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Assassin's Creed II: Difference between revisions

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** A more subtle complement to this: While Ezio was unconscious, {{spoiler|Rodrigo}} had both the Staff and the Apple, but the Vault did ''not'' open for him... yet at the end, it did for Ezio.
* [[Curb Stomp Battle]]: The last boss can become this. Kind of an [[I'm Going to Hell For This]] moment, since it's ''[[The Pope|the freakin' Pope]]!''
** Possibly literal, if you resort to simply throwing him about and using [[Useful Notes/Mixed Martial Arts|PRIDE-style]] [[Kick Them While They Are Down|grounded stomps and soccer kicks]].
* [[Custom Uniform]]: It's not clear if the Thieves have a ''per se'' uniform or they're all wearing the same kind of outfit for convenience, but Rosa and Antonio clearly don't use the same garb.
* [[Cutscene Drop]]: It doesn't matter if you kill your target by shooting him from afar, throwing him off a roof and/or into the instantly-fatal-to-[[NPC|NPCs]] water, or slashing him with your sword as you gallop past him on a horse, somehow Ezio always instantly ends up kneeling on the ground with the target dying in his arms. This even happens when an ally specifically tells you to shoot the target.
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