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* [[Subbing Versus Dubbing|Subs or dubs]]? Have at it, guys!
** And even more specifically for subs: translated vs. untranslated terms. Even MORE specifically, bring up TV-Nihon... especially among fans of ''[[Super Sentai]]'' and ''[[Kamen Rider]]''. Some fans appreciate the leaving in of certain terms for the sake of authenticity, others see untranslated terms as being a case of [[Too Long; Didn't Dub|laziness]] and/or being a weeaboo.
*** All of which [[Older Than They Think|predate the Internet]].
* [http://www.sankakucomplex.com/2010/12/13/tokyo-anime-manga-ban-passes/ Bill 156] (NSFW). 4chan, especially /a/, has been ''fuming'' over the ruling, which is understandable, considering the side effects it will cause. (For one, with all suggestive content being removed from shows aimed at children, which is [[Values Dissonance|surprisingly]] [[What Do You Mean It's for Kids?|a lot]], several animation studios will be bankrupted from having to relocate outside Tokyo, causing unemployment rates to skyrocket, harming the Japanese economy due to the impact on exporting anime and manga, fueling hostilities between traditionalist and otaku cultures in Japan, leading to civil unrest, and... well maybe it won't be ''that'' bad... or will it?).
** Looking at [http://www.animenewsnetwork.comcc//news/2011-05-16/1st-manga-to-be-restricted-by-revised-tokyo-law-listed the first list of restricted anime and manga], it seems like it's only going after the worst offenders.
* In general, Anime and Manga and its position when it comes to [[Animation Age Ghetto]] can rile up [[Flame War|Flame Wars]]s. On one end, go up to any Anime forum and say any variation of "Anime is nothing more than cartoons from Japan". If you're lucky, you might make it out of there alive before the Anime fan strangles you. Even better, point out that the Japanese themselves don't classify "anime" as different from other forms of animation, and that the "distinction" between Japanese animation and so-called "Western" animation exists primarily in the opinions of the American fans and see how far that gets you.
** Likewise, go to a non-Anime related forum and simply start a discussion about Anime and Manga, or any given show, and you will get at least one person that will bash you and your taste in media, and that [[And That's Terrible|you are watching stuff for kids]] or nothing but hentai and naughty tentacles. And yes, despite all the cries for [[Animation Age Ghetto]] to stop, this even happens on [[TV Tropes]].
** Also, just causally mention that people in Japan are ''not'' as into Anime/Manga as one would think or that only "Weeaboos" think people in Japan like Anime. If you're lucky, you'll manage to survive with only a few minor burns from the ensuing flames.
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** Speaking of ''[[Mobile Suit Gundam Wing|Gundam Wing]]'', mention Relena to a [[Yaoi Fangirl]], and watch her foam at the mouth!
** If you wanna stir some ''[[Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny|Gundam SEED Destiny]]'' wank, just ask: Who is Athrun's [[Unwanted Harem|One True Love]]? "CAGALLI IS THE ONLY FEMALE GOOD ENOUGH FOR HIM [[Real Women Never Wear Dresses|BECAUSE SHE'S NOT AN ICKY GIRLY GIRL]]!" -- "Meyrin is just too cute, Cagalli [[Chickification|lost her coolness because she doesn't punch men anymore]] so should die in a fire already!" -- "Meer is a whooooore" -- "Meer is a Woobieeeee!" -- [[Yaoi Fangirl|"He should smooch Kira liekritenao, so stfu!"]]
** Any remotely-positive comment about ''[[Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny|Gundam SEED Destiny]]'', its head writer, director, Lacus Clyne and/or Kira Yamato in the vicinity of other series' Gundam fans, especially fans of Gundam in the UC continuity.
*** Mention that you actually like Shinn Asuka, Rey za Burrel, or Gilbert Durandal, and prepare to have people (even on this wiki) rant at you for being an idiot who didn't understand the plot and has crappy taste.
