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One Piece/Characters/Organizations and Crews: Difference between revisions

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* [[Big Damn Heroes]]: Whenever they're not partying, it's this, apparently, having saved Luffy at childhood {{spoiler|and at Marineford, ending the war with ''their presence alone''.}}
* [[Big Fun]]: Lucky Roo.
* [[Big Eater]]: Lucky Roo is always seen eating a piece of meat on a bone. Even when he headshots a mountain bandit!
* [[Elite Mook]]: Rockstar the Rookie. A former solitary pirate with a bounty of 97 millions. And, is a Rookie.....
* [[Honor Before Reason]]: Subverted. When Rockstar feels insulted by the Whitebeard Pirates he's told by Shanks to ignore honor and come back alive instead.
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* [[Improbable Weapon User]]: Cabaji's weaponry includes dust, spinning tops and flames shot out of his mouth.
* [[Knife Nut]]: They use daggers, like their boss.
* [[Terrible Trio]]: A threesome of low level pirates called the Tightrope Walking Funan Bros who had the bad luck of [[Mugging the Monster|stumbling into Zoro]].
** And another one, the Superhuman Domingos, who were effortlessly taken care of by Luffy.
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: {{spoiler|The crew now has many powerful pirates from Impel Down among its ranks.}}
* [[Whip It Good]]: Mohji
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair]]: Richie's mane is purple.
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** [[The Brute]] - Butchie
** [[Dark Chick]] - Siam
** [[Sacrificial Lamb]] - Nugire Yainu (The guy Jango hypnotized to pretend to be Kuro)
* [[Hoist by His Own Petard]]: Jango uses hypnosis to power up his crewmen, but Luffy also gets hypnotized, wipes out the charging crew with ease, and later tears apart the figurehead of their ship to use as a club.
* [[Hypno Fool]]: Jango.
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* [[Made of Iron]]: Gin, who somehow managed to survived the MH-5 gas attack.
* [[My Master, Right or Wrong]]: Gin serves Krieg only out of respect.
* [[Redshirt Army]]: Fifty ships. 5000 men. The East Blue calls it an invasion force. the Grand Line (Mihawk in particular) calls it ''target practice''.
* [[Small Name, Big Ego]]: Pearl, who believes to be invincible, strong, [[Marty Stu|handsome and cool]]. He's so wrong ...
* [[Wreathed in Flames]]: When he bleeds, Pearl covers his shields with strange white flames and tosses fiery bullets all around him.
* [[You Have Failed Me...]]: To Gin
{{quote| '''Don Krieg''': "[[Kick the Dog|Throw away that mask, Gin! You're no longer one of our crew!!"]]}}
* [[Zerg Rush]]: Basically the main strategy for the crew. Luffy calls them out on this.
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* [[Curb Stomp Battle]]: Kuroobi delivered one to Sanji underwater, but received one later on land.
* [[Dirty Cop]]: Nezumi
* [[Fantastic Racism]]: Nearly all of them share Arlong's hatred of humans {{spoiler|with the exception of Hachi who probably just followed Arlong on a whim, Nami even admitted he wasn't as bad as the others.}}
* [[Five-Bad Band]]:
** [[Big Bad]] - Arlong
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This crew is actually composed of the former soldiers of Drum Kingdom under Wapol's rule. Its elite members are Chess and Kuromarimo who were former advisors. In the ninth movie, Musshuru, Wapol's elder brother is introduced. Later, Chess and Kuromarimo are "merged" by Wapol in the warrior Chessmarimo.
* [[Achilles' Heel]]: Chessmarimo's chin.
* [[The Archer]]: Chess can shot spear-sized arrows. Chessmarimo can even [[Dual-Wielding|use two bows at time]].
* [[Authority Equals Asskicking]]: Musshuru, who nearly killed Luffy before the latter used the Gear Second.
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** [[Team Pet]] - Robson the White Walky (Snow Hippo)
* [[Funny Afro]]: Weaponized by Kuromarimo.
* [[Fusion Dance]]: Chessmarimo.
* [[Gonk]]: Chess barely looks human at all.
