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** Occasionally the teacher would admit from the get-go that that was what was going on. When Goku first went to train with King Kai, he found that the gravity was so impressively strong that he could barely move (precisely, ten times the gravity of Earth). King Kai told Goku that he'd be ready to train when he could catch Bubbles the monkey, and later, use a mallet to hammer Gregory the cricket on the head - because, obviously, it'd mean that he'd strengthened enough that he could move well enough in the high gravity for the training to be any good.
*** The gravity of Kai's world was also the same as that of the planet Vegeta, homeworld of the enemies Goku was training to fight. As Kai noted, Goku would never be a match for them if he couldn't handle the same gravity they did.
* Ranma's training in ''[[Ranma One Half½|Ranma 1/2]]'' ''started'' here and escalated to [[Training From Hell|lunatic levels of difficulty and danger]].
** Ranma's rival Ryoga also undergoes this type of training, in the form of swinging boulders at him to learn the rock-crushing Bakusai Tenketsu technique. As it turns out, Bakusai Tenketsu ''only'' works against rigid objects like rocks, but getting hit repeatedly by swinging boulders eventually makes the fighter [[Nigh Invulnerability|Nigh Invulnerable]]. Oh, and Cologne taught the technique to Ryoga specifically so that [[Batman Gambit|Ranma would get paranoid (''He'll be able to kill me with just one finger!''), train on his own to be super-good at dodging, and as a consequence become a better suitor for her granddaughter's hand.]]
** A [[Filler]] episode has Kuno trying to get the ingredients for Happosai's "speed of light elixir" where the actual training was getting the notes with the formula hidden in places he has to be really fast to get away with without getting beaten (girl's locker rooms, clothes lines). The training made him faster but the formula wasn't just worthless, it made him ''weaker'' and sick because it was made from the dirt under Happosai's nails.
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