** In regards to ''[[Mobile Suit Gundam 00]]''... Did {{spoiler|Ali rape Kinue before he killed her}}? Was {{spoiler|Louise's brutal killing of Nena}} justified? {{spoiler|Is Lyle a pale shadow of his twin brother Neil and doesn't deserve the name of "Lockon Stratos"}}? Was {{spoiler|the whole [[Fan Nickname|"pixie dust"]] scene}} an [[Ass Pull]]? Either way, don't ask. ''Really, don't''.
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** Never say a bad word about the Universal Century, or point out the Gundams in it are just as "Hax" as some of the ones in other continuities, they will ''Crucify'' you.
** Also UC related, go on a forum and ask whether or not {{spoiler|Char and Amuro died}} at the end of ''[[Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack|Chars Counterattack]]''. This seems to be a particular [[Berserk Button]] on MAHQ, mainly because [[Never Heard That One Before|they're tired of hearing it]].
** Mentioning ''[[Mobile Suit Gundam AgeAGE]]'', especially on /m/, even before the show started ''airing''. Prepare for diatribes about [[Merchandise-Driven|toy commercials]] and how Hino and Level 5 make [[Inazuma Eleven|"poorly written schlock"]] that is [[Danball Senki|"written for little kids."]]
** On the other side of the fence, there will be someone wanting to make it like New ''[[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined(2004 TV series)|Battlestar Galactica]]'' or "Insert cynical science fiction here". That tends to drag out a burning debate as there are also people who think trying to be "mature" is bad for gundam.
* The great "is downloading fansubs immoral/evil/going to destroy the animation industry as we know it?" debate in anime fandom. Especially dangerous to mention at [[Anime News Network]]. And while you're at it, it's also better that you don't mention [[Geneon]] or [[ADV Films]] as well.
** And for an entirely different subject concerning fansubs: Mention OtaKing when discussing (the quality of) fansubs then run, run away unless you're a masochist.
Line 41 ⟶ 42:
** In regards to ''[[The Movie|Conqueror of Shamballa]]'', ask whether the "real world" people are or not alternate versions of Greed or Archer. Flames ensue.
** Want to send just about any anime forum (and some non-anime ones) into apocalyptic rage? Mention that you don't like FMA ''at all''. Bonus points if you compare it to one of [[Naruto|The]] [[Bleach|Big]] [[One Piece|Three]] while doing so.
* Fans of [[Bowdlerise|Bowdlerised]]d or [[Cut and Paste Translation]] dubs tend to draw a lot of ire. Especially volatile is the debates over the merit of ''[[Robotech]]''.
** Even [[Woolseyism]] style translations get targeted. Argue the merits of changing ''Pokémon'' names for other markets and get people who claim the only real names are the Japanese ones.
* The rift between the people who think ''[[Naruto]] Shippuden'' is good and the people who think it is not. Seriously, sparks start flying whenever someone ''mentions'' the series.
Line 51 ⟶ 52:
** For even greater lulz, bring up how Women are treated on Naruto ''anywhere'', flames will burn - even though most people are in agreement that being a woman in Naruto SUCKS. But there's always going to be the one person that agrees with the treatment of them - they'll send Orochimaru and Madara after them.
*** Go up to the "fandom feminists" and even ''question'' their constant bashing of the female characters ("Sakura is the worst character ever, even worse than Madara and Orochimaru!" "Hinata is a fat and weak bitch who doesn't deserve Naruto!" "All the women in Naruto are (re: useless, whores, bitches, sluts) and should either die or not exist!" "KISHIMOTO HATES WOMEN!") That will be the death of you. Double if you're a female yourself or a feminist embarrassed by their absolute screeching hate of any Naruto female.
