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== Comic Books ==
* This happens in the DCU every other week. It's amazing they even send journalists to cover it any more. "Oh look, it's Darkseid again. Wanna get some coffee while we wait for the superheroes to turn up?"
* The ''[[Lucifer (Comic Bookcomics)|Lucifer]]'' comic books, somewhat ironically, involved the Devil's efforts to ''prevent'' this. He was leaving the Creation before the world was starting to end. When the ending did start it threatened his second Creation as well as Yahweh's, so he pretty much had to help, or be destroyed. Though his principles kept him from saving the world the easiest way, by taking God's place, instead going through a [[Xanatos Roulette]] to put someone else in the role.
* Many a comic book [[Crisis Crossover]] has this as its premise, the archetype being ''[[Crisis on Infinite Earths]]'' (see below).
* Parodied in a Gahan Wilson comic showing a prophet of doom, his sign about the imminent end of the world under one arm, about to push down a dynamite plunger with its attached wires running off-panel. Apparently, the end of ''somebody's'' world is imminent!
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There in the sudden blackness the black pall<br />
Of nothing, nothing, nothing --- nothing at all. }}
* [[Orson Scott Card]]'s novel ''[[Pastwatch: theThe Redemption of Christopher Columbus]]'' takes place in an [[After the End]] world, where humanity (now numbering less than a billion) struggles to restore the ecology and reverse the effects of global warming. By all accounts, the results are promising. Except, as it turns out, the politicians are lying. The Amazon rainforest replanting project is failing due to the top-soil erosion, as is the Sahara restoration project. The Carolina dykes fail, allowing the rising ocean to sweep through the farmland. Humans around the world are using 100% of the arable land in all the world with less and less crops each year due to the increasing cloud cover (a result of the rising ocean levels). Without public knowledge, the politicians are keeping people ignorant of this, while dipping into the grain reserves to maintain the illusion. The weather satellites will eventually malfunction, but with more people being reassigned from factories to farms, they will not be replaced. The person who tells (and shows) all this to the protagonists sounds hopeful (although ironic) that Earth will, eventually, restore itself naturally. It's just that we, as a civilization, won't be around to appreciate it. Humanity is predicted to be thrown back to the Stone Age without the hope of recovery. Which is why the project meant to alter history has received every political support it can. Changing history means that this is still the case. The previous world is indeed gone.
* The goal of [[Lord of the Rings]] is to prevent the One Ring from falling into the hands of the Dark Lord Sauron who will use it to restore himself to full power, conquer the world and turn it into a living Hell.
** In ''[[The Silmarillion]]'', Sauron's master, Morgoth takes this to the next level, seeking to [[Omnicidal Maniac|completely destroy the entire universe]] because he's jealous that God created it and not him. Tolkien says that if Morgoth could, he would smash all of creation into dust and then hate the dust.
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* ''[[Treasure of the Rudra|Treasure of the Rudras]]'' pretty much followed this pattern of extinction of races about 5 times before the game actually begins; Every 4,000 years, a being called Rudra kills off the current race and creates a new one. {{spoiler|This turns out to be a plan established by Mitra: Creator of the world in order to create a race that can defeat invaders from destroying the world in the first place when she is defeated or unable to do her duty.}}
* In ''[[Star Ocean the Second Story]]'' the main antagonist plans on erasing the universe by causing the Big Crunch. {{spoiler|His plan goes through anyway even after you defeat him.}}
** And in ''[[Star Ocean: Till the End of Time]]'', the [[Big Bad]] intends to ''delete'' the Universe.
* In ''Novalogic'''s F-22 Lightning II, the last campaign has a collection of military and political extremist groups contesting the last Ukrainian election, with the intended result of re-creating the USSR. In the second to last mission US, Russian, Israeli, British and such intelligence have assured that even if they take a nuclear silo, they cannot reconfigure a new launch code. Now, not only have they taken one, but they have reconfigured the launch codes. Russian attempts to initiate self-destruct have failed. Their KGB sources no longer answer their phones. The world is only minutes from a nuclear holocaust.
* The Halos in the ''[[Halo]]'' video game series are weapons designed to wipe out all sentient life in the galaxy, i.e. The End Of The Galaxy As We Know It, to prevent [[The Virus|the Flood]] from spreading; naturally enough, when such an outbreak occurs in the first game, the [[Player Character]] has to stop the weapon from firing.
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* Every ''[[Shin Megami Tensei]]'' game (including the spinoffs) deals with this in some fashion or another.
