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''[[File:redRed faction guerrilla logo.png|frameFaction]] ''Red Faction'' is a video game series developed by Volition, Inc, set in the future of [[Canon Welding|the same universe as their]] ''[[Saints Row]]'' series (and possibly the past of their ''[[Descent]]'' series,) where [[Insignificant Little Blue Planet|Earth]] has exhausted its supply of natural resources, and depends on mining operations on [[The Red Planet|Mars]] for the survival of its economy. The main gameplay draw of the ''Red Faction'' series is the Geo-Mod engine, a [[Stuff Blowing Up]] simulator ''par excellence''. Geo-Mod 1, used in ''Red Faction 1'' and ''Red Faction 2'', was based primarily around terrain deformation: Rock could be torn away with your weapons, but metal surfaces were usually safe. Geo-Mod 2, used in ''Red Faction: Guerrilla'', reverses this, enabling the player to destroy buildings using a physics system so realistic the game developers actually had to [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQ6XM7NfGr8 study architecture] to get the buildings to stand up.
All five games take place in the same universe, although ''Red Faction 2'' has very little to do with the others. ''Red Faction 1'' is about a [[La Résistance|miners' uprising]] on Mars against the corrupt [[Mega Corp|Ultor Corp.]], the massive, corrupt conglomerate that manages the mining operations on Mars, in the style of the British East India Company ([[Even Evil Has Standards|though that]] ''MIGHT'' [[Insult to Rocks|be an insult to the BEIC]]). Through the [[One-Man Army|heroic actions]] of miner-turned-revolutionary Parker, and the intervention of the [[The Federation|Earth Defense Force]], Ultor's reign of terror is brought to an end.
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''Red Faction: Guerrilla'' is a departure in terms of gameplay - a [[Wide Open Sandbox]] [[Third-Person Shooter]] similar to Volition's ''Saints Row'', as opposed to a [[First-Person Shooter]] - but a return to the continuing narrative. Fifty years after the original ''Red Faction'', the Earth Defense Force have [[Full-Circle Revolution|turned from liberators to oppressors]], more concerned with exploiting Mars than helping it rebuild. A newcomer to Mars, Alec Mason, joins the reborn Red Faction to fight against the EDF after his brother is gunned down by an EDF gunship.
There's also ''Red Faction: Battlegrounds'', a top-down, twin-stick [[Shoot'Em Up]] for the Playstation3 and Xbox360 designed as a tie-in to ''Armageddon.'' It consists of various challenges narrated by ''Armageddon's'' Sergeant Winters, and multiplayermulti-player where up to four players can control a variety of vehicles from ''Guerrilla'' and proceed to blow up ''everything.''
The fourth game in the series, ''Red Faction: Armageddon'', follows directly from ''Guerrilla'', taking place fifty years afterwards. Like ''Guerrilla'', it's a [[Third-Person Shooter]], but features tighter [[Gears of War]] style corridor-shooter gameplay in contrast to the [[Grand Theft Auto]] style [[Wide Open Sandbox]] gameplay of ''Guerrilla''. After the planet's atmospheric terraformer is destroyed by cult leader Adam Hale, a descendant of the defeated EDF and long-time nemesis of the Mason family, the people of Mars are forced to take shelter underground from the now hostile surface. The game stars Darius Mason, the grandson of Alec Mason, who is tricked into opening an ancient sealed Martian temple by Hale, releasing a long-buried malevolent alien species and unleashing armageddonArmageddon upon Mars.
A [[Live Action Adaptation]] called ''Red Faction: Origins'' aired on [[Sy FySyfy]] on June 4, 2011. The movie bridges the gap between ''Guerrilla'' and ''Armageddon'', with Robert "[[The Terminator|T-1000]]" Patrick as Alec Mason. [[Stargate Universe|Brian J. Smith]] plays his son Jake Mason, the main protagonist. The movie's plot has Jake tracking down the mysterious White Faction, {{spoiler|1=a secret [[The Remnant|remnant]] of the defeated EDF,}} who are plotting to take Mars for themselves.
As of the 27th of July 2011, the series [[Screwed by the Network|is cancelled]], due to dramatically poor sales of ''Red Faction Armageddon''. This might not be the end of the franchise - the same thing did happen after Red Faction II - but for the time being it's shelved.