** Asking "Why is Naruto such a crap Anime" on an anime forum gets three different responses; non-fans saying it is, fans saying it isn't and a third group that actually look at the question and point out its foibles & short comings, and try to answer it logically and factually. The first and second group will fight like hell, and the third inevitably joins in, and can take either side. Posting in the form of a question is best as it is open-ended; anyone can add any reason at all to like or dislike it. Also, the resulting [[Flame War|Flame Wars]]s can look accidental (almost). For extra rage, toss up ''[[Dragon Ball|DragonBall Z]]'' or even ''[[Hamtaro]]'' into the mix, suggesting that they are better animes.
*** Bonus points if you dare to say ''[[One Piece]]'' is a better than ''[[Naruto]]''.
** What, did we forget Shikamaru vs. Hidan? Shikamaru is either a super genius who should be the real protagonist, or a [[Jerkass Stu]] as well as a walking [[Broken Aesop]] ("[[Revenge]] is bad? What's that?"). Hidan is either an [[Faux Affably Evil]] [[Laughably Evil|and hilarious bastard]] who provides great interactions with his partner Kakuzu, or a super [[Complete Monster]] whom you aren't even allowed to appreciate as a character. Put fangirls of these two in the same breathing space and get ready for spectacular [[Internet Backdraft]].
** Just mention the fight between Sasuke and Deidara. The resulting inferno will have Deidara praising you AS A GOD!!!!!
** [[The Reveal]] that the Rinnegan, the eyes that were exclusive to Nagato at the time {{spoiler|was yet another Sharingan upgrade}} didn't sit well with a lot of fans.
Line 63 ⟶ 64:
* In the 5D fandom, being a Crow fan is hell.
** Also, don't cross paths with faithful Faithshippers!
** Added: If you do not side with Carly in the [[Official Couple|Carly]]-[[Bodyguard Crush|Mikage]]-[[Rule of Three|Stephanie]]-[[Cannot Spit It Out|Jack]] love pyramid, you have proclaimed to the world you want to die. And that's even ''excluding'' the ''[[Yaoi Fangirl|KingCrab Shippers]]''.
* Go to any ''[[One Piece]]''-related forum or community and say something about "Zolo". Then run, if you value your skin.
** The same reaction will occur if you use just about ''any'' of the names of ''anything'' from the 4Kids version.
** Say that ''Bleach'' or ''Naruto'' have better art. And the flames will be there for long.
** For that matter, saying that One Piece isn't the best [[Shonen]] series and that it has its share of flaws is likely to land you flames.
** Even ''implying'' that you think one character may have a serious thing for another, even for non-insane or [[Most Fanfic Writers Are Girls|non-fanbratty reasons]], often guarantees trouble. It doesn't matter if you're not even really a shipper; you're still going to upset at least some people who seriously hate the idea of romance in the story.
** Is "haki" a new kind of [[Mana]] or just [[Pure Awesomeness]] applied to willpower?
* Just try to spout an anti-anime opinion and watch yourself rack up those one star ratings.
** And conversely, mention that you like anime on some non-anime boards/sites. Much less a flame war than it is unbridled carnage....
* Bizarrely enough, ''[[Blue Gender]]'' is the source of much backdraft. Mention it on [[Image Boards|/a/]], it turns into a flame war between people who think it's a mindless ripoff of ''[[Starship Troopers (novel)|Starship Troopers]]'' and people who loved it because it had [[Fan Service|boobs]] and [[Humongous Mecha]]. Mention it on [[Game FAQsGameFAQs|Other Titles]], and you get trolled for not blindly hating anything made by [[MD Geist|Koichi]] [[Genocyber|Ohata]], or watching something that isn't from the current season.
* Attempt to debate the morality (or lack thereof) of '''any''' character in ''[[Code Geass]]'' (except maybe the cat), and you're sure to see some fireworks. Alternately, compare Lelouch to [[Death Note|Light Yagami]], Suzaku to [[Mobile Suit Gundam SEED|Kira Yamato]], or say that you enjoyed the Ashford-centric episodes.
** Debates on who is the best pilot (Specifically Suzaku vs Kallen) tend to end in flame wars. ''Especially'' regarding their final battle in the [[Grand Finale]].