** In one of those spinoffs, ''[[Persona 3]]'', the Main Character is explicitly told pretty much from the start that "the End" is coming soon. {{spoiler|If he chooses, he can delay it a couple of months and have it come without knowing it's coming. Or, he can go out fighting, but it's ultimately portrayed as futile. [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?|And then you win.]]}} {{spoiler|[[Broke Your Arm Punching Out Cthulhu|Kind of.]]}}
** In ''[[Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne]]'' (or {{spoiler|''Lucifer's Call''), the world ends after the first hour of gameplay and you spend the rest of the game rebuilding it while not getting ganked by the Demons who roam freely now.}} And the "true" ending {{spoiler|involves ending ''everything'' in order to destroy Heaven.}}
** In ''[[Digital Devil Saga]]'', another spinoff, not only does {{spoiler|the world of the Junkyard end at the end of the game}}, but {{spoiler|the real world that you end up in was half destroyed five years ago, and starts disintegrating into the sun halfway through the game. Your goal is to stop it.}}
** In ''[[Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey]]'' the Schwarzwelt swallows Earth in a few seconds if you die.
* There's a free online flash game ''[http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/360724 Pandemic]'' in which the player assumes control over a virus by spending evolution points on symptoms like fever or making the virus transmitted by air. The goal is to kill every single human on earth.
* This is at least part of the villain's plan in almost every ''[[Final Fantasy]]'' game.
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* The ''[[Resistance]]'' series on the [[PlayStation 3]] features [[The Virus]] systematically conquering and assimilating humanity in an alternate history setting.
* This is the goal of pretty much everyone in ''[[Ar tonelico|Ar Tonelico 2]]''. {{spoiler|There are two different [[Instrumentality]] plans: Ascension halfway through the game and Sublimation at the end. You yourself almost destroy the known world when you [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|screw up singing Metafalica]] early in the game, and at the end you have to destroy half of it in order to reveal the [[Very Definitely Final Dungeon]].}}
* In ''[[The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion]]'', the demonic lord Mehrunes Dagon seeks to destroy the mortal world, so the [[Player Character]] & Friends have to stop him. In the expansion pack, the player must save ''another'' world...from its own creator, who is insane and has an irresistible urge to destroy his creations every once in a while.
* In the sequel, ''[[The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim]]'', the [[Chosen One|Drago]][[Player Character|nborn]] must prevent the evil [[Big Bad|Alduin the World-Eater]] from resurrecting the long-extinct [[Instant Awesome, Just Add Dragons|dragons]] and then [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|eating the world and everyone in it]].
* ''[[Touhou]]'', in its eleventh game, finally featured a [[Big Bad]] who was actually willing to pull one of these off. She just happened to be a crow who was ''[[I Love Nuclear Power|powered by nuclear fusion, and turning the underworld into a new Sun]]''.
* Skarin from ''[[Viking: Battle for Asgard]]'' brings this about. Granted it's more the extremely uncomfortable variety but it still counts {{spoiler|since he unleashes Fenrir who kills the Gods thus bringing about the Norse version of the Apocalypse}}.
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* ''[[SCP Foundation]]'' catalogs these as "XK-class end-of-the-world scenarios," and has many [[Artifact of Doom|Artifacts Of Doom]] capable of triggering them.
* [http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/end This video]. You've probably seen it, it's the one with the nuclear holocaust and the fucking kangaroos.
* In the ''[[Orions Arm|Orion's Arm]]'' universe, the [[Grey Goo]] plague of the "Nanoswarm Era" destroys the original Terran civilization (although many humans, robots, and [[A Is]] sruvive to create new civilizations from the ashes). [[AI Is a Crapshoot|The Amalgamation]] is threatening to do it again, and more completely.
* In the flash game ''[http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/463278 Mastermind]'', this is your ultimate goal; the titular Mastermind forgets to tell his henchmen this rather important fact. When it comes time to push the button and end the world, they're understandably freaked out. Then hilariously parodied when the Mastermind, having made his escape into space, looks back on the debris of Earth and muses "Now what do I do? Hm, maybe I should've thought this out more."
* ''[[The Demented Cartoon Movie]]'' ends the world many times in a thirty minute stretch of time. Sometimes a series of worldwide nuclear explosions demolishes the planet itself. Sometimes the planet falls into the sun. Once, somebody just has to say a word that triggers the explosion of the planet.
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