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Xenosaga/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Meganekko]]: For the first game only. Sadly, she explains that she has perfect eyesight, and only uses the [[Chekhov's Gun|glasses to collect and analyze visual data]] in Episode III.
* [[Mini-Dress of Power]]: Her Vector uniform in Episode I. It returns as an alternate outfit in III.
* {{spoiler|[[Pals Withwith Jesus]]: Shion, in a past life, was called the Maiden of Mary. It seems that she and Mary Magdalene (yes, ''that'' Mary Magdalene) were very close.}}
* [[Oblivious to Love]]: Allen tries to ask Shion out and/or just get across that he loves her several times in the series and she just doesn't get it. {{spoiler|He finally gets the girl, only because he decided to stand up to Kevin to win her back from him.}} To think what would have happened if that never occured.
* [[Pretty in Mink]]: Her jacket in ''III'' has a fur collar.
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* [[Stripperific]]: Her outfit in Episode III (above), although her outfits in I and II weren't exactly conservative either.
* [[Swiss Army Weapon]]: Shion's M.W.S. It's nerfed into a standoff weapon in ''Episode II'', but is rebuffed in ''Episode III'''
* {{spoiler|[[Tomato in Thethe Mirror]]: She made contact with the Zohar and summoned the Gnosis.}}
* [[Trademark Favorite Food]]: Curry. It's her specialty dish to make.
* [[Tsundere]]: Particularly to her brother Jin, but also to just about everyone in her life other than KOS-MOS.
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======= Voiced by Mariko Suzuki in Japanese and [[Bridget Hoffman]] (Episode I & III), [[Colleen O 'Shaughnessey]] (Episode II), and [[Luci Christian]] (anime) in English. =======
KOS-MOS is an android built by Shion and Kevin Winicott in order to battle and destroy the Gnosis threat. She can use UMN transport to manifest absurdly powerful weapons. She is capable of generating the Hilbert effect (which draws Gnosis into Real space so they can be fought) at a range wider than even 100-series Realians can do with an amplifier. Her inner workings are described as a black box, and she sometimes acts in ways that go outside her programming.
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* [[Chest Blaster]]: Her X-BUSTER located at the belly-region and (Form 4) D-TENERITAS is fired from just above her chest.
* [[Emotionless Girl]]
* [[Fun Withwith Acronyms]]: Her name is a recursive acronym meaning Kosmos Obey Strategic Multiple Operation Systems.
* [[Gatling Good]] / [[Guns Akimbo]]: Subverted, it is one of her weakest special weapons. However, they're her most [[Iconic Item|iconic weapons]].
* {{spoiler|[[Heroic Sacrifice]]: Repeatedly, thanks to her [[Made of Iron]] mechanical construction and the skill of Shion, the Professor, and other engineers.}}
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* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: ''The'' nice guy of the series. Also the one with the power to destroy Gnosis with a touch. {{spoiler|And is an immortal, and implied to be the one behind Jesus' miracles. Oh, and he's the harbringer of the Apocalypse, if it ever comes to that.}}
* [[Bishonen]]
* [[Blessed Withwith Suck]]: {{spoiler|His power of Anima is to ensure that the dissipation of the Collective Unconscious doesn't engulf both the Upper and Lower Domain and destroy the universe.}} While this sounds all well and good, the alternative is that his power actually {{spoiler|Only contains the dissipation inside the Lower Domain, that is, the world the characters live in and the world where the Collective Unconscious reside, meaning, the Lower Domain is sacrificed to save the Upper Domain.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Deuteragonist]]: Debatably}}
* [[Enigmatic Minion]]: A protagonistic example. Just look at all the spoilers here...
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* [[BFG]]: All of his special weapons.
* [[Cyborg]]: He is one, but is considered obsolete by the time the series starts. Doesn't stop him from kicking ass all over the place.
* [[Expy]]: Ziggy has a great deal in common with [[Robo CopRoboCop]], from the [[Robo Cam]] to denying his previous identity {{spoiler|until after some [[Character Development]]}}, and also looks more than a bit like Rutger Hauer as [[Blade Runner|Roy Batty]].