Line 86 ⟶ 87:
** Is this a dancing anime?
* Do ''not'' mention [[Fushigi Yuugi|Nuriko's sexuality]], especially in terms of his dealings with Miaka. Or the subject of whether or not Miaka counts as a [[Canon Sue]]. The resulting wank will give you a headache.
** Even better/worse: Mention Nakago. Then RUN AWAY.
* ''[[Hellsing]]'' TV series. Just say those 3 words on a ''Hellsing'' forum, and wackiness ensues. Try saying that it's better than the [[OVA|OVAs]]s, that there should've been a second season, the characters were better and the other media ruined them, etc. There used to be a very vocal TV fanbase, but most of them disappeared after OVA III (the series split its continuity before that part).
** Oh, and say that [[Bifauxnen|Integra]] is a nice guy, but a bit too feminine for a man. It always divides fans between humorous and irate. Mostly irate.
** Also, just casually mention [[Ship-to-Ship Combat|Alucard/Integra VS Seras/Integra VS Alucard/Seras]] and see what happens. On second thought, don't.
Line 101 ⟶ 102:
** The [[Ship-to-Ship Combat]] is getting bigger and bigger. With the expected [[Flame War|flame wars]]. America/England vs. Russia/America vs. France/England vs. England/Japan vs. England/Portugal? Greece/Japan vs. Greece/Turkey? Hungary/Austria vs. Hungary/Prussia vs. Hungary/Turkey vs. Hungary/Romania vs. Hungary/Poland? Russia/Lithuania vs. Poland/Lithuania? Poland/Lithuania vs. Poland/Ukraine? Germany/Prussia vs. Germany/North Italy vs. Germany/Austria? China/Japan vs. China/Taiwan vs. Taiwan/Japan vs. Taiwan/Hong Kong? Spain/Romano vs. Spain/Belgium vs. Spain/Netherlands? France/Canada vs. Prussia/Canada vs. Canada/Cuba? Sweden/Finland vs. Sweden/Denmark? Denmark/Norway vs. Norway/Iceland vs. Hong Kong/Iceland? America/England vs. EVERY other ship? Pick your poison. (The last one in particular has caused more wank than all the other combats put together.)
** Then there was the ''tsunami'' of internet outrage when a group of Germany, Prussia and Austria cosplayers did a Nazi salute just ''minutes'' from a Holocaust memorial. [[Fee Fi Faux Pas|On Passover]]. This is not helping ''anyone's'' case any AT ALL.
*** Evidence on this can still be found on [[Live JournalLiveJournal]] in the Hetalia community, since this happened at the start of April 2009.
** Try asking about the countries personified as females in a discussion on gender roles. Watch both sides tear each other apart in arguing whether Hetalia is sexist or not to its females, or even if the countries they represent have as much significance as "First World" nations like America. [[It Got Worse|It gets worse]]. [[Take a Third Option|Taking a third option]] might also not be very wise if the particular discussion is already heated.
*** Even better if you discuss the girls in regards to [[Shipping Wars]]. Is it valid to have them paired up, or would it kill their personalities? Do they become insta [[Relationship Sue|Relationship Sues]]s if they have boyfriends and would be better off alone - and preferently, ''[[Het Is Ew|completely]]'' [[Het Is Ew|out of the picture]] (so the boys can bone each other better)? ''Which'' guy should be The Chosen One? (re: Hungary/Austria vs. Hungary/Prussia vs. Hungary/Romania, Taiwan/Japan vs. Taiwan/Hong Kong vs. Taiwan/Korea vs. Taiwan/China, Belgium/Netherlands vs. Belgium/Spain vs. Belgium/Romano)? And what about [[Les Yay]]: a convenient third option to have both girls ''and'' slashy goodness, or mere fetishization and oversexualisation? Oh, giiiiiiiirl.
