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Wallace and Gromit: Difference between revisions

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* [[Beleaguered Assistant]]: Gromit, who takes it in his stride.
* [[Big Ol' Unibrow]]: Gromit never speaks ([[Captain Obvious|because he is a dog]]), so this is the ONLY way you know what he's feeling. It's really incredible, the emotion you can wring out of an artfully-squashed bit of plasticine...
{{quote| '''Wallace:''' "We've tested this on Gromit. Haven't we, lad?"<br />
'''Gromit:''' ''(eyebrows rise mournfully)'' *nods* }}
* [[Bigger on the Inside]]: The house in ''Loaf and Death''. Somehow, a full bakery factory with machines, chutes and cogs manages to fit into the dimensions of a small two-story house - which still has room for a kitchen, dining room and bedrooms.
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* [[Darker and Edgier]]: ''Loaf and Death''. {{spoiler|Piella}} has murdered 12 bakers, Fluffles is visibly terrified of her mistress (which implies abuse) and {{spoiler|Piella herself dies at the end}}.
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: While Gromit is usually a [[Silent Snarker]], the duo's mutual diary - published as the Cheese Lover's Yearbook - has little typewritten notes expressing Gromit's reaction to whatever is happening. After the entries for "A Close Shave":
{{quote| '''Wallace''': Relieved to have come out of this in one piece.<br />
'''Gromit''': Instead of several hundred, like Preston. - G }}
* [[Defanged Horrors]]: ''Curse of the Were-Rabbit.''
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* [[Dramatic Thunder]]: Piella's house. Also, the "a bullet" scene from ''Were-Rabbit''.
* [[Duck]]
{{quote| '''Wallace''': Where?...Aah! (Ducks)}}
* [[Early Installment Weirdness]]: The first short was much more surreal than all of the others.
* [[Efficient Displacement]]: Wallace in ''Loaf and Death'', Gromit in one of the ''Crackling Contraptions'' shorts, and the Were-Rabbit in ''Curse of the Were-Rabbit''.
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* [[Genius Ditz]] / [[Mad Scientist]]: Wallace's inventions range from malfunctioning Rube Goldberg-esque devices to clever and groundbreaking gadgets -- which also have a tendency to malfunction. Notably, he seems more competent in the feature film than in most of the shorts.
* [[Getting Crap Past the Radar]]: So, ''so'' many [[Double Entendre|Double Entendres]] in ''Were-Rabbit''... In the majority of the adventures, really. One particularly nice example is the scene in ''Loaf and Death'' when Wallace and Piella are feeding ducks. Their hands meet in the bag of bread and then it cuts to loaves of bread rising.
{{quote| Wallace: I'm in bread myself!<br />
[[[Aside Glance]] from Gromit] }}
** Towards the end of ''Were-Rabbit'' Wallace is left clothes-less after {{spoiler|transforming back to human}}, so he grabs a handy cheese box to hold front of his private bits. The box has a "Contains nuts" label on it.
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* [[I Just Shot Marvin in the Face]]: Victor at church in ''Curse of the Were-Rabbit''.
* [[Incredibly Lame Pun]]: Victor, when his wig was sucked up by the BV 6000
{{quote| '''Victor:''' "I want... toupee, please"<br />
'''Wallace:''' "Oh, grand. We take check, cash or money order." }}
{{quote| '''Victor:''' "My hair is in your machine."<br />
'''Wallace:''' "Oh no, it's only rabbits in there. The hare, I think you'll find, is a much larger mammal." }}
{{quote| Also, when he was shooting the rabbit. "Eat karat."}}
* [[Intellectual Animal]] / [[Speech-Impaired Animal]]: Gromit and Fluffles, though they both make barely audible whining sounds at points.
* [[The Jeeves]]: Gromit acts as Wallace's valet, ready to do his master's bidding at the touch of a button: "Slippers, Breakfast, Newspaper, Walkies." Like every good Jeeves, though, his real job is to keep his [[Cloudcuckoolander]] boss out of harm's way.
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* [[Kick the Dog]]: A literal, yet surprisingly subtle example. Piella kicks Fluffles ''twice'' before her true nature is revealed, yet both times the action could be interpreted as her nudging the poodle to greet Wallace. Of course, Fluffles [[Break the Cutie|downcast]] personality gives the game away to the audience, but not to [[Too Dumb to Live|Wallace]].
* [[Lampshade Hanging]]: from ''Loaf and Death''
{{quote| "Ow! Wallace, he bit me!" [[Don't Explain the Joke|Gromit has no mouth]].}}
*** Dog bite marks are also completely different from human bite marks, but Wallace is so enamored, he probably would have seen whatever Piella wanted at that point.
* [[Laser Hallway]]: in the City Museum
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* [[No Mouth]]: Gromit
* [[Oh Crap]]: Wallace when he realizes {{spoiler|he's the Wererabbit}}.
{{quote| '''Wallace''': Ohhh [[Gosh Dang It to Heck|dear]].}}
* [[Only Sane Man|Only Sane Dog]]: Gromit. Lampshaded in the church scene ''Were-Rabbit''
{{quote| '''Lord Victor Quartermaine''': How on earth would those tiny-minded buffoons ever catch such a big rabbit? <br />
'''Wallace''': Um... with a big trap! <br />
[[[Face Palm]] from Gromit. Hurrahs from everybody else] }}
* [[Oop North]]: Specifically, Oop in Lancashire (though Wallace's accent is actually Yorkshire). Kept vague until ''Loaf and Death'', when Gromit {{spoiler|tries to dispose of a bomb by throwing it}} [[wikipedia:War of the Roses|across the Yorkshire border]].
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* [[The Parody]]. A major feature of all the films except for the first. Although ''A Grand Day Out'' was funny and surreal, it was with the spoofing of old heist movies in ''The Wrong Trousers'' that the series found its true direction.
* [[Parrot Exposition]]: Spoofed in [[The Movie]], along with [[Dramatic Thunder]]:
{{quote| '''Reverend Hedges''': To kill such a beast would require nerves of steel and... ([[Dramatic Pause]]) a bullet. ([[Dramatic Thunder|Thunderclap]]) <br />
'''Lord Victor''': A bullet? (Thunder) <br />
'''Reverend Hedges''': A bullet. (Thunder) <br />
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