* [[Kick the Dog]]: During Dalton's attack, Chess willingly shoots a volley of arrows at some incoming villagers, knowing well that [[Taking the Bullet|Dalton will shield them.]]
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* [[Punny Name]]: Musshuru is a pun on Mushroom.
* [[Razor Wind]]: Chessmarimo can do this with axes.
* [[Screw This, I'm Outta Here]]: Crosses with [[Dirty Coward]]. Once the Blackbeard pirates came a knocking, they all fled Drum Island. They returned later
* [[Sealed Evil in a Can]]: Musshuru's powers are stopped by fire, so he was banned to a fiery volcanic island.
* [[Terrible Trio]]
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** [[Evil Genius]] - Mr. 3
** [[The Brute]](s) - Mr. 4, Miss Merry Christmas and Mr. 5
** [[Dark Chick]](s) - Mr. 2 Bon Clay, Miss Goldenweek and Miss Valentine
** [[Team Pet]] - Lassoo (Mr. 4's Gun-dog)
* [[The Gunslinger]]: Mr. 7 and Miss Father's Day.
* [[Having a Blast]]: Mr. 5's Devil Fruit power.
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* [[Wolverine Claws]]: Miss Doublefinger can use the powers of the Toge Toge (spike spike) fruit to create spikes from her body, including her fingers [[Power Perversion Potential|and even breasts]].
* [[You Are Number Six]]: Ironically Mr. 6 didn't make an appearance.
* [[You Have Failed Me...]]: To Mr. 3, but he survived.
== Skypiea Saga ==
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* [[BFS]]: Sarquiss' "[[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|Big Knife]]", which earned him his nickname.
* [[The Dragon]]: Sarquiss
** {{spoiler|[[Dragon Ascendant]]: Probably did if Bellamy did die due to Doflamingo}}.
* [[The Hyena]]: Bellamy.
* [[Jerkass]]: Every single pirate in the crew.
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* [[The Atoner]]: Cricket wants to prove that his ancestor was not a liar.
* [[Ascended Fanboy]]: Masira and Shoujou who were fans of the Noland tale. So helping his descendant was a dream come true
* [[Charles Atlas Superpower]]: Masira is strong enough to one shot a sea monster with one blow.
* [[Cool Old Guy]]: Cricket.
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* [[Establishing Character Moment]]: Van Auger is introduced sniping seagulls too far away to be seen by the naked eye. Doc Q, even more tellingly, is giving out apples in town... some, but not all of which are poisoned.
* [[Evil Counterpart]]: To the Strawhat pirates. {{spoiler|But unlike them, is shown that they don't really think at each other as nakama.}}
** {{spoiler|Well, the original members seem to do, but not so much the new ones. Probably because at least 4/5 of them were infamous Captains now serving a relative upstart}}.
* [[Fat Bastard]]: Vasco Shot.
* [[Five-Bad Band]]:
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** [[Dark Chick]] - Satori & Gedatsu
** [[Mook Lieutenant]](s) -Hotori and Kokori
** [[Sixth Ranger Traitor]] - Mc-Kinely and the rest of the White Berets
** [[Team Pet]](s) - Holy and Fuza
* [[Four Eyes, Zero Soul]]: Ohm.
* [[Gonk]]: Satori, Yama, Hotori and Kotori.
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* [[Mr. Vice Guy]]: Paulie owes a lot of money to a lot of people.
* [[No Celebrities Were Harmed]]: Lulu bears a resemblance to [[Queen|Freddie Mercury]].
* [[No Indoor Voice]]: '''TILESTONE'''.
* [[Telephone Polearm]]: Tilestone can use his cannon as a large club.
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** Even when they were revealed to be assassins, and after they were defeated, they seemed to be pretty decent people, with a very genuine and honest sense of justice. {{spoiler|It's just too bad that one of them takes his too far...}}
* [[Animal Motif]]: Leopard for Lucci, Giraffe for Kaku, Wolf for Jabra, Bull for Blueno, Panda for Spandam, Sheep for Kalifa, Owl for Fukuro and Lion for Kumadori (Though there is a minor [[Running Gag]] that it is a Octopus) and Weasel for Nero.
* [[Authority Equals Asskicking]]: Subverted by Spandam. Played straight with Lucci, {{spoiler|especially after the government left them to die, while Spandam escaped}}.