** Mention the old version of the main storyline's third chapter, (''G-R Nonaggression Pact?''). See Russian and German fans tear each other down over the ''original'' one [[Old Shame|which Himaruya deleted and remade]] because of the [[Unfortunate Implications]].
** ''Botticelli's Erotic Painting'': Post the translated strips to this old deleted story or ask people their opinions on its content. The fans will tear each other down over whether it was a satire on the effect of banning erotica, if the author was using it as an excuse to showcase a [[Shotacon]] fantasy, or if it's okay to be offended or not in general. France and Spain's behavior alone in the strip is also a very divisive matter among fans as to whether it should still be counted as "canon" or not.
** Now that the dub cast has been released, ask about [[Vic Mignogna]] being cast as [[Bi the Way|Greece.]] Have fun by watching [[Yaoi Fangirl|Yaoi Fangirls]]s screaming atop of their lungs and dissolving in utter, incoherent, but more or less understandable rage, considering Vic's... "polemic" stance on his characters' sexualities ([[Have I Mentioned I Am Heterosexual Today?|"They like girls, like I do!"]]).
*** On that note, Vic in general can be a rather... controversial topic. Either he's an absolutely awesome voice actor who should be revered and is always right even when he's not, or he is an absolutely horrible gayhater of a monster who should die and NEVER touch the [[Yaoi Fangirl|Yaoi Fangirls]]s' fandoms. Try to [[Take a Third Option]], such as explaining that people are allowed to ship (and do in [[Real Life]]) whatever they want, he just always chooses to interpret his characters as straight, and enjoy being eaten alive by both sides.
*** Once the dub voice of England was released, the [[They Changed It, Now It Sucks|outrage over the dub voices grew]], along with rage against liberties in the script and FUNimation calling him "Britain" (by request of the Japanese publisher), which is technically correct, but fandom has gotten used to calling him England. Asking about his voice or the name change will only generate more of a [[Flame War|flamewar]].
*** The dub itself has become a [[Rated "M" for Money|controversial subject]] of discussion due to its massive script rewrites which FUNimation claimed were necessary and [[Crosses the Line Twice|"purposely offensive"]] to reach a wider audience. The results of bringing up this subject are a lot more loaded than any [[Shipping]] debate; The Hetalia fans that love the dub, the fans that hate the dub, and even the haters of Hetalia itself will tear each other to shreds.
** Even within the fandom, the question of where to draw the line can get heated. When it comes to real warfare, natural disasters, political strife; what is or isn't appropriate cosplay attire; even the shipping of nations with especially bloody histories (such as Germany/Poland, China/Japan), there is no easy answer.
* Go to a ''[[Berserk]]'' [http://skullknight.net forum populated mostly by guys] and declare that you think Griffith is gay or bisexual and prepare to have people defend his manly honor (and don't even ''think'' about mentioning Guts). Mention that you think Griffith ''isn't'' gay on a [[Live JournalLiveJournal|forum populated mostly by girls]] and watch the heads roll as they accuse you of being homophobic and/or hating yaoi as a whole, no matter what your stance on [[Real Life]] LGBT businesses are.
** Call Casca a whore, and declare your own death to such people.
* Talk about [[4Kids! Entertainment|4Kids]]. Period. If you have a death wish, mention that you don't think the dub of [insert any show that 4Kids worked on here] was all that bad and/or that the [[Fan Dumb|fans are dumb]] for getting so worked up over something so stupid. Even the most civilized board or chat room will dogpile you.
Line 124 ⟶ 125:
* Something similar happened in reaction to episode 9 of ''[[Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt|Panty and Stocking With Garterbelt]]'', all because Stocking (gasp!) ''dared'' to fall in love! {{spoiler|With a Ghost, no less.}} It's rather ironic that ''she's'' labeled as a slut for that, all while Panty gets to sleep with almost anything with a Y chromosome.
