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* Minor villain Byakko from ''[[Yu Yu Hakusho]]'' is impaled, explodes, falls off a tower, falls into a pit of lava, and is finally frozen and shattered by his ''teammate'', ironically enough. His severed, iced head then complains for several minutes.
** ''[[Yu Yu Hakusho Abridged]]''
{{quote| '''Kuwabara''': Oh give me a break. How many times do I have to kill that guy?<br />
'''Yusuke''': Once would suffice.<br />
'''Kuwabara''': Shut up. }}
* The [[Enemy Without|berserked self-defense program]] of the Book of Darkness in ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha]]'' was sliced in half by a [[BFS]], [[Taken for Granite|petrified]], [[An Ice Person|frozen in ice]], blasted to bits by three [[Wave Motion Gun|Wave Motion Guns]], jettisoned to space, and [[Deader Than Dead|shot by a weapon that distorts time and space over an area]] before it was finally killed... [[Back From the Dead|temporarily]]. Reinforce had to [[Heroic Sacrifice|delete herself together with its regeneration program]] to keep it dead.
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* Donal Logue's vampire character in ''[[Blade (film)|Blade]]'' only dies after being [[Off with His Head|decapitated]] by the title hero. Before that he is impaled, burned, beaten, etc.
* Blitzen's plan for Robbie in claymation ''[[Hooves of Fire]]'':
{{quote| '''Blitzen''': Let's trample him into dust, then throw the remains of the dust to the wolves, then blow up the wolves.<br />
'''Prancer''': You don't like him very much, don't you?<br />
'''Blitzen''': Not particularly, no. }}
* In ''[[Willow]]'', General Kael. Madmartigan smashes his skull-mask, and Kael chases Madmartigan up a flight of stairs. Madmartigan stabs him in the chest; Kael responds by punching Madmartigan in the face and trying to strangle him. Madmartigan slashes Kael's belly, then twists the blade still in his chest. Kael does not appear to notice. Madmartigan impales him on his own sword. Kael is still on his feet when Madmartigan finally shoves him off the walkway.
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* Memnon in ''[[The Scorpion King]]'' also dies like this. He is [[Annoying Arrows|pierced by an arrow]], thrown from the top of a building and '''[[Kill It with Fire|set on fire]]''' during the fall.
* The creators of ''[[The Godfather]]'' film decided that Sonny had acquired a "Rasputin-like mystique." His assassins decide that [[There Is No Kill Like Overkill]], and fill his car whith machinegun fire, then take him down in a hail of bullets as he staggers from it.
* After going [[Ax Crazy|insane]], Bell from the Trey Parker/Matt Stone film ''~[[Cannibal! The Musical~]]'' suffers a top notch Rasputinian Death, starting with getting a butcher's ax in the face, ([[Eye Scream|including through one eye]]) getting shot in the head, a sharpened stick through his other eye, and finally a pickax through the heart. Each time he appears to die like a [[Slasher Movies]] monster, [[Running Gag|only to come back again]], [[Overly Long Gag|including at the main character's hanging, which occurs years later]].
* Valentine from ''[[Poseidon]]'' (2006) immediately comes to mind. After dropping an already lethal distance from an elevator shaft, he falls into large impaling spikes. The elevator itself follows soon afterwards, crushing him and also somehow resulting in a very large [[Stuff Blowing Up|Hollywood style explosion]]. Plus, the ship sinks into the ocean at the end. The scene can be seen [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCpuDInhknI&feature=related here.]
* What happens to the teacher in ''[[Final Destination]]'' is a textbook example. An exploding computer monitor drives shards of glass into her throat, a trail of fire starts heading towards her down the trail of dripped vodka from her mug, and her attempt to pull down a towel drops a butcher-block full on knives into her chest. When the protagonist comes in to try to save her, to add insult to injury, a bookcase falls and drives the knife deeper into her chest. And then her house explodes.
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* In the film adaptation of ''[[V for Vendetta]]'', the titular character is shot repeatedly at close range by half a dozen gunmen and an old man with a revolver. After staggering briefly, he then goes on to {{spoiler|deliver a short speech on ideals, kill every single gunman with short swords before they can reload, lift the old man off his feet and strangle him to death and then pass on his legacy to his apprentice}} before finally expiring without anyone ever knowing who he was.
