Ain't you pissed at him at all?<br />
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* ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer|Spike: After the Fall]]'': Spike rams a truck at pretty-faced demon Non. The truck loses.
* In ''[[Sin City]]: The Big Fat Kill'', when Dwight tells Dallas they're going to stop the car with the mercenaries who have Jackie Boy's head, her nerves are so shot she slams on the gas and rams into it. To her credit, it does do an admirable job of stopping the other car.
* Long before ''[[Empowered (Comic Book)|Empowered]]'', [[X-Men (Comic Book)|Psylocke]] had the bright idea of driving a truck into the Juggernaut. It barely even slowed him down, but ripping open the cab left him a sitting duck for her psychic attack.
* ''[[Miracleman]]'' uses and somewhat averts this by having the eponymous hero throw cars at the [[Big Bad]], Kid [[Miracleman]]. The cars still have people in them.
* In their first fight,[[Paperinik New Adventures|Paperinik]] smashed his [[Cool Car|Pi-kar]] several times into [[Super Soldier|Trauma]].It barely [[Nigh Invulnerable|slowed him down ]].
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** ''[[The Matrix Reloaded]]'': has a villain example. Ends with an example of the rare Semi Fu Chicken. That movie also has Trinity "throwing" her motorcycle into a guardhouse, [[Every Car Is a Pinto|generating a massive explosion]]. Perhaps the 'cycle was rigged to divide by zero.
* In ''[[The Lost Boys]]'' {{spoiler|the sire of the entire vampire gang is killed when one of the characters crashes his jeep in through the wall of his house, with the hood loaded with fence posts.}}
* ''[[Duel (Filmfilm)|Duel]]'' is essentially one long episode of Car Fu between Dennis Weaver in a 1970 Plymoth Valiant and a Demon Truck.
* In the recent live-action ''[[Speed Racer (film)|Speed Racer]]'' movie, this trope is taken to its literal extreme, including choreographed battle scenes, somersaults, parries, and even "throws"; all done in racing cars. The video game of the movie even ''calls it'' "Car Fu".
** Let's put it this way: You know how the page for [[Martial Arts Do Not Work That Way]] points out how in Hollywood, fights always involve ridiculous flips and spins and mid-air kicks? Speed Racer does that...''with the cars''.
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* Attempted by Biff Tannen in ''[[Back to The Future]] Part II'' when he tries to run Marty down in the tunnel. (You have to wonder if Biff is a sociopath considering this means he's apparently capable of remorselessly committing murder ''at the age of eighteen''.)
** He also tries it in the first film, whilst chasing "Calvin" (Marty) through Courthouse Square. Both times he crashes into manure.
* In ''[[Free Willy (Film)|Free Willy]]'', the good guys take Willy to the ocean in a truck, only to find the bad guys there with the beach gated off. Of course, they step on the gas, causing the bad guys to scatter, and smash through the gate.
* In [[Jackie Chan]] movie ''Mr. Nice Guy'', the eponymous hero destroys the [[The Mafia|mob boss's]] mansion and large collection of expensive cars and scatters his army of [[Mooks]] with an ''one hundred and twenty ton dump truck''.
* In ''[[Rumble in The Bronx]]'', the hero uses the bad guy's very large hovercraft against him.
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* During ''[[Civil War (Comic Book)|Civil War]]'', [[The Incredible Hercules|Hercules]] used Oil Tanker Fu on [[Iron Man]].
** Later in his own series, he employs jeep-fu on three dark elves and a troll.
* ''[[Empowered (Comic Book)|Empowered]]'': In Volume 1, the title... heroine(?) tries lifting a car to lay a smackdown on a [[Attack of the 50 Foot Whatever|monster]], but ends up: a) accidentally ripping the bumper off first, b) spraining a muscle in her back, c) not fazing the monster any, and d) causing lots of colateral damage. And naturally, the owners of the car weren't too pleased to find out what happened. Probably one of the few instances where this was addressed.
* In [[Ultimate Spider-Man]], this is how Peter finally gets the upper hand against [[Big Bad|Norman Osborn]] - Mary Jane ''steals a Semi'' and rams it at full speed into the Goblin, incapacitating it for a few moments. When the Green Goblin comes to, Peter lifts the Rig over his head and beats him with it until it explodes, [[Killed Off for Real|ending the fight.]]
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