** Speaking of ''Panty And Stocking'', mention anything about {{spoiler|[[The Stinger]]}} and prepare to run. FAST.
* Mention that any ''[[Jo JoJoJo's Bizarre Adventure|Jo Jos Bizarre Adventure]]'' villain is better than Dio and flames are the least of your worries. Better yet, suggest that Kira Yoshikage or Diego Brando are better specifically and have fun.
* Go to any ''[[Death Note]]''-related site or forum, and dare to say you liked it when {{spoiler|L died}}. The fangirls will rip your legs apart if you don't run away fast enough.
** Say that you didn't mind the ending or that you like any bit of the dreaded second arc. Watch out for the flamethrowers.
Line 174 ⟶ 175:
** Don't ask about ethnicity in ''Bleach'', especially in the case of Yoruichi. What's especially disturbing about this is the number of people who don't just disagree, but are violently opposed, '''offended''' in fact, at the suggestion [[Ambiguously Brown|that Yoruichi may be black.]] [[Unfortunate Implications|Wonder what their problem is?]]
* ''[[Corrector Yui]]''. The manga/anime had so many divided opinions that if you ever bring such name in certain anime forums, there'll be the ones that liked both seasons, ones that only liked one of them, and the ones that despise Corrector Yui like it's a 4-Kids dub, but made in Japan. To have a slight idea, even in Japan such backdraft happens, and some manage to call Yui an "indecent harlot", and say that was Kia Asamiya's second biggest error (some of them claim that his biggest error was to convert [[Batman]] into a manga, without the things that would make ''normal'' Japanese people think he was a villain).
* Just try to go into any ''[[Mahou Sensei Negima]]'' or ''[[MaiMy-HiME]]'' fan board and say you don't like Natsuki/Shizuru and/or Konoka/Setsuna pairings, regardless of your overall sexual views. Or that you like Yuiichi Tate and Shiho Munakata. Or that you like the Hime manga, in which, among other changes, Natsuki is pursuing Yuuichi instead of a [[Celibate Hero]] who may return Shizuru's feelings for her. Or any of the ''Negima'' anime adaptations (other than the Ala Alba/Another World [[OVA|OVAs]]s). On second thought, you'd better not, for your own sake.
** Heaven help you if you bring up ''Negima'''s [[Live Action Adaptation]]...
* How do you properly pronounce [[Dragon Ball|Saiyan]] again? This question can be used to unlock the gates of Hell.
Line 194 ⟶ 195:
* And on /m/ you're best not [[Fan Wank|to bring up]] whether or not Yoko from ''[[Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann]]'' "counts" as a main character.
** People who like Kamina get bashed for being fanboys. People who like Simon get bashed for not recognising how GAR Kamina is. Don't bring up the possibility of Viral being a better character. And don't you even ''think'' of mentioning Rossiu either.
** Try this: [[Hype Backlash|post that you don't like the series at all]].
* Post an [[Netorare|NTR]] pretty much anywhere on 4chan. /h/ is optimal, but it'll get a reaction even in /a/.
** Alternately, post [[Yotsuba&!]] porn. '''Especially''' that one doujin where she's aged up. Even ''/d/'' will come after you.
Line 203 ⟶ 204:
* Thanks to Gorespammer's ''long'' trolling/reverse-trolling campaign, it has become virtually impossible to seriously discuss ''[[Bakemonogatari]]'' on /a/.
** As well as questioning the state of anime and how it has gotten "stale". You will be considered pathetic.
* Also Visual Novel Adaptations like ''[[Clannad (visual novel)|Clannad]]'' and ''[[Umineko no Naku Koro ni]]'' are impossible to discuss without an image spammer scouring the thread.
* When ''[[Umineko no Naku Koro ni]]'' was adapted from a series of sound novels into an anime, it was received pretty negatively among fans of the original. Just try and go on any forum or even [[YouTube]] comments and mention that you thought the anime was alright. Or better yet, say that the anime is ''superior'' than the sound novels, or anything positive about Studio Deen.