* In ''[[Ghostbusters|Ghostbusters II]]'', the team recounts the death of [[Big Bad|Vigo the Carpathian]]:
{{quote| '''Egon''': Vigo the Carpathian. Born 1505, died 1610.<br />
'''Peter Venkman''': 105 years old, he hung in there, didn't he?<br />
'''Ray''': He didn't die of old age, either. He was poisoned, stabbed, shot, hung, stretched, disembowled, drawn and quartered.<br />
'''Peter Venkman''': Ouch. }}
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* Take your pick of ''any'' of the sorcerers in the [[Black Company]] novels by Glen Cook. The Limper had a building collapsed on him, shot several times by a ballista, shot full of magical arrows, beheaded, burned, and cooked in a giant pot. To make sure he never came back (again), his enemies pushed his remains into another dimension. The [[Big Bad|Dominator]] was [[Sealed Evil in a Can|buried alive]], shot with magic arrows, stabbed countless times, then burned. Shadowspinner was also shot with ballista bolts then impaled on a spear and took around a day to die (and that spear was poisoned). Another case in these books was a magical wereleopard called the "forvalvaka". One fought in a battle survived that and was crucified and took days to die with some magical help. Another one of the forvalvaka took 30 or so people shooting it with poisoned crossbow bolts, and magical fireballs, plus being stabbed with a magical spear, before it died.
* In [[Jane Yolen]] and Adam Stemple's contribution to the anthology ''The Dragon Book'', ''The Tsar's Dragons'', this happens to Rasputin, [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|naturally]]. It is his [[Real Life]] death, with the only exceptions being: 1) he was pushed under the ice by dragons and 2) he had a magic charm that stopped the other attempts from killing him. Presumably because [[Reality Is Unrealistic|that man was stupid hard to kill]].
* ''~[[The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy~]]'' gives us: "You barbarians! I'll sue the council for every penny it's got! I'l have you hung, drawn, and quartered! And whipped! And boiled...until...until...until you've had enough! And then I will do it again! And when I've finished I will take all the little bits, and I will JUMP on them! And I will carry on jumping on them until I get blisters, or I can think of anything even more unpleasant to do..."
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== Music ==
* ''Boney M'''s [[Deader Than Disco|Disco]] song, ''Rasputin'', mentions his end. Unfortunately it does not mention that he died of ''drowning,'' ending with Rasputin merely being shot 'till he was dead.
{{quote| Ra, Ra, Rasputin<br />
Lover of the Russian Queen!<br />
They put some poison into his wine!<br />
Ra, Ra, Rasputin<br />
Russia's greatest Love Machine!<br />
He drank it all and said, "I feel fine!" }}
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== Tabletop Games ==
* In ''[[Ars Magica]]'' Gruagachan have the power to remove their souls from their bodies and hide them in small objects. Mechanically, this results in them suffering Warping in place of Fatal or Incapacitating Wounds. Certain Infernalists (with access to Incantation and Consumption) have access to a spell that has a similar effect.
* Zapathasura, the antediluvian founder of the Ravnos clan in ''<nowiki>~[[Vampire: The Masquerade~]]</nowiki>''. When White Wolf killed him off as part of ending the [[Old World of Darkness]], his death came about from first fighting a trio of elder vampires for three days and three nights, having a magically boosted nuclear bomb dropped on him and then finally by being exposed to super-focused sunlight beamed directly at him through satellites controlled by the [[Ancient Conspiracy]]. And even then it took several hours of direct exposure (most vampires wouldn't last more than a few seconds) to do him in. It should also be noted that he was the ''weakest'' of the thirteen antediluvians.
* In the Operation: Rimfire [[Mekton]] adventure, [[The Dragon|Lord Dremmond]]'s death scene description is, and I quote: ''"Tough as nails, he gets one dying speech"'' (followed by a '''twenty-seven''' lines such speech) ''before any PC can finish him off''. That would be not a [[Rasputinian Death]] but a vanilla [[Final Speech]], were not his death in the middle of a frantic close-quarters battle with the whole Rimfire flight crew gang-banging him with all sort of weapons, including lightsabers, in an alien spaceship full of monsters about to be psychically awakened by him -- which really gives the PCs no reason at all to cease fire until well after he is [[Deader Than Dead]]. Which every group of players, routinely, does. After that, he detonates a hard-radiation nuke. And [[Brain Uploading|survives]].
** It should be noted that Dremmond's death scene [[Narm|often becomes]] quite [[Crowning Moment of Funny|the opposite of what was intended]].
