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* [[The Cameo]]: Hinted at by ''the tape'' in the original ''Evil Dead'': "''Saman sa'rob dar ees haikar dande roza''", this being derived from "Sam [Raimi] and Rob [Tapert] are hitchhikers on the road." Sure enough, if you paid attention five minutes into the film, Scott drove the Olds past a pair of idiotic-looking hitchhikers in fishing gear, both of whom turn to wave as the car sped by.
* [[The Cavalry]]: Henry the Red and his peoples.
* [[Canon Dis ContinuityDiscontinuity]]: ''Evil Dead'' and ''Evil Dead 2'' have a few differences, plotwise. The number of people headed to the cabin are different (five in the original, two in the sequel). However, this is a result of Sam Raimi not having the rights to show clips from the first movie. So he decided to recap the first film in abbreviated form instead, then continuing from the very end of the first {{spoiler|where Ash gets run into by the Evil-cam}}.
** Sam Raimi explains in the ''Evil Dead 2'' commentary that you can attach the Evil Dead 2 scene with Ash being attacked at daybreak to the first movie's ending, then remove Ash's arrival in medieval times from ''Evil Dead 2'', and then attach Ash's arrival from ''Army of Darkness'' onto it instead, and you'll have the single-continuity storyline he envisioned. He also said he feels sorry for anyone who'd sit through the resulting 6-hour movie (though many fans might disagree).
* [[Sword and Gun|Chainsaw And Shotgun]]
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