** ''[[Higurashi no Naku Koro ni]]'' gets hit with this too, but not as often or intensely.
Line 209 ⟶ 210:
* Go find any ''[[Katekyo Hitman Reborn]]'' fans that you can, and casually bring up whether 8059 is better than 5927 or not.
** Do not ever mention any pairing on any ''Reborn!'' related forum, if you want to stay alive.
* Bang Zoom! Enterntainment CEO Eric P. Sherman started a massive [[Internet Backdraft]] when he [http://www.animenewsnetwork.comcc//news/2010-04-26/ceo/bang-zoom-to-cease-anime-dubbing-in-2011-without-fan-support commented] that Bang Zoom! would stop dubbing anime in 2011 without fan support and that the anime industry is dying. It also sparked the old [[Subbing Versus Dubbing]] debate again due to the fact that he blamed fansubs for this.
** Bandai did [http://www.animenewsnetwork.comcc//industry-comments/bandai-entertainment-anncast ease the backdraft a bit] saying that his comments doesn't relate to the state of the anime industry except for the cease dubbing part and Bandai might resort to releasing sub-only anime if this continues.
* Want to start a [[Flame War]] amongst the ''[[Soul Eater]]'' fans? Just mention you don't like/hate [[Ensemble Darkhorse|Death The Kid]].
** [[Viewer Gender Confusion|"Is Chrona]] [[Ambiguous Gender|a boy or girl?"]] And...cue the ensuing flame war.
Line 222 ⟶ 223:
** /a/ has already given up on this in official translations, but is it [[Macekre]] or [[Woolseyism]] when a fansubbing group translates around [[Honorifics]]? The flame will burn forever.
* In the [[Project A-ko]] fandom, bringing the main girls' sexual orientation into question will lead to a [[Fan Wank|long debate between the fans]], with opinions ranging from "They're totally lesbians who want to get into each other's panties" to "They're perfectly straight girls who simply haven't found their men, you sick fuck." Also, any topic with C-ko as the main focus may cause a stir, especially if it's sexual, due to being [[The Scrappy|the most]] [[Base Breaker|controversial character]] in the series.
* Do you prefer a [[Tomboy and Girly Girl|feminine anime girl over a tomboyish one]]? Never say it, even if you ARE fond of both of them and just happen to like the girly girl better. The "feminist fans" will immediately accuse you of stuff like "hating on strong women", "fetishizing females", "being a horny and sexist fanboy" (even if you're ''female''), [[Real Women Never Wear Dresses|"setting back feminism 50 years"]], etc.
** And if we go to love triangles, let's add "how dare you think that the tomboy shouldn't get the guy she may or may not be interested in?! YOU'RE ANTI FEMINIST!?". [[Bleach|Ichigo/Rukia fangirls]] are specially infamous for this one.
** If you pick the tomboy instead? '''You're not safe, either!''' There's this other group who will dogpile you for preferring her, because that apparently means that you hate femininity and view it as weak/wrong/annoying.
* Want a good money sink? Discuss any anime (Ore No Imouto for example) that is remotely [[Brother-Sister Incest|incest related]] and [[Something Awful|Zorak]] will ban you.
* ''[[Tenchi Muyo!]]''. Whatever you do, ''never'' mention that you liked the 3rd OVA. Or ''[[Tenchi Muyo! GXP]]''. Or ''[[Tenchi in Tokyo]]''. Or the movie ''Tenchi Forever''. Or any of the ''[[Pretty Sammy]]'' spinoffs. Come to think of it, just don't ever mention ''Tenchi Muyo'' on any kind of message board.
Line 239 ⟶ 240:
**** For example, say you liked [[The Scrappy|Hannah Anafeloz]] on any of the ''[[Black Butler]]'' forums. You'll be banned in an hour.
**** Or say that you approved of {{spoiler|Claude killing Alois}}. '''THE FLAMES, THEY BURN!'''
** Even better: bring up Grell Sutcliffe. More exactly: is Grell a female-to-male [[TranssexualTranssexualism]], or merely a [[Camp Gay]] male? Oh boy, minefields aplenty.