* [[Hammerspace]]: Presumably he uses UMN transport for his [[BFG|BFGs]], just like KOS-MOS.
* [[Not So Stoic]]: After he sees {{spoiler|Voyager}} in Episode II, we get to see him get ''pissed''. Which leads to...
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* [[Daddy's Girl]]: MOMO is really fond of her father, from what she can remember of him. She doesn't believe the rumors of his insanity when they pop up, even when they're seen as the common opinion. It is believed (even by her sisters) that she was Joachim's favorite.
* [[Drives Like Crazy]]: During ''Episode II'''s [[Chase Scene]]. [[Justified]] in that she was driving away from people who were trying to capture her.
* [[Fun Withwith Acronyms]]: Her name means 'Multiple Observative Mimetic Organicus'.
* [[Magical Girl]]: In ''Episode I'', MOMO has in-battle [[Transformation Sequence|Transformation Sequences]] that give her special abilities. Seriously. Her name is also a [[Shout-Out]] to a classic magical girl, Minky Momo.
* [[Magic Knight]]: Due to gameplay mechanics in Episode III, she can be the best at dealing the most single target physical damage of all playable characters, even if her actual strength is actually dishing magical attacks and heals. Of course, she's not able to take damage as well as other characters, and takes certain gearing to bring her to average defensive wise.
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* [[Charles Atlas Superpower]]: Jin can slice through giant mecha with a sword, while ostensibly being a normal human.
* [[Counter Attack]]: One of Jin's skill trees.
* [[Expy]]: Of Citan Uzuki from ''[[Xenogears (Video Game)|Xenogears]]''.
* {{spoiler|[[Heroic Sacrifice]]}}
** {{spoiler|[[Dying Moment of Awesome]]}}
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* [[Cryptic Conversation]]: [[Lampshade Hanging|She gets called out on it at one point. ]]
{{quote| '''Shion:''' What do you want? Are you here to say a bunch of cryptic things again and confuse me? You're always like that. You just appear in front of me, say whatever you feel like, then just watch without actually doing anything! }}
* [[Expy]]: She looks remarkably like Elly from ''[[Xenogears (Video Game)|Xenogears]]''. {{spoiler|Given the ending with her and Abel, this was probably very deliberate.}}
* [[Meaningful Name]]: Nephilim means "watchers" or "those who have come down."
* [[Oracular Urchin]]
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* [[Only Sane Man]]: The only vanilla human who tags along with the party.
* [[Secretly Wealthy]]: Evidently, Allen comes from a wealthy family but he never flaunts it and prefers not to rely on their help.
* {{spoiler|[[Spanner in Thethe Works]]: Maybe, depending on your interpretation of Wilhelm's ultimate goals.}}
* [[The So-Called Coward]]
* [[Took a Level In Badass]]: In the end, he ''bludgeons'' a Gnosis to death with a rifle butt, after delivering a [[Shut UP, Hannibal]] to [[The Dragon]].
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* {{spoiler|[[Secret Identity]]: Two of them.}}
* [[Shirtless Scene]]
* {{spoiler|[[Stalker Withwith a Crush]]}}
* [[Used to Be Aa Sweet Kid]]: Subverted to hell and back: {{spoiler|He was a rotten, duplicitous little bastard even as a kid. Heck, [[Used to Be Aa Sweet Kid|he used to be a bad kid]] by comparison because at least he was a lot better at hiding it as an adult.}}
=== '''Lt. Luis Virgil{{spoiler|/Blue Testament}}''' ===
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{{spoiler|[[Back From the Dead|Or he would have if he wasn't brought back by Wilhelm]]. He then becomes the Blue Testament, personality intact. His reason for becoming a Testament is tied into the Miltian Conflict. During the period, he lost his whole squad to Realians and would have died if he didn't get a transplant from a Realian named Febronia, who also took care of Shion. While recovering, the formerly hard-assed soldier eventually softens and the two fall in love. However, when all things went to hell, Febronia died. He blames himself for being too weak and not being able to protect her. Because of this, he rejected love and developed an intense hatred towards Realians. The reason he hates Shion's optimism so much is because she reminds him of Febronia.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Ascend to Aa Higher Plane of Existence]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Back From the Dead]]: Justified by Wilhelm's power}}
* [[Boss Banter]]
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* {{spoiler|[[Survivor Guilt]]: A major part of his character.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Together in Death]]: With Feb.}}
* [[What Do You Mean Its Not Symbolic]]: Virgil was the name of Dante's guide from ''[[The Divine Comedy]]'' and the writer of ''[[The Aeneid (Literature)|The Aeneid]]''.
