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Wall Banger/Live-Action TV/Star Trek: Voyager: Difference between revisions

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** A spacefaring race of desert dwellers are introduced who use ''water'' as currency because it is so scarce. On planets with oxygen-rich atmospheres. While powering their spacecraft with fusion reactors that run on hydrogen. Did they lose the recipe?
*** Seven of Nine says of that race later:
{{quote| "They were deemed unfit for assimilation."}}
*** Considering that she also said that [[The Scrappy|Neelix]]'s race, the Talaxians, made "excellent drones," that is ''beyond harsh''. On par with what the Borg tell you in ''Star Trek: Elite Force'' multiplayer, that "your assimilation would regress us."
** Janeway had the Caretaker station destroyed, rather than using it to get home and having it blow up afterward, simply because the [[Anthropic Principle]] required that they forget that time bombs even exist.
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