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* In ''[[Yggdra Union]]'', at the end of chapter 8: You fight Gulcasa and injure him severely. Luciana or Aegina, whoever is still alive, comes running out to cover him. When she goes down, Gulcasa awakens Brongaa and you beat him down again. He still refuses to die quite yet, and heads stubbornly for the altar where he's supposed to complete the Ritual of Soul Unbinding, where you have to pound him to death's door A THIRD TIME (the characters hang amazed lampshades on Gulcasa's sheer determination here) before he finally actually dies. The man is a true [[Determinator]].
* ''[[Max Payne (series)|Max Payne]]'' gives this treatment to Jack Lupino after beating him at the end of Act One of the game.
{{quote| '''Max Payne:''' When Lupino finally went down, I wanted to make real sure he'd stay that way. V was a bad monster, turned them into freaking zombie demons from outer space.}}
* Jon Irenicus from the second ''~[[Baldur's Gate~]]'' game. If you have Minsc, Jan, or both in your party, they'll comment [[Crowning Moment of Funny|on how tiresome this is becoming]]. Jan goes as far as to say "it's like a bad play". His last words to Irenicus before the fight begins are [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|"here's to a decent ending"]] (referring to the "bad play" from his earlier comment). Minsc, on the other hand, comments that "I grow tired of shouting battle cries while fighting this mage. [[Eye Scream|Boo will rip out his eyes once and for all and then he will not come back again!]]"
* In ''[[Castlevania]]: [[Aria of Sorrow]]'', which is set in the near future, we learn that Dracula was finally killed for good in 1999 by Julius Belmont. What did it take to finally end ol' Drac? First, he needed to be challenged and defeated, like in many previous Castlevanias. Then, Julius sealed the holy Vampire Killer whip inside Castlevania, to weaken Dracula's power over the castle (which is the symbol of his power). And finally, Castlevania itself was sealed within an ''eclipse'', to keep Drac's soul from ever reaching it again. It worked, though Drac reincarnated all the same. This time as a good guy, though.
* An old [[Good Bad Bugs|hilariously buggy]] release of ''[[Dwarf Fortress]]'' gave these to people. It could take twenty minutes for a squad of wrestlers to take down a giant rat, despite the [[Ludicrous Gibs]] and [[Punched Across the Room]] mechanics. With the ability to target body parts, this has gone away; a vulnerable foe will quickly suffer a [[Coup De Grace]] by [[Off with His Head|decapitation]]. However, Bronze Colossi, and certain [[Our Monsters Are Weird|Forgotten Beasts and Titans]] made of inorganic materials, are [[Nigh Invulnerable]]; the only way to destroy them is to either dismember them completely, hurl them downwards several stories, or [[Kill It with Fire|douse them in magma until they melts]]. And in a classic case of [[Video Game Cruelty Potential]], one can [[Cruel and Unusual Death|cause such deaths]] by hacking off limbs ''slowly''.
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** A later character, Rojave, has Benny in a corner. Cale and Pella both notice this and simultaneously kill him with two throw swords and a [[Rings of Death|bladed ring]] respectively. Richard then [[Incendiary Exponent|lights his head on fire]] for the fun of it. Of course, as Benny had previously [[Leave Him to Me|called the kill]], she [[Healing Hands|heals him from the brink of death]] and then smashes his head with her mace.
* ''[[8-Bit Theater (Webcomic)|Eight Bit Theater]]'' has this:
{{quote| '''Red Mage''': I have disposed of the zombie dragon's remains in the ancient ways. His bones I scattered and broke before I buried them. His head was buried upside down at a cross roads. I added the upside down part as an extra precaution.<br />
'''Black Mage''': Ideally, this is how we would deal with all of our enemies. }}
* In ''[[Fafnir the Dragon]]'', Edward (yes, [[Twilight (novel)|that]] Edward) dies first by consuming the blood of a dragon (you're supposed to [[Blood Bath|bathe in it]], drinking it is a major no no), setting him on fire internally (flames literally erupt from his mouth and ass). He panics and runs, trying to find water, but falls through a skylight, landing in the middle of an amateur [[Chainsaw Good|chainsaw juggling contest]], getting his arms cut off and having a chainsaw go [[Ass Shove|straight into his ass]]. He gets up and runs, trying to find water, and does, only for it to be a pool of [[Crowning Moment of Funny|Thor's Holy Water,]] causing him to burn and dissolve at the same time, until only his head is left, which [[Dracula|Vlad the Impaler]] stabs with a sword. Vlad even states that, despite having imagined a thousand ways he could have killed Edward, this was better than ANY of them. [[Your Vampires Suck|Then Vlad caps it all by pissing on Edward's now fleshless skull.]]