=== '''Gaignun Kukai''' ===
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Tony's childhood friend and the navigator of the Elsa. His hacking skills are reportedly top-notch, and Vector has tried repeatedly to hire him.
* [[Expy]]: Of Hammer from ''[[Xenogears (Video Game)|Xenogears]]'', minus the anthromorphic rat aspects.
* [[Playful Hacker]]: So good that Vector scouted him but he always declined.
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======= Voiced by [[Hikaru Midorikawa]] in Japanese, and [[Doug Erholtz]] in English. =======
Pronounced "oo-doo". It's an [[Fun Withwith Acronyms|acronym]] for '''U'''nus-Mundus '''D'''rive '''O'''peration. Despite the deception, it is not a computer program.
An [[Eldritch Abomination|indescribably powerful and alien entity]], U-DO is an [[Energy Being]] that lives in UMN space, discovered by Dimitri Yuriev. [[Mind Rape|Able to drive people insane]] [[Brown Note|through mental contact alone]], it is a malevolent creature with no regard for humans...
{{spoiler|Except for the part where all that turns out to be [[Blatant Lies|boldface fabrications]] by Yuriev. While it does drive people insane-see Albedo-this is mostly accidental on it's part. In reality, it is the sentient avatar of the mind of the universe, a Gnostic [[God]] who possesses a benign, scientific interest in humans. Unfortunately, it's mind is so powerful it literally destroys the minds of most people it attempts to contact. As shown throughout it's interviews with Shion in game #3, it seeks to understand the goals and psychology of humans and the nature of the universe. To do that, it created two [[God in Human Form|observational units]]-Abel, a [[Xenogears (Video Game)|Fei]] [[Expy]] who gathers information in physical space, and Abel's Ark, a colossal-star system sized-living ship who observes spiritual space. It is an important element in all three games.}}
* [[Brown Note]] / [[Mind Rape]]: Coming into contact with U-DO has this effect. {{spoiler|The exact effects is the individual learning what U-DO has seen. Namely, isolation enough to drive a person mad and the end of the universe.}}
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* [[Cosmic Horror]]: {{spoiler|Subverted. It's simply a completely alien existence from a higher dimension. And it's curious about humans in a scientific way.}}
* [[Crystal Dragon Jesus]]
* [[Eldritch Abomination]]: {{spoiler|Benign or not}}, it's still [[HPH.P. Lovecraft|Yog-Sototh]] lite.
* [[Fun Withwith Acronyms]]
* [[God in Human Form]]: Well {{spoiler|God In Human And [[Cool Ship]] Form, anyhow}}.
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* [[A God Am I]]: In heaping plates of ham.
* {{spoiler|[[Ascend to Aa Higher Plane of Existence]]}}
* [[Ax Crazy]]: And then some. Also one of the most pure examples of "crazy" in media. Most of the time, [[Ax Crazy]] is simply extremely vicious sociopaths with little regard to human life. Albedo personifies the truly insane elements by making semi-coherent references to various works, often randomly and with the loose relevance to the current issue and has a warped pattern of speech ("I am the ultimate telomerase!" when he's referencing his immortality). {{spoiler|To be fair, though, this is due to being corrupted by U-DO.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Back From the Dead]]: No less than ''three'' times in Episode II, for a given amount of "dead."}}
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* [[Creepy Child]]: Boy, was he ever.
