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April Fools' Day: Difference between revisions

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== Tabletop Games ==
* ''[[Dragon_(magazine)|Dragon]] Magazine'' Magazine, the house organ for [[Dungeons and Dragons]], would usually dedicate their April issues to sillier fare. For example:
** One issue had a series of mixed up spells like 'Find Terrain' for which the 'somatic' component was to fall forward, at which you have just 'found the terrain'.
** Another issue had on its cover a chubby warrior holding flowers up to a beholder which had on makeup and flowers...[[Stealth Pun|"Beauty is in the eye of the...Oh nevermind!"]]
*** Another time, they packaged the April Fools material in one section of the magazine, with a cover page that parodied the heroes-steal-giant-demon-statue-eyes cover of the 1E ''Player's Handbook''. Exact same scene, except the demonic statue and gem thieves are all teddy bears.
** A few years ago, shortly after 3.5 introduced a Flaws mechanic, they did flaws for Commoners (the least powerful of the NPC classes), one of the flaws called "You Got Chickens" had the character suffering a 50% chance of retrieving a chicken any time they tried to draw something from their pack. This was promptly exploited on the Character Optimization board.
** Who could forget the parody songs of "Bard On The Run"?
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** On April Fools Day 2009 they released the ''Scroll of Swallowed Darkness'', an incomplete, sex-themed supplement for ''[[Exalted]]''. On April Fools Day 2012, they released errata for it.
* Palladium Books has a combination fanzine/sourcebook for ''[[Rifts]]'' and other Palladium titles called ''The Rifter''. The created an April Fool's Issue called ''The Rifter 9 1/2'', which was full of ridiculous characters, alternate rules, and other silly content. A [[Running Gag]] throughout the issue was that Palladium Books had been sold to the fictional Percy Ferkleberger, who began effecting massive changes in ''[[Rifts]]''. The most notable example was the new rules for "Giga-Damage," which was a massive in-joke regarding the game's love of [[More Dakka]], the fact that ''[[Rifts]]'' tends to attract [[Munchkin|Munchkins]], and [[Power Creep, Power Seep]] in general. Most amusingly, the Rifter 9 1/2 was made primarily as an April Fool's Joke on The Rifter's editor, who had heard nothing about it until the first copies arrived at the warehouse.
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