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Trying Not to Cry: Difference between revisions

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* ''[[Gunnerkrigg Court]]'' had a scene after Antimony {{spoiler|"[[Psychopomp|guides]]" an old friend to the ether}}.
'''Kat''': you're tough as nails, Annie... I wish I was as - <br />
'''Annie''': (walks to Kat with closed eyes and breaks down on her shoulder) <br />
'''Kat''': Oh!}}
* ''[[Paranatural]]'' had Isabel eventually abandoned by her [[Non-Human_Sidekick|symbiotic spirit]] Eightfold. It plays a cool goodbye scene mind-to-mind, and only then finds out she is capable of maintaining connection between them at even greater range than it thought. The poor spider-frog tries to add something... and collapses into weeping and babbling instead.
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