* ''[[Inuyasha]]'' has tons of these when it comes to pairings [[Unpleasable Fanbase|IN GENERAL]]. Just bring up InuKag or InuKik. They will ''murder'' you.
** You don't even need to being up Inu/Kag or Inu/Kik, man. Sesshoumaru/Rin vs. Sess/Kagura? It will never ever die. ''Specially'' after a rabid trio of Sess/Rin shippers came out (or more exactly, a rabid Sess/Rin shipper and [[Girl Posse|two "minions" that parroted everything she said]]) and left everyone '''mindfucked''' with [[Lolicon]] related antics. The less said, the better.
** Also, there's not even the need of bringing Inuyasha himself into this. Just ask about the merits of Kagome and Kikyou as characters and you'll have a truly epic flame war in your hands. Is Kagome a stressed girl who was thrust into a really rocky situation and tries to deal like a normal person would, or a whiny [[Mary Sue]] who bitches way too much and gets away with shit that others wouldn't? Is Kikyou a selfcentered bitch who'll throw everyone under the bus to get what she wants, or a truly [[Broken Bird]] who has gone through way too much crap in both of her lives? Bring on the firefighters!
** Even easier! Ask anyone if Naraku is a [[Villain Sue]] or not. You'll be dead in minutes.
Line 254 ⟶ 255:
* It's best not to wonder what the ''[[Wandering Son]]'' characters sexualities are. Also, similar to [[Yotsuba&!]], posting or even mentioning porn - or sexuality period - of the characters isn't well received (especially on /a/).
* ''[[Tiger and Bunny]]''. We dare you to say you don't like [[Hero Protagonist|Kotetsu]]; rest assured, you'll be dead in five seconds flat.
** Or go make a [[Deuteragonist|Barnaby]] fan site in view of a Kotetsu fan...and watch them start screaming at each other within the next second.
** Also, never EVER ask if Nathan aka Fire Emblem is [[TranssexualTranssexualism]] or not. It's for your own sake.
* [[Moe]] as a whole has become one of the most divisive topics of discussion within the anime fan/otaku community in the last decade. Is it a genre? An aesthetic? Both? Neither? Many fans of more action-oriented fare have come to hate moe (and the closely related [[Harem Genre|harem]] and [[Slice of Life]] shows that have become very popular among a sizeable segment of the otaku community) for [[Ruined FOREVER|"ruining modern anime"]] and act as though moe shows are the worst thing that's ever happened to anime or, in extreme cases, humanity as a whole. And let's not even get into the big question: whether moe encourages the objectification and submission of women (and is thus misogynistic) or not. Of course, many of the people who do claim it's misogynistic are the same people who loudly praise more action-oriented and/or plot-heavy fare, so some of its loudest critics on the misogyny topic may really just be pissed off about there not being as many action or shows as they'd like...
** [http://thegreyghost.net/2011/05/03/method-to-madness-podcast-clannad This review]{{Dead link}} of ''[[Clannad (visual novel)|Clannad]]'' is a good example of the above overlap between the people who cry misogyny and the "pissed off action anime fans complaining about shows that lack explosions" communities. The same site has heeps of praise for more action-oriented anime, some of which have their share of misogyny...
* Say that you do NOT necessarily think ''[[Revolutionary Girl Utena]]'' is the most important, groundbreaking, perfect, complex and '''''unique''''' [[Shoujo]] series ever. Prepare to be slain by the ''Utena'' fandom.
** Try bringing up the '''four''' different ''Utena'' canons: the TV series, the manga by Chiho Saitou, the ''Adolescence Mokushiroku'' movie, and the manga based on [[The Movie]]. Within seconds, fans that support one of these medias will try to murder the fans who prefer the others. In particular, may God help you if you happen to prefer the first manga over the series; in fact, having a positive opinion of Saitou at all can get you slapped by those who think she's a homophobic so-and-so.
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