* {{spoiler|[[Death Seeker]]}}: All he ''thinks'' he wants is {{spoiler|for Jr. to kill him at last.}}
* [[Drunk Onon the Dark Side]]: Albedo firing {{spoiler|Proto Merkabah at Second Militia}} definitely qualifies. Also, this trope is a part of what he wants, overall, since {{spoiler|he wants to link up with U-DO again so badly.}} Also, commenting on his {{spoiler|first link up with U-DO}}...
{{quote| '''Albedo''': {{spoiler|I experienced but a fragment of my true power that day. ''The waves that inundated my body, are now apart of me.'' I've reached a higher stage of existence, compared to you incomplete mortals. I am the Alpha AND the Omega of perfect consciousness!}}}}
* [[Establishing Character Moment]]: While he's featured in several scene's beforehand, Albedo's infamous [[Mind Rape]] scene is this ''in spades''.
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* {{spoiler|[[Redemption Equals Death]]: He does this '''three times''' and every time it looks like he's gone for good, however, he just won't stay dead-- He's molecularly reassembled by the Testaments, killed again by Jr., brought back as a Testament himself and dies again when his mind is absorbed by Jr. and his body is obliterated}}.
* [[Required Secondary Powers]]: His [[Healing Factor]].
* {{spoiler|[[Suicide Byby Cop]]: He [[I Cannot Self-Terminate|Can Not Self Terminate]], so he repeatedly attempts to provoke Jr. into killing him.}}
* [[Terms of Endangerment]]: His frequent referral to MOMO as ''Ma belle péche'' or a variant of said phrase.
* [[Twin Telepathy]]: Although all the URTVs can communicate telepathically, the link between Jr. and Albedo is especially strong, with Jr. even able to sense {{spoiler|when Albedo is reduced to particles.}}
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* [[The Fundamentalist]]
* [[Heroic BSOD]]: Post-Ariadne Incident, her attitude had changed.
* [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold]]
* [[Knight Templar]]: Not as much as Margulis, but enough to cause friction with {{spoiler|Jin}}.
* [[Likable Villain]]
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* [[Sinister Shades]]: See: [[Cool Shades]].
* [[The Unfought]]: In a rare twist, the party battles its way into the heart of the Merkabah to confront Sellers only for him [["The Reason You Suck" Speech|lecture them]] about what [[Good Is Dumb|what idiots they've been]] and then just float away in his hoverchair.
* [[What Happened to Thethe Mouse?]]: He's one of the few dangling threads the series left behind, as he's never actually killed on screen. [[Fanon|Everyone just assumes he stayed on the Merkabah as it was absorbed by Abel's Ark]].
* [[You Are Too Late]]: He whips this out only after the fact, telling the party that while they've wasted their time battling their way through Merkabah, Yuriev has invaded ''The Durandal'', and they're probably too late to do anything about it.
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* [[Bald of Evil]]
* [[Black Cloak]]
* [[The Cracker]]: Before he became a supernatural monster he was a ''[[Ghost in Thethe Shell]]''-inspired cyber-terrorist with whom Ziggy tangled during his days as a policeman.
* [[Enigmatic Minion]]
* [[Evil Albino]]: Maybe. That or he's just frighteningly pale.
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* [[AI Is a Crapshoot]]: T-elos is cruel and sadistic, compared to KOS-MOS's logical indifference or protectiveness.
** This could be more of the below [[Evil Counterpart]]. It's not just their personalities that's flipped, but pretty much ''everything'' along with a play on words. KOS-MOS is right-handed (dextrous, implying skill and effectiveness) while T-elos is left (sinister, implying cruelty. [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin|Obviously]]).
* [[Dark Action Girl]]: T-ELOS fits this to a [[Incredibly Lame Pun|T]].
* [[Darkskinned Blonde]]: Technically white hair.
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