== The game series provides examples of ==
* [[All Your Base Are Belong to Us]]: In the middle of a ''Guerrilla'' mission, the game pulls a swerve: {{spoiler|without warning the mission is aborted and you have to race to save a safehouse from a full-on assault. The safehouse is wrecked and your commander is killed.}}
* [[Ambiguously Gay]]: Quill
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* [[Crazy Survivalist]]: Jenkins from ''Guerrilla''. While the player performs [[Rail Shooter]] missions from the back of Jenkins' trike-car, Jenkins relates his survivalist philosophy. He wants total independence of Mars from "them" (Earth), to the point of inventing his own "Mars words" to replace English. He also claims he has [[You Fail Biology Forever|"taught himself" to breathe carbon dioxide]] and thinks mankind will eventually merge with ''their cars''. Upon blowing up a target he will frequently cry out that he is "Clean and Righteous." At other points he announces that while everyone thinks he is crazy, he is the only sane man, and that "they" are always watching. {{spoiler|Jenkins eventually goes right over the edge, deciding the Earth forces exist because of the rebellion, so the only way to be Clean is to betray the rebellion.}}
* [[Critical Existence Failure]]: In the original game, no matter how many bullet holes your envirosuit acquires, as long as it has 1 unit of armor left, it will still protect you from the Martian atmosphere. Once it hits 0 units of armor, though, you can kiss goodbye to oxygen.
* [[Dead Character Walking]]: A glitch in multiplayermulti-player mode when the invincibility cheat was active; the flamethrower's alternate attack would set CPU-controlled players on fire, but never let them die. They would run around forever screaming in agony until you turned the cheat off. It was possible to inflict this cruelty on an entire level's worth of bots.
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Alec Mason. His grandson Darius also. Runs in the family.
* [[Death Is a Slap on The Wrist]]: In ''Guerrilla'', all death does is subtract a mere four morale points and send you back to the nearest safehouse. When you die, you get credited for current kill streaks, property destruction and so on. It is common to have the "death penalty" refunded with interest before you even respawn. The only real penalty is losing progress on a difficult mission.
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* [[Disc One Final Boss]]: Just so you know, {{spoiler|Victor Sopot}} is NOT the [[Big Bad]] of the second game. The game's second half, after your successful {{spoiler|assassination attempt}}, is spent fighting and killing {{spoiler|[[Face Heel Turn|half of your former teammates.]] }}
* [[Doom Magnet]]: Darius Mason, ''hard.'' Lampshaded by Frank Winters:
{{quote| '''Sgt. Winters:''' You ever notice how when bad things happen - I mean the absolute '''WORST''' things imaginable. ''Horrible'' stuff - there's always a Mason around? Now I'm talking about shit you couldn't even ''dream'' of happening... y'know, it never fails!}}
* [[Dragon Ascendant]]: Masako in ''Red Faction''.
* [[Dragon Their Feet]]: Capek, the [[Big Bad]] of ''Red Faction'', dies about halfway through the game, with the rest of the game being spent fighting Colonel Masako and her Merc soldiers.
* [[Drop the Hammer]]: The sledgehammer in ''Guerrilla''. It can can singlehandedlysingle-handedly destroy enormous buildings with enough swings and one-hit kill many mooks in the game...
* [[Elite Mooks]]: The Elite Guard and Merc soldiers in the original ''Red Faction'', and the Sopot Elite Guard and Nano Elite in ''Red Faction 2''. The Merc soldiers in RF1 are ''particularly'' elite. As in, you could be running around with a shotgun and an assault rifle gunning down Ultor guards left and right, and you'll be just fine, but when the Mercs roll in, it's a severe shock to the system when half of them are carrying [[More Dakka|Heavy Machine Guns]] and the other half carry the [[Infinity+1 Sword|Rail Driver]], which can kill you ''with one shot, through walls and on any part of your body''. [[Critical Existence Failure|Apparently, Parker has vital organs in his feet.]]
** Try multiplayermulti-player mode on impossible and watch the comp get a sniper rifle, I didn't know computers could hit you with their back facing you so well... [[The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard|yea...]]
** ''Guerilla'' have EDF Heavy Troopers, 7-foot tall guys in white power armor. They have twice as much health as standard EDF soldiers, and only show up in the final region of the game, Eos.