* [[Arrogant Kung Fu Guy]]: All of them really, to a degree. Though, Lucci, Jabra and Fukurou were pretty notable ones.
* [[Badass]]: All except Spandam, even Nero was impressive.
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* [[Heart Is an Awesome Power]]: Blueno's Door-Door Fruit (''Doa Doa no Mi'') powers and Kalifa's Bubble-Bubble Fruit (''Awa Awa no Mi'') powers. They both seem useless, but they can do marvels in their hands. {{spoiler|Blueno notably saved his and his teammates' lives from the Buster Call after they shafted by the World Government}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Heroic Sociopath|Heroic Sociopaths]]}}: {{spoiler|They've seem to have changed from [[Psycho for Hire|Psychos For Hire]] into this. All they need to need to do is curb their violence a tad bit, and they could be One Piece's answer to the Power Rangers}}.
* [[Jerkass]]: Spandam.
* [[Knight Templar]]: Although they're [[Blood Knight|Blood Knights]], maintaining peace at all costs comes first, {{spoiler|became a little nicer after their defeat.}}
* [[Large Ham]]. Kumadori speaks and acts like a Kabuki actor.
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* [[Irony]]: {{spoiler|The panels where Ryuuma is defeated by Zoro's Dragon Blaze attack are identical to the ones in ''Monster'' where he bisected the dragon.}}
* [[Jerkass]]: Hogback and Absalom.
* [[Karma Houdini]]: Hogback and Absalom are two of the more loathsome minor villains in the series, with Absalom being the closest thing to a rapist the series has gotten yet and Hogback... well, what ''hasn't'' he done? They both get away with nothing more than a few bruises (Hogback after being ''stepped on by Oars'') and a cover even shows them laughing it up while sunbathing without a care in the world.
* [[Kill It with Fire]]: {{spoiler|Ryuuma kick the bucket when Zoro set him ablaze with the Hiryuu Kaen attack.}}
* [[Kill It with Ice]]: How Oars met his doom 400 years ago. A literal case of [[Too Dumb to Live]].
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* [[Tragic Monster]]: Cindry, {{spoiler|when she temporarily gets her memories back, only to still remain as a zombie slave to Hogback}}.
* [[Verbal Tic]]: Each one of them:
{{quote| '''Hogback''': "[[Most Annoying Sound|Fos Fos Fos Fos Fos!]]"<br />
'''Perona''': "Horohorohoro!"<br />
'''Ryuuma''': "Yohohohohoho" }}
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* [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]]: Indigo looks like a clown and goes around with fart-shoes and speaks in charades, but is still Shiki's best man nevertheless.
* [[The Dragon]]/[[Evil Genius]]: Dr. Indigo
* [[Everything's Worse with Bears]]: The aptly named [http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20101227074105/onepiece/images/thumb/4/42/Terror_Guma_Strong_World.jpg/160px-Terror_Guma_Strong_World.jpg Terror Guma]{{Dead link}} (Terror Bear).
* [[Gatling Good]]: Corto is seen using two machinegun in battle.
* [[Giant Spider]]: A huge monster named Spider Tank.
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* [[Mix-and-Match Critters]]: The beasts of Merveille are often this. Billy for example looks like a cross between a duck, a chicken and a peacock.
* [[Most Annoying Sound]]: [[In-Universe]]. Indigo makes a flatulent noise when he walks which gets on Shiki's nerves. Which is strange considering his shoes are virtually identical to Kuro's.
* [[Never Smile At a Crocodile]]: The huge and flat [http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20101227074049/onepiece/images/thumb/9/91/Landgator_Strong_World.jpg/160px-Landgator_Strong_World.jpg Land Gator]{{Dead link}}.
* [[Pint-Sized Powerhouse]]: Billy is quite small compared to some of the other mutant animals, but is able to take them down without a problem.
** Mind though that is because of his electrical powers, not for his brute strength.
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* [[Shock and Awe]]: Billy can produce electricity from his feathers, kinda like an electric eel.
* [[Shout-Out]]: Scarlet, a huge gorilla, kidnap Robin (a beautiful woman) and bring her to the top of a Tower. [[King Kong|sounds familiar?]]