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* Sidney Crosby in ''[[Survival of the Fittest]]'', who managed to survive multiple gunshot wounds long enough to prove a vital distraction before biting it for good (after being shot a further few times).
** Rick Holeman was shot in the chest, stabbed, and then all but hacked to pieces, and STILL had enough strength left to deliver a few last words before he finally died.
* Though it isn't actually a death, ''~[[Freeman's Mind~]]'' invokes this at one point. Gordon complains about all the abuse he's suffered trying to escape, listing all the ways he's been injured up to that point, and follows it up by directly claiming "Rasputin wasn't this lucky!"
* ''[[Red vs. Blue]]'': the Meta survives Tex's landmines, multiple knife wounds, various other explosions, Tex punching him, multiple gunshots from a variety of weapons, slashes from Tucker's [[Energy Sword]], and four point-blank shotgun blasts from Sarge... before (apparently) dying from being pulled off a cliff by the Warthog's tow cable. He does have advanced body armor, but Wash, in the same armor, still only managed to get through the landmines, punching, and a few gunshots before being seriously out of it.
* A real humorous one on behalf of [[The Angry Video Game Nerd]], with the Winter Games cartridge as the victim during the review of said game. After reading the back label, which says, "Do not store in extreme temperatures, do not immerse in water, do not clean with benzene, thinner alcohol or other such solvents, do not hit or drop cartridge, do not attempt to disassemble." Not only does The Nerd does all of the above in a montage, he burns the cartridge inside his fireplace.
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* Travis, the pet chimpanzee that went berserk and mauled a woman in Stanford, was struck on the head several times with a shovel, then stabbed repeatedly with a kitchen knife, as his owner frantically attempted to save her friend. When the police arrived, the blood-drenched chimp opened the door of a patrol car, and the driver shot him repeatedly at close range. Mortally wounded, Travis fled from the scene of the attack, circled round to return to the house, and was eventually found dead beside the cage where he'd slept each night.
* Crossing with [[Tonka Tough]]: the Toyota Hilux, as demonstrated on Top Gear in Season 3, is [[Made of Iron]] and thus [[Nigh Invulnerable]]. So far, it has survived:
{{quote| (a)Bashing about Bristol<br />
(b)Drowning<br />
(c)Having a caravan dropped on it<br />
(d)Being driven through the Top Gear production office<br />
(e)Thumping by way of wrecking ball<br />
(f)Drop from crane<br />
(g)Arson<br />
(h)Demolition of 240-foot-tall building while parked on the top<br />
(i)Alas, being converted into a Toyboata was too much for the Hilux, even though it was a different one and survived all the way to the end of that particular challenge. }}
* [[Adolf Hitler]] survived over 40 assassination plots, of which at least one blew him up (though all he got was bruised lower legs). In the end, he took a cyanide pill. And then he shot himself in the head. His body was then burned by his aides (or so say the Soviets, who claim they found nothing left when they checked out the bunker).
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** The Celts were among the groups that believed in the power of the [[wikipedia:Threefold death|Threefold Death]] - the idea that dying in three different ways at the same time was very powerful. Lindow Man - a body found in a bog in Cheshire - may have been ritually sacrificed, receiving a blow to the head, a stab wound to the throat, and a broken neck via garrote almost simultaneously.
* [[The Other Wiki]]'s page about [[wikipedia:Multiple gunshot suicide|multiple gunshot suicide]] details a case that, while only involving different types of gunshot wounds, could probably still count:
{{quote| In February 1995, a man committed suicide on parkland in Canberra, Australia. He took a pump action shotgun and shot himself in the chest. The load passed through the chest without hitting a rib, and went out the other side. He then walked fifteen meters, reloaded, leaned the shotgun against his throat, and shot his throat and part of his jaw. Breathing through this [[Instant Drama Just Add Tracheotomy|gunshot-inflicted tracheotomy]], he reloaded, walked 136 meters to a hill slope, lay down on the slope, held the gun against his chest with his hands [[Gangsta Style|and operated the trigger with his toes]]. This shot entered the thoracic cavity and demolished the heart, killing him.}}
* [[Ernest Hemingway]] survived being a war correspondent in two wars. Two car crashes, and two plane crashes, one where it exploded, and he got out after suffering burns, and an injury to his head, which had him ''leaking brain fluid''. He took his own life, ironically because he believed that the only way to get the better of death was to choose when to meet it.
* [[Gaius Julius Caesar]] was stabbed twenty three times. Only one (the second wound) was fatal.
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