** ''Armageddon'' has the Wraith, capable of [[Invisibility Cloak|cloaking]] and [[Interface Screw|blurring your vision]] with a psychotropic cloud. Also the Berserker, who aside from having a bit too much health has a nasty habit of [[Action Bomb|exploding]] when you kill one.
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* [[Hit and Run Tactics]]: ''Guerrilla'' heavily encourages this. In fact, some structures and bases are nearly impossible to take down without using such tactics, as unless you're using [[Humongous Mecha|a Walker]], the EDF ''will'' swarm you and gun you down, even with the best weapons and armor, and given [[Stuff Blowing Up|the nature of this game]], cover never lasts long. As opined in ''[[Zero Punctuation]]'',<ref>"You get enough ammo to worry half a scout troop."</ref> you run out of ammo in long battles when starting out. Even later, you tend to run out of the [[BFG|good stuff]].
* [[Humongous Mecha]]: Mining Walkers are very fun whenever you can get them. Heavy ones trash buildings like a walker through a butter factory. There's also the Light Walker, which is a fun runaround and has jumpjets, and the Combat Walker, which is... pretty much a [[Macross Missile Massacre]] on legs, what with the rocket pods.
* [[Idiot Hero]]: Parker in ''Red Faction'' is pretty damn dense, not to mention rather hotheaded. Funnily enough, [[Informed Ability|he was accepted into Harvard]] before the events of the game. He decided to become a miner to spite his parents. In ''Guerrilla'', it is fortunate Samanya is the brains of the outfit. Mason has the hitting power and intellect of a sledgehammer. This introduces an odd note of humourhumor when giving him the nanoforge is seen as putting it "in safe hands."
** [[Fridge Brilliance]]: If the EDF knows Mason have it, they'll devote more of their resources going after him instead of the rest of the Faction. His erratic movements between sectors and strikes using civilian vehicles as cover force the EDF to stay alert and not commit too much to any one offensive because they never know where he will strike next. He is also the best equipped and most experienced combatant in the Faction, by the sounds of things.
* [[Impaled with Extreme Prejudice]]: {{spoiler|Kara}}, in ''Armageddon.'' {{spoiler|She appears to have been [[Killed Off for Real]], though Darius [[Never Found the Body|never finds her body...]] It's a relatively small impalement, as they go.}}
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* [[Poor Communication Kills]]: Darius Mason decides to wait until after the miners are riled up and ready to kill him to try to explain his side of things. Of course, these miners are already ''very'' surly and they might have taken it out on him anyway, which is why he held back in the first place.
* [[Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner]]: Mason breaks out a wonderful one in the grand finale of ''Guerrilla''.
{{quote| Admiral Kobel: {{spoiler|This is Admiral Kobel of the EDS Hydra. What is your status?}}<br />
Alec Mason: {{spoiler|Just fine, Admiral, but yours is about to go red.}} }}
* [[Propaganda Machine]]: The Voice of Mars Broadcasting System. The loudspeakers scattered around work for the EDF as well, until the EDF are driven out and the loudspeakers begin saying to join the Red Faction. And oh what a propaganda machine it is...
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* [[Ridiculously-Fast Construction]]: Darius Mason in ''Armageddon'' has a more powerful, arm-based version of the Nano Forge, and he's able to repair or rebuild just about anything (except explosives or explosive machinery) in a matter of seconds. This is actually quite ''necessary'' since odds are good you'll wind up destroying a bridge or staircase you needed to get to the next area.
* [[Roboteching]]: The Missile Tank can fire its rockets like this.
* [[Sticky Bomb]]: In ''Guerrilla'', mining charges can be stuck to EDF soliderssoldiers, who then flail about in a panic before the player sets the charge off. ''Armageddon' gives the player a [[Grenade Launcher]] that fires similar charges, up to four at once.
* [[Shock and Awe]]: The Arc Welder in ''Red Faction: Guerrilla''. Quite a useful little weapon, since Mason seems physically incapable of hijacking vehicles.
** It's realistic, in the sense that high-end military vehicles like tanks etc. should have ''some'' kind of door lock to prevent people from exactly that. And hey, without that, you wouldn't have an incentive to use the welder to [[Video Game Cruelty Potential|electrocute an entire APC worth of troopers]].
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