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** One mutant power in particular ''literally'' runs on Technobabble: so-called "devisors" make up a Technobabble explanation on how the piece of wondertech they're building would work, and then impose new physical laws on the device so that it actually does work.
* Used copiously in animated sci-fi epic ''[[Broken Saints]]'', particularly by [[The Smart Guy|computer genius]] Raimi, which makes some of his stints as [[Mr. Exposition]] difficult to follow. Sometimes various field-specific jargon is thrown in just so we know writer Brooke Burgess has [[Shown Their Work|done the research]].
* The writers at ''[[OrionsOrion's Arm]]'' put a lot of work into producing plausible technobabble, the effect of this is that determining what parts they made up is pretty hard.
* ''[[Sailor Moon Abridged]]'', episode 31:
{{quote| '''[[The Unfavorite|Amy]]''': These readings are all weird, because we seem to be stuck in the time-space Nerf Gun continuum, and the only way out is if we make a pyramid out of-<br />
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