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Dethroning Moment of Suck (Darth Wiki)/Western Animation/Family Guy: Difference between revisions

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(Posted one of my DMOSes from TV Tropes)
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** Merlock: Oh, you're missing half of the problems! For one, how is the mayor "banning" gay marriage? At the time this episode aired, gay marriage wasn't legal in Rhode Island yet--an inaccuracy that exists just to subtly make his side more "villainous." Secondly, Jasper and his boyfriends are the biggest stereotypes ever, and the most "romantic" thing about their relationship is Jasper making a sex joke. They don't even talk to each other (because the Fillipino can't speak English and Jasper makes no sign of speaking Spanish)--their relationship is as shallow as a puddle, so cares whether or not they can get a tax break for their zoophilia? And third, Lois is convinced to support gay marriage because Brian holds somebody at gunpoint. ...[[Big "What?"|WHAT?!]] What sense does that make?! Her [[Insane Troll Logic|logic]] is that "he feels really strongly about this" so he must be right--that's idiotic! Brian is committing an act of terrorism right now! If gay marriage is right, it's right; if it's wrong, it's wrong. The fact that somebody (particularly somebody who's not even gay) "feels really strongly" about it does not prove their side is right! (Put another way--if the mayor was trying to legalize gay marriage and Brian put a gun to his head to stop it, would he be right then?) And then there was a "joke" about Elizabeth Smart, the [[Ripped from the Headlines|real-life]] girl who was kidnapped by a crazy cultist for more than a year. The punchline is that she's horribly traumatized from repeatedly being raped. [[Dude, Not Funny|...Fuck you in hell, writers]]. Seriously. (N.B.: the real Elizabeth Smart seems to have, thankfully, recovered from her ordeal quite well.)
*** Astfgl: And no-one's mentioned the (thankfully) deleted scene that shows that Jasper's 'boyfriend' [[Unfortunate Implications|'''has no idea that he's getting married''']]?
** [[Ecclytennysmithylove]]: While I agree with the above posts, there is one part in that episode that left a bad taste in my mouth and that is the scene where Stewie, Brian, and Jasper were watching the film ''[[The Sound of Music]]''. In this movie parodied, after the nuns sabotaged the Nazis' pursuit of the Von Trapp family, one of the nuns confessed to the Reverend Mother Superior that she committed a sin and revealed that she decapitated Rolfe, much to the other nuns' horror. That said nun then shouted, "Hey, I didn't start this war, but it's on!" Yes, ''Family Guy'' writers, we get it! Rolfe was turned into a Nazi, [[Sarcasm Mode|and anybody who were Nazis shall burn in hell!]] But what the FG writers did to Rolfe was just uncalled for and pointlessly dark. I'm pretty sure Liesl's not going to be happy that her lover, who suffered a [[Face- Heel Turn]], had been killed off by one of the nuns. And I'm pretty sure the older ''Sound of Music'' movie fans who viewed this dreadful parody weren't happy with the FG writers interpreting how Rolfe's fate probably ended after he was brainwashed by [[Adolf Hitler|the notorious dictator]].
* [[Tropers/The Dog Sage|The Dog Sage]]: From [[Stewie Griffin The Untold Story]], which would become a three-parter in season 4: The cut-away gag in which we have Elmer Fudd repeatedly shoot [[Bugs Bunny]] and then snap his neck before dragging the bleeding carcass away. Seriously, that's the entire 'joke', Elmer Fudd violently and bloodily killing Bugs Bunny. Graphically murdering a beloved childhood icon isn't [[Black Comedy]], it's just sick.
* [[Tropers/Krendall|Krendall]]: I have a couple issues with the episode ''Petarded''. It's odd since I find the episode itself funny, but I think the decline of the show (or at least Peter's character) can be traced to this episode. By making Peter technically retarded, it now gave the writers free reign to make him do even the stupidest of acts. If anyone calls them out on it, they can just say, "Well... he's retarded." Of course, this just makes every one of Peter's stupid and/or jackassy actions [[Unfortunate Implications|a slap in the face to actual retarded people]]. The other thing that bugs me is the scene where Peter is told he's retarded. The doctor shows an intelligence chart and it lists Creationists below retarded people. To make it worse, Seth himself starts to defend the joke on the DVD commentary, essentially stating that if people are too stupid to not accept evolution since nearly every scientist does, then they're all brainless. Get off your anti-religious soapbox already!
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