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Strike Witches/Heartwarming: Difference between revisions

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* In the same episode we have the [[Ice Queen]] Perrine not asking for anything from the trip, we learn later this is because she gives ALL her earnings to rebuild her home, in that moment this troper gained all new respect for her and shed a tear.
* Pretty much the entire second half of episode 6 in season 2. Especially the battle scene and aftermath with the song by Sanya and Eila's seyuus in the background, {{spoiler|and Eila pretty much ''confessing'' to Sanya. [[Everyone Can See It|Not that it's really a surprise to anybody]]}}
{{quote| '''Eila''': I'd go to the end of the world with you.}}
* Mina calling out [[Death Seeker|Barkhorn]] on her reckless behavior in episode 4 of season 1. A smack to the face followed by the below quote. It works, too.
{{quote| '''Mina''': What do you think you're doing? If we lose you, what are we supposed to do? I understand you lost your homeland and that must be really, really difficult, but we are a TEAM - no, a FAMILY! You, me, the entire squad! *hug* Chris is going to get better, I promise you that. So for her sake, and for the sake of your friends, don't take your life for granted. I don't know what we'd do if you died. We're the only ones who can protect our country, so stop being so selfish and stay with us!"
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