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* [http://consumerist.com/5234900/eat-mangurt?skyline=true&s=i MANGURT!] Now in flavors like like Wolf Bacon, T-Bone, Buffalo Stampede, and Tequila Fight Juice!
* [[Badass of the Week]]. Everything on the list can fuck you up. Including [[Death World|Australia]], [http://badassoftheweek.com/beetle.html this huge-ass beetle], [http://badassoftheweek.com/hantavirus.html the Hanta virus] and [http://badassoftheweek.com/curie.html Marie Curie].
* Much of the humour of ''[[Cracked]].com]]''. And specifically, [[Agents of Cracked]]: "GASP! The Chief?"
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvltzwkUEEA This here's the Mantage!]
* "MEAT PUNCH!!!" from Much Music's "We Are Experiencing Technical Difficulties." The "MEAT PUNCH!!!" is made out of "beef, chicken, pork, lamb, goat, goose, duck, beef, moose, horse, monkey, hotdog, and donkey." No, that was not a typo; there is a double dose of beef. It is said that only one bite will leave you full, it tastes like the zoo, and that you cannot be considered a man if you don't eat it. You can see it [http://vimeo.com/2561849 here].
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