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*** Actually, the comic addresses exactly that, and very elegantly so. The Supreme Court rules that the opening of his life-support pod in Kansas counts as "birth" for eligibility effect.
** The ''ultimate'' President Action has to be [[Ronald Reagan]] in the comic series ''[http://www.toonopedia.com/reagan.htm Reagan's Raiders]''. Best described by Don Markstein:
{{quote| The basic idea was to go the 1960s TV cartoon ''Super President'' one better, putting presidential incumbent Ronald Reagan himself, along with several top members of his administration, in red, white and blue costumes like [[Captain America|Captain America's]] or The Shield's, and sending them out to do superhero work among the rice paddies and sand dunes of America's most hated enemies. This was accomplished by means of a technological marvel invented by a Professor Cashchaser, that gave the Raiders the bodies of young men (and instantly instilled commando training too, apparently).}}
** [http://www.superdickery.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=798:president-reagan-bad-ass&catid=30:frames-and-panels-index&Itemid=34 This] undoubtedly ''epitomizes'' President Action.
*** Note: that is {{spoiler|actually the Martian Manhunter in disguise.}}
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* In some [[Elseworld|versions]] of the [[Marvel Universe]], Steve Rogers (a.k.a [[Captain America]]) has served as President -- often as something of a President Action himself. Well, what else did you expect?
** In the core Marvel Universe, Cap was approached to run as a third-party candidate for the presidency in 1980. After considering it, he declined. In a [[What If]] story, however, Cap accepts the nomination and defeats Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter to win the presidency. Rogers is the ultimate President Personable and President Action, as epitomized by both his inspirational inaugural speech ''and'' the fact that he takes off in the middle of it to disarm and capture his would-be assassin! After which:
{{quote| '''Secret Service Agent #1:''' And we're supposed to be guarding ''him''?<br />
'''Secret Service Agent #2:''' Yeah! But just seeing him makes me feel... ''safer'' somehow. }}
*** President Rogers ends up saving his country from the Red Skull one last time, [[Heroic Sacrifice|but at great cost]].
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* ''[[Absolute Power (film)|Absolute Power]]'' features a President Corrupt who {{spoiler|murders his mistress and frames a passing crook for the crime}}.
* James Marshall in ''[[Air Force One (film)|Air Force One]]'' is a President Action played by [[Harrison Ford]].
{{quote| '''President Marshall''': Get. Off. My. Plane.}}
* President Thomas Whitmore of ''[[Independence Day]]'' is a President Action who used to be a fighter pilot. He flies an F/A-18 and leads a squadron into the final battle.
{{quote| '''General Grey:''' ''(as the President straps into a flight suit)'' Mr. President, I'd sure like to know what you're doing.<br />
'''President Whitmore:''' I'm a combat pilot, Will. I belong in the air. }}
* President Skroob in ''[[Spaceballs]]'' is a Corrupt President Buffoon. "I can't make decisions! I'm a President!"
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* In the [[Posleen War Series]], there's a couple of them. The president at the start of the series is somewhat of a minor President Strawman, but becomes President Action towards the end of ''When the Devil Dances''. In his [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|CMoA]], he engages (along with his Secret Service and Marine guardians) [[Horde of Alien Locusts|Posleen]] emerging from a lander that came down near a human refugee camp he was visiting. His successor falls into the President Minority (woman) category, with more than a touch of President Strawman, with a strong aversion to using nuclear weapons (not entirely unjustified, given that nukes used by the Chinese didn't do more than delay the PRC's ultimate destruction, while poisoning the land for hundreds of years).
* [[Dave Barry]] promised in ''[[Dave Barry]] Turns 40'' that he would be a President Buffoon if elected:
{{quote| I can hear you saying, "Oh yeah, Mr. Smartass? Well, what kind of leader would ''you'' be?" The answer is, I'd be a terrible leader. I'd be such an inadequate leader that within a matter of days the United States would rank significantly below Belize as a world power. But at least I'd try to be an ''interesting'' leader.}}
* In ''Why Not Me?'', Al Franken portrayed himself as a Corrupt President Playboy and [[Adam Westing|much more of a jerk than he really is]].
* ''[[Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter]]''. One guess as to what kind of president this is.
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*** Particularly as {{spoiler|The Master is revealed to have gone mad because of Rassilon's machinations to escape the Time Locked Time War}}.