* [[Sinister Scythe]]: The [http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100619093035/onepiece/images/thumb/0/0c/Killer_weasel.jpg/150px-Killer_weasel.jpg Tsujigiri Itachi]{{Dead link}} (Killer Weasels).
* [[Spexico]]: The Amigo Pirates are mariachi-themed, and Corto looks like a luchador.
* [[Stalker with a Crush]]: Scarlet is infatuated with Robin.
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*** Unfortunately, most of the time, they actually ''can'' get away with it, because they're so above the law, and basically untouchable.
* [[Ungrateful Bastard]]: ''Saint Miosgard''. {{spoiler|Otohime [[Taking the Bullet|took a literal bullet]] to save him from a furious crowd and he tried to kill her. Later, when he was healed and dismissed he kept insulting them and swore revenge.}}
* [[UpperclassUpper Class Twit]]: Did I mention that they wear glass helmets in order to avoid to breath the air of the citizens?
=== Kuja Pirates ===
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* [[Screams Like a Little Girl]]: Justified as the poor sop was just turned into a naked chick in front of a whole room of people. Also the Okama tends to have "girlish-sounding" voices.
* [[Stocking Filler]]: All the Newkama wear these.
* [[Sunglasses Atat Night]]: Inazuma. Though they look more like 3D glasses.
* [[Training Fromfrom Hell]]: The "Bride Training" required for the Attack Cuisine. {{spoiler|Sanji managed to skip it in exchange for another, harder training.}}
* [[Wholesome Crossdresser]]: Averted by the Impel Down denizens. The people of Kamabakka may look more like [[Creepy Crossdresser]] type, but they're actually really good naturated.
* [[Zerg Rush]]: While evading from Impel Down.
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* [[Reasonable Authority Figure]]: Strawberry. During the Buster Call on Enies Lobby he opens the fire only after the marine troops left the island.
* [[Rousing Speech]]: John Giant throw these around like candies.
* [[Shout-Out]]: Vice Admiral ''Bastille'' wears an ''[[The Man in the Iron Mask (1998 film)||iron mask]]''.
* [[The Worf Effect]]: Ronse and Lacroix are nothing more that target practice for Whitebeard.
* [[You Shall Not Pass]]: John Giant to Whitebeard himself. The old man simply [[Curb Stomp Battle|send a earthquake through his stomach.]]
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* [[Villainous Breakdown]]: {{spoiler|Bluejam, as he realize that the King has double-crossed them and left his crew to die in the fire he commisioned.}}
* [[Would Hurt a Child]]: Porchemy interrogates Luffy by using him as a punching ball. While wearing [[Family-Unfriendly Violence|''spiked'' gloves to boot]]. [[No-Holds-Barred Beatdown|''For a whole day''!]].
* [[You Have Failed Me...]]: Bluejam kills Porchemy after his humiliating defeat at the hands of Ace and Sabo.
== New World Saga ==
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A relatively new (Well, to being impersonators, that is) crew led by "Three Tongued" Demalo Black, this small and very weak crew took advantage of the disappearance of the Straw Hat Pirates and impersonated them (Minus Brook, who was not known as a member until recently) and used their reputation to recruit 100+ members, including 10 people with bounties over 70,000 and three whole crews, the captains of which are "Gashed" Albion, "Lip Service"Doughty & the new-age Supernova brothers "Wet Hair" Caribou" & "Blood Splatterer" Coriboo.
{{spoiler|The crew is now effectively dismantled. Black was captured by Sentomaru, the fake Robin (Cocoa) & the fake Chopper were kidnapped by mysterious agents, the fake Zoro, Nami, Sogeking, Sanji & Franky were buried alive by the brothers, Albion & Doughty also were either captured by Sentomaru or judging from a large pile of bodies, killed & the brothers defected and escaped}}
* {{spoiler|[[Asshole Victim]]: None of them were particularly pleasant, but being buried alive is a terrible death}}.
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* [[Red Shirt]]: Many of them, expecially Lip Doughty and Albion.
* {{spoiler|[[The Starscream]]: Caribou & Coriboo only joined so they could kill the Straw Hates on the inside for fame}}.
