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Siren (video game): Difference between revisions

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* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]: In the second game, {{spoiler|when Mamoru Itsuki washes up on the cursed island he wished to investigate, he sees a strange woman, who appears to be extremely sensitive to light, and tells him her mother is imprisoned on the island, and asks for his help, implying that the first person she asked met a bad fate. They're then attacked by a (or I should say ''the'') Shibito. As they explore the island, the woman demonstrates strange powers, and when Mamoru finds what looks like a very large fish scale, she tells him it comes from her mother. To cap it all off, it turns out that opening the mother's prison involves opening seven magical seals keeping her bound beneath the island. Does Mamoru find ''anything'' at all suspicious about all this? Nope! So he opens the gate keeping an [[Eldritch Abomination]] from escaping to ravage the earth. Fortunately he finds a way to temporarily close it, but tons of Yamirei escape.}}
* [[Nigh Invulnerable]]: Present in both games. In the first, the Shibito take a lot more damage than a normal person would, and when they finally get knocked out, curl up and stay down for anywhere from a couple of minutes for the non-evolved Shibito to about fifteen seconds for the evolved ones. {{spoiler|At one point Shiro Miyata does vivisections on the Shibito-fied Onda sisters...[[Squick|while they're still squirming and screaming. In spite of having their organs taken out and analyzed, they're good as new within no time.]] The only thing that can permanently destroy a Shibito is being set aflame by the Uryen.}} In the second, it seems endemic to Yamajima Island that people who die there come back to life as nigh-invulnerable Shibito or Yamibito if they aren't stabbed with a Mekkoju branch upon death.
* [[No Export for You]]: Since the first game did so badly in the U.S., the second was only released in Europe and Japan.
* [[Non-Lethal KO]]: No matter how hard you beat down a shibito, they always get right back up a short time later.
* [[Not Quite the Right Thing]]: In the second game, Yorito Nagai sees Takeaki Misawa, his SDF superior {{spoiler|(who has been acting increasingly unstable)}} holding Ichiko Yagura at gunpoint. {{spoiler|So he shoots him in the back. This comes back to bite him twofold. see [[The Corruption]] and [[Our Zombies Are Different]].}}
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