* ''[[Doctor Who]]'' spinoff ''[[Torchwood]]'' had Prime Minister Jerkass Brian Green. He spends the entire 4-5-6 incident making his most loyal civil servant take bullets for him, to the point of {{spoiler|forcing him to sacrifice his own children, which drives him to commit suicide.}} When the whole incident is finally cleared up, he says he feels "lucky" because his reputation has not been marred. Also President Corrupt.<br /><br />Fortunately, in his last appearance of the miniseries, it's strongly implied that {{spoiler|the [[The Starscream|Home Secretary]] is going to blackmail him into standing down so that she can take over}}.
* President Paul Hollister, played by Beau Bridges in ''~[[10.5~]]'', is a President Personable.
* Jim Hacker of ''[[Yes Minister|Yes, Prime Minister]]'' tends to be a Personable Prime Minister Focus Group, easily swayed by his Cabinet Secretary [[The Humphrey|Humphrey Appleby]], although he can develop a very strong Iron streak when he feels his moral integrity is threatened.
* President David Palmer of ''[[24|Twenty Four]]'' was President Personable who had a habit of being a President Target every now and then. {{spoiler|And he succumbs to it in season five}}. President Charles Logan was [[President Evil]] with a bit of [[Obfuscating Stupidity]] at first.
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** Palmer had a tendency to stray into President Mary Sue territory occasionally.
*** [[President Minority|President Allison Taylor]] looks like a sweet, middle-aged lady (she is, after all, played by Cherry Jones). '''Do not let this fool you.''' President Taylor ''will not budge'' once she has made up her mind about something... she's an [[Iron Lady]] and thus [[President Iron]] personified.
{{quote| '''President Taylor:''' "I want that sonofabitch ''found''."}}
** And now President Hassan of [[Hollywood Atlas|Kamistan]] has gotten in on the action, mostly as President Target but now edging into {{spoiler|President Action territory after ''saving Jack Bauer.''}}
* Francis Urquhart in the ''[[House of Cards]]'' trilogy of books and TV serials is a Prime Minister Corrupt.
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== Web Original ==
* At one point in ''[[The Spoony Experiment]]'', Dr. Insano is elected president. Three guess as to which one he is. He even lampshades this in his inaugural address:
{{quote| "I even used my real name! You voted for guy named ''Dr. Insano''!!! What the hell is wrong with you people?"}}
** His platform includes: building a giant sawblade to cut Canada off at the top and then attach it to Australia, forcing the zombified corpses of political dissidents to fight to the death for his amusement, replacing the entire US population with robots, and turning [[wikipedia:SuicideGirls|the Suicide Girls]] into his own personal harem. Also, Fu Manchu was his running mate. He won by a landslide.
* [[Transformers|"Optimus Prime]] for President" returns 145,000 hits on [[Google]]. Like the aforementioned [[Superman]], he's disqualified, having been born on Cybertron, not in the US. Would be counted as President Action (with the [[BFG]] to back it up).
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** It was also odd because while it fits the parody, it doesn't exactly fit the governor we all know and love. A [[Take That]], perhaps? Matt Groening is supposedly a friend of Phil Angelides (who ran against Arnie in 2006).
* [[Richard Nixon]]('s head in a jar) in ''[[Futurama]]'' is an Evil Scheming Corrupt Lunatic Gargantuan Cyborg President. In his own words:
{{quote| '''Nixon:''' Computers may be twice as fast as they were in 1973, but your average voter is still as drunk and stupid as ever. The only thing that's changed is me. I've become bitter and, lets face it, crazy over the years, and once I'm swept into office I'll sell our children's organs to zoos for meat, and I'll break into people's houses at night and wreck up the place! Mwahahahahahaha!!}}
* In ''[[Monsters vs. Aliens]]'', you have [[The Colbert Report|Stephen Colbert]] [[Ink Suit Actor|playing]] "[[Alter Ego Acting|himself]]" as a president buffoon, who attempts to make contact with a robotic probe by playing a kickass keyboard solo, puts [[Big Red Button|Big Red Buttons]] for launching nukes and making coffee next to each other, and tries to take out a 50-story alien robot with [[Shooting Superman|a handgun.]]
* In ''[[Justice League Crisis On Two Earths]],'' the League visits a mirror universe where their heroes are bad guys, and their villains, good guys. The president in this world is Slade Wilson, also known in the main universe as frikkin' ''Deathstroke the Terminator.''
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* The president, for some strange reason in the 1988 [[Mighty Mouse]] episode "Mundane Voyage," is Abraham Lincoln.
* We never see a presidential figure in the [[Danger Mouse]] episode "The Statue Of Liberty Caper" because he is surrounded by Secret Service agents at his Oval Office desk. We can only hear him mumbling which his Service charges translate in government-ese.
{{quote| '''D.M.:''' Thank you, Mr. President...uh, nice to have almost met you!}}
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