* [[Too Dumb to Live]]: Sure, impersonate one of the most infamous pirate crews around gunned for by the world nobles and connected to the leader of the revolutionary army without even a fraction of the strength to back it up. That'll end well.
* [[Too Dumb to Live]].
=== New Fishmen Pirates ===
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They share Arlong's intense hatred for humans, because of the death of their former leader, Fisher Tiger. Since they have just been recently introduced, we do not know all that much about them and is a constant work-in-progress as the Fishman Island Arc continues.
* [[A Nazi by Any Other Name]]: A very intense hatred for humans {{spoiler|largely due to the negative influence of the environment they were living in. Arlong as well as countless human hating fishmen filled their heads with anti-human propogada, making them believe that it was their duty to deliver punishment to humans and human supporters. To really drive the point home, a part of their flashback reveals [http://www.mangareader.net/one-piece/644/7 them burning down a house of a fishman who had donated blood to save a human while wearing black masks.]}}
* [[Ascended Fanboy]]: The crew used to look up to Arlong and Fisher Tiger.
* [[Badass]]: Hyozou.
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* [[Berserk Button]]: They hate it when fishmen have a positve opinion on humans. Especially Hody.
** Ikaros hates even the reference fried squid, because {{spoiler|his friend Daidaros, a giant squid, burned to death in the sun}}. He also has pyrophobia because of it.
* [[Blade on a Stick]]: Ikaros wields eight of them, but are actually...
** [[X on a Stick]]: {{spoiler|Moisture-sucking squids as the tips!!}}
* [[Breath Weapon]]: Logically, Ikaros can spit ink at will.
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* [[The Comically Serious]]: Zeo.
* [[Completely Missing the Point]]: {{spoiler|Chapter 622 reveals that the crew was originally just a bunch of impressionable youths who were friends with each other, cheering when they heard of Fisher Tiger's exploits in Marejoia. They believed he did it to show the Fishmen's retribution to how they are treated by humans. While that's partly true, they also didn't get that Tiger actually freed the human slaves since he felt he couldn't just leave them in captivity, and was fighting oppression in general, not just the humans. Still, they then swore to dedicate themselves to violence towards humans wherever they find them when they grow up. Jones, in particular wanted to be Arlong's First Mate, even though Tiger often reprimanded Arlong for his brutality towards humans}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Curb Stomp Battle]]: None of the officers really manage to land a hit on the Straw Hats save for some minor inconveniences and, at best, are just able to keep up with them. Once the SH stopped playing around however and broke out the finishers. It was pretty much over in an instant.}}
* [[Defeat Means Friendship]]: Surume, who was beaten and tamed by Luffy.
* [[Defiant to the End]]: Even after {{spoiler|Hody's defeat}} they weren't willing to give up. {{spoiler|Even after aging rapidly they still won't give up.}}
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** Almost falls into [[I Reject Your Reality]]. Zeo is ''incapable'' of accepting that bad things happen to him, or that what he wants and what happen vary; he gets trampled by his henchmen and acts like nothing happened. Makes a [[Badass Boast]] to the Straw Hats only to be ignored, so he claims he was talking quietly.
* [[Invisibility]]: Not to the level Absalom has, but Zeo has natural camouflage abilities, like a Chameleon.
* {{spoiler|[[Irrational Hatred]] / [[Feeling Oppressed by Their Existence]]:}}
{{quote| {{spoiler|'''Fukaboshi:''' What the hell did those humans do to you!!?}}<br />
{{spoiler|'''Jones:''' ........[[Wham! Line|Nothing.]]}} }}
* [[Jerkass]] [[Knight Templar]]: While being as much of a monster as Arlong, they do genuinely seem to believe in a cause of hope for Fishmen than Arlong's passing rhetoric where money comes first over helping other Fishmen, but they are still massive assholes with little regard for humanity, {{spoiler|their own kind when they thinks they betrayed them, or even their own crewmates}}.
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* [[Spikes of Villainy]] In chapter 635 the Sea-Urchin Armor Spine Squad is composed by spiked fishmen wearing armors full of spikes.
* [[Stout Strength]]: Dosun seems to be a bit doughy.
