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* [[Cryptic Conversation]]: [[Lampshade Hanging|She gets called out on it at one point. ]]
{{quote| '''Shion:''' What do you want? Are you here to say a bunch of cryptic things again and confuse me? You're always like that. You just appear in front of me, say whatever you feel like, then just watch without actually doing anything! }}
* [[Expy]]: She looks remarkably like Elly from ''[[Xenogears]]''. {{spoiler|Given the ending with her and Abel, this was probably very deliberate.}}
* [[Meaningful Name]]: Nephilim means "watchers" or "those who have come down."
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* {{spoiler|[[Death Seeker]]}}: All he ''thinks'' he wants is {{spoiler|for Jr. to kill him at last.}}
* [[Drunk on the Dark Side]]: Albedo firing {{spoiler|Proto Merkabah at Second Militia}} definitely qualifies. Also, this trope is a part of what he wants, overall, since {{spoiler|he wants to link up with U-DO again so badly.}} Also, commenting on his {{spoiler|first link up with U-DO}}...
{{quote| '''Albedo''': {{spoiler|I experienced but a fragment of my true power that day. ''The waves that inundated my body, are now apart of me.'' I've reached a higher stage of existence, compared to you incomplete mortals. I am the Alpha AND the Omega of perfect consciousness!}}}}
* [[Establishing Character Moment]]: While he's featured in several scene's beforehand, Albedo's infamous [[Mind Rape]] scene is this ''in spades''.
* [[Evil Albino]]: Boy, howdy!
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* [[Twin Telepathy]]: Although all the URTVs can communicate telepathically, the link between Jr. and Albedo is especially strong, with Jr. even able to sense {{spoiler|when Albedo is reduced to particles.}}
* [[Too Kinky to Torture]]:
{{quote| "This pain. It's SO GOOD! SO GOOOOD!"}}
* [[White-Haired Pretty Boy]]: For a given amount of "pretty."
* [[Who Wants to Live Forever?]]: {{spoiler|Albedo has infinite regeneration, meaning he absolutely cannot die. ''Even if he is reduced to mere particles''. Needless to say, upon learning that his brothers lack this regeneration, he takes it very badly. [[It Got Worse]] after contact with U-DO.}}
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* [[Knight Templar]]
* [[Say My Name]]: To Jin.
{{quote| "'''UZUKI[[User:Dai-Guard|Dai-Guard]] ([[User talk:Dai-Guard|talk]]) 10:51, 27 November 2013 (UTC)'''"}}
* {{spoiler|[[Unwitting Pawn]]}}: {{spoiler|To Wilhelm}}.
* [[Villainous BSOD]]: Upon learning {{spoiler|that everything he believed about Ormus was a giant pretty lie}} Margulis has one hell of a Villainous BSOD.
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