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Wall Banger/Live-Action TV/Star Trek: Voyager: Difference between revisions

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== Threshold ==
'''It's not a character or plot arc, but a single episode. Yes, one episode is so bad, it has its own foldersection within a show subpage.'''
* ''Voyager,'' infamous for the quality of its writing or lack thereof, managed to have one episode so bad that the powers that be noticed: "[http://www.agonybooth.com/recaps/Star_Trek/Voyager/Threshold.aspx Threshold]". In it, the characters, while attempting to figure out a way to [[Failure Is the Only Option|get back to the Alpha Quadrant]], break a law of series physics and "[[Evolutionary Levels|evolve]]" into newts as a result. Then they make out and have baby newts, which is why Agony Booth winced. Both fans and [[Canon Discontinuity|writers]] [[Canon Discontinuity|pretend that episode never happened]].
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