* [[Stupid Evil]]: {{spoiler|Their cause has no real substance as, unlike Arlong, they don't have any experience to hate humans over. They were just told as kids to hate humans and grew up on that philosophy. Thus all their actions are just purely out of ignorance.}}
* [[Take Up My Sword]]: They seem to have embraced Tiger's negative politics and Arlong's.
* [[Tattooed Crook]]: All of them have modified "Mark of the Sun" tattos (their version has a decapitated human crossed off) of the original Fishman Pirates on them, and some have Arlong's Jolly Roger, too.
* [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]]: Delivered by {{spoiler|Hodi, Hyozou and Decken to Hatchan.}}
* [[Tunnel King]]: Daruma, by using his teeth.
* [[Verbal Tic]]: Ikaros and Dosun seem to inject their names into their sentences.
** And Hammond's laugh of "Hamohamohamo!".
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* [[Berserk Button]]: {{spoiler|Disrespect the late Queen Otohime, and Fukaboshi will grind your bones.}}
* [[Big Fun]]: Mamboshi
* [[Big Good]]: Of the Fishman Island Arc.
* [[Blade on a Stick]]: The Minister of the Right wields a huge trident-shaped Halbeard.
* [[Bunny Ears Lawyer]]: Ryuuboshi & Mamboshi are rather eccentric compared to their serious big brother.
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* [[Incredibly Lame Pun]]: Their troops, the Ammo Knights. Ammo is a short-hand word for "Ammonite", i.e. fossilized snails, which their armor looks like.
** Also, Neptune's Whale mount "Hoe" means Whale in Japanese.
* [[Hikikomori]]: Shirahoshi
* [[Large and In Charge]]: King Neptune.
* [[Let's Get Dangerous]]: {{spoiler|Fukaboshi took Jones' decision of forcing his subjects to commit ''Fumi-e'' (stepping on a image) on Otohime's image [[Berserk Button|really]] [[Megaton Punch|badly.]] }}
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* [[The Stoic]]: Fukaboshi.
* [[Taking the Bullet]]: When Hodi is attacking his soldiers, Neptune throws himself in the way of Hodi's water arrows. Hodi calls him a fool for doing this.
* [[The Ugly GuysGuy's Hot Daughter]]: While Neptune is [[Gonk|rather odd-looking]], Shirahoshi is very beautiful {{spoiler|(and HUGE!)}}.
* [[Verbal Tic]]: Ryuuboshi and Manboshi has these. Ryuuboshi speaks in scale, while Mamboshi talks.....well, like he's in a Mambo.
* [[Warrior Prince]]: The three brothers.
* {{spoiler|[[The Worf Effect]]: Neptune is defeated and bound offscreen by Zoro. Justified since he states that he's quite old and that the princes are stronger than him.}}
** Sadly, {{spoiler|the princes themselves are subjected to this in chapter 632. Apparently all 5 officers of the New Fishmen Pirates drugged and at once were too much to handle.}}
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair]]: Fukaboshi.
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* [[Prongs of Poseidon]]: Wielded by Aladdin, the ship's doctor.
* [[Tattooed Crook]]: So that no one could distinguish those who were and weren't slaves, each member had themselves branded with their crew emblem, which covered the slave mark on the slaves' bodies.
* [[Thou Shalt Not Kill]]: On Tiger's orders, none of them were allowed to kill.
* [[Token Evil Teammate]]: Arlong and his closest followers (Kuroobi and Choo) were this in the past. Macro and his pals were more like token jerkasses.
* [[Token Human]]: Koala.
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* [[Weaksauce Weakness]]: {{spoiler|According to Clown, Slime is very vulnerable to water. However, unlike many other blobs, trying to burn it will result in a massive explosion, as they're made of condensed gas.}}
* [[Winged Humanoid]]: Monet has wings in lieu of hands, and talons rather than legs. {{spoiler|In Chapter 666 she's shown without avian features, so she's either a fruit user or became a [[Mix and Match Critter]] thanks to Law.}}
* [[You Have Failed Me...]]: {{spoiler|Brownbeard got shot with a giant explosive gun by the Yeti Cool Brothers after he failed to kill the Straw Hats.}}
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