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=== Episodes of this series provide examples of: ===
* [[Applied Phlebotinum]]: The AT Field. Lampshaded by Gendo.
{{quote| '''Stunned Military Guy''': [[The Worf Barrage|What, how'd it live?]]<br />
'''Gendo''': It's called a plot device.<br />
'''Fuyutsuki''': You mean the AT Field.<br />
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* [[Catch Phrase]]: "OH GOD WHY?!"
* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]: Misato has her moments:
{{quote| ''"Pen-Pen could '''totally''' cause the apocalypse..."''<br />
'''Misato''': ''Can we go to the zoo?'' ^_^<br />
'''Ritsuko''': ''No.''<br />
'''Misato''': ''Hawaii?''<br />
'''Ritsuko''': ''No. And no to the next one!'' }}
* [[Creepy Cool Crosses]]: Lampshaded by Gendo:
{{quote| '''Aoba''': ''Another cross attack!? Why!?''<br />
'''Maya''': ''Because it's... deep?''<br />
'''Gendo''': ''Ah, don't start that tired argument again. [[Faux Symbolism|It was added because the director thought it was shiny]], so just move on and continue the operation.'' }}
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Pretty much everyone, especially Gendo.
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* [[Fan Service]]: Episode 2 has a counter for this. It features [[Diebuster|Nono]].
* [[Fail O'Suckyname]]:
{{quote| '''Misato''': Now if you'll sign these papers, we'll install the power cord on the-" <br />
'''German Admiral''': Who do you think I am, [[Mrs. Doubtfire]]? We are a proud U.N. Pacific fleet, and as long as we're in the ocean, this ship is in charge.<br />
'''Misato''': Oh, and what is your proud ship called again? (Cut to screen showing the ship and it's name: The U.N. Carrier Over The Rainbow)<br />
'''German Admiral''': I'll get my pen. }}
* [[Foreshadowing]]: Regarding {{spoiler|Toji's death}}, Episode 9:
{{quote| '''Toji''': You know, we been getting a lot of screen time lately.<br />
'''Kensuke''': Yeah. Usually that only happens when someone's about to die.<br />
'''Toji''': So Aida, when's the funeral? }}
** Also, when Shinji wakes up in the hospital, and Rei is there:
{{quote| '''Shinji''': Ayanami? Have you been here the whole time?<br />
'''Rei''': Affirmative. I have been sitting here, doing nothing, while you were resting. ''You should take note of that''. }}
* [[Freeze-Frame Bonus]]: Excellent example of the writers having fun with this trope in Episode 7.
{{quote| (Text appears on screen for exactly one second as bumper) The Next Day which is stupid if you realize that Episode 5 and 6 took place in the span of one day. yet this piece of crapisode takes 2 whole days to finis- UNPAUSE THE VIDEO! STOP READING THIS!}}
* [[Genre Savvy]]: Gendo notes that giant robots are useful in a mecha anime.
** Particularly against ''[[Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever|giant monsters]]''.
** In fact, just about everyone is this, just Gendo especially. Everyone except Shinji that is.
* [[Insistent Terminology]]: They're "N2 mines," not ''nukes.''
{{quote| '''Misato''': What's the difference?<br />
'''Ritsuko''': One just makes a giant explosion. The other makes ''[[Grave of the Fireflies]]''. }}
** [[Fridge Logic]]: [[Grave of the Fireflies]] is about firebombs, not nukes. They'd have been better off citing [[Barefoot Gen]].
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* [[Mistaken Identity]]: In Episode 8, Misato describes Asuka as having "long, red hair, a great figure and a personality you'll die from." All the boys can imagine is [[Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann|Yoko Littner]].
* [[My Friends and Zoidberg]]: Fuyutsuki's [[Crowning Moment of Funny]] at the end of episode 4:
{{quote| '''Gendo''': ...Instead we get this incomprehensible cacophony of in-studio crossovers that barely resembles a plot.<br />
'''Fuyutsuki''': And ''[[Black Lagoon]]''... }}
* [[My Name Is Not Durwood]]: In episode 1, Gendo mistakes Shinji for [[FLCL|Naota]], then [[Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann|Simon]].
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* [[Nuke'Em]]: The government's idea to take down the Angel after aerial bombardment fails is an N2 mine, just like in the original series. Gendo calls them out on it.
* [[Only Sane Man]]: Shinji, when he's not wangsting (or being uncharacteristically [[Hot-Blooded]]), tends act like this.
{{quote| '''Shinji''': ''Seriously, one good leg sweep!''}}
* [[Otaku]]: Asuka loves Mecha perhaps a little too much. Don't make a Kamen Rider reference and say it's a Mecha franchise.
* [[Overused Copycat Character]]: Rei says this about herself.
* [[Schedule Slip]]: The tagline for Konataproduction is "Parodies: New every 6 months."
* [[Shout-Out]]: [[TV Tropes]], most notably.
{{quote| '''Rei (to Shinji)''': To be more specific, you fit so many negative tropes that they have to break your fragile mind twenty episodes earlier.<br />
'''Shinji''': But isn't this a twenty-six episode series?<br />
'''Rei''':...Yes.<br />
'''Shinji''': Uhh, I didn't like that little pause there. (At this point, the words "lol Gainaxing" flash across the screen) So wait, what do you mean by tropes?<br />
'''Rei''': Have you ever heard of the term [[Lampshading]]? }}
** Run!!! It's <s> an angel</s> [[Godzilla]]!!!
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** Episode 6 has [[Pokémon|Pokemon hospitals]] complete with in-game sound effects.
* [[Temporal Paradox]]: [[Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann|Kamina]] pulls one off in Episode 4
{{quote| '''Kamina''':Anyone who isn't with me has to eat Nia's cooking! (Everybody in room stands and pumps their fists for Kamina)<br />
'''Simon''': Bro, aren't you {{spoiler|dead}} by the time Nia gets here? That would cause a time para-<br />
'''Kamina''': Only I cause TIME PARADOXES! (punches Simon in the face) }}
* [[The Password Is Always Swordfish]]: The abridged episode discusses how stupid a password "hope" is for a walking nuclear bomb.
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