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Community/Recap/S1/E23 Modern Warfare: Difference between revisions

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* [[Affectionate Parody]]: The [[Overly Narrow Superlative|best]] [[Paintball Episode|paintball-based]] [[Satire, Parody, Pastiche]] of [[Post Apocalyptic]] and [[Heroic Bloodshed]] [[Overly Narrow Superlative|action movies since]] ''[[Spaced]]''.
* [[After the End]]: The majority of "Modern Warfare" takes place after Dean Pelton announced the prize to the school's paintball competition, causing almost all of the students to destroy each other almost immediately.
{{quote| '''Garrett:''' '''"Over"'''?! This is not ''over!'' This is ''still happening!'' '''Right now!'''}}
** It should be noted that "almost immediately" means that the school is a paint-soaked wasteland in ''under an hour''.
* [[Almost Kiss]]: [[Double Subverted]] with Jeff and Britta -- they do the lean in while mocking the [[Florence Nightingale Effect]], and do a silly smooching act. Then they do it again, and ''[[Coitus Ensues|there]]'' [[Coitus Ensues|we go]].
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* [[Camping a Crapper]]: Britta's group's strategy is the [[Trope Namer]].
* [[Come with Me If You Want to Live]]: Spoofed.
{{quote| '''Abed:''' Come with me if you don't want paint on your clothes.}}
** As other episodes show, Jeff getting his clothes ruined would be worse than death for him...
* [[Continuity Nod]]: Abed's bandolier of paintball pellets has a slot for his lip balm.
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* [[Dueling Shows]]: Several more stabs at [[Glee]].
** When Abed and Troy are explaining to Jeff the Glee club sniper trap:
{{quote| '''Troy:''' They say the glee club has lured stragglers into sniper traps with cheery renditions of hit songs.<br />
'''Jeff:''' Really? And [[Take That|people fall for that]]?<br />
'''Troy:''' Yeah.<br />
'''Jeff:''' I mean, I'm all for winning, but let's not resort to cheap ploys! ''[ [[Hypocritical Humor|takes off shirt]]]'' }}
** Later:
{{quote| '''Jeff:''' WRITE SOME ORIGINAL SONGS!}}
* [[Epic Hail]]:
{{quote| '''Jeff:''' And tell the [[Drama Club]] their tears will be ''real'' today.}}
* [[Evil Costume Switch]]: Not that he wasn't '''already''' kind of evil to begin with but Senor Chang changes to an outfit similar to that worn by ''[[The Killer]]'' once the Dean gives him the go-ahead to take out the remaining players.
* [[Evil Laugh]]:
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** Jeff taking off his shirt right after claiming they shouldn't resort to cheap ploys in a [[Reality Subtext]] reference to the viewer hook of [[Glee]].
** This exchange:
{{quote| '''Dean:''' There will be a prize for last man standing, ''(sotto voice)'' or [[Political Correctness Gone Mad|last man in a wheelchair]] without paint on him.<br />
'''Britta:''' Or last woman.<br />
'''Dean:''' Give it a rest, Britta! ''Ug.'' }}
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* [[It Works Better with Bullets]]: Jeff removes his magazine before sleeping with Britta, predicting her betrayal.
* [[I've Heard of That! What Is It?]]:
{{quote| '''Dean:''' The prize was a Blu-ray DVD player... but it got stolen. So now it's TBD!<br />
'''Troy:''' I want TBD! Is that new? }}
* [[Leap and Fire]]: Abed's introduction (pictured). [[Badass]].
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* [[Pre-Climax Climax]]: Parodied with Jeff and Britta's hook-up.
* [[Pre-Mortem One-Liner]]: To the Chess Club:
{{quote| '''Jeff:''' Checkmate, [[This Is for Emphasis, Bitch|bitches]]!}}
* [[Redemption Equals Death|Redemption Equals 'Death']]: {{spoiler|Britta makes up for her attempt to double-cross Jeff by sacrificing herself to defeat Chang.}}
* [[Reset Button]]: All that paint is cleaned up impossibly quickly at the end; the school looks pristine just a few hours after the game ended.
** Somewhat [[Truth in Television]]. This was only the 19th episode produced, so they had to clean up the entire set in order to shoot the remaining episodes.
* [[Reverse Psychology]]:
{{quote| '''Jeff:''' Hey Pierce, ''don't'' come over here, okay?<br />
'''Pierce:''' Screw you! I'm comin' over there! }}
* [[Schmuck Bait]]: All over the place.
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** See [[Pre-Mortem One-Liner]].
** Also:
{{quote| '''Jeff:''' You're not even a student!<br />
'''Senor Chang:''' Wrong! ''[Holding up college schedule]'' "Critical Media Literacies" and "Politics of Gender", biyatch! }}
* [[Trashcan Bonfire]]: Jeff, Britta, Abed, and Shirley gather around one of these in the cafeteria.
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* [[Unfortunate Implications]]: Averted and discussed on the DVD commentary. The episode tries very hard to avoid the viewer being reminded of actual school shootings.
* [[Unresolved Sexual Tension]]: The study group complains about this getting unbearable.
{{quote| '''Abed:''' To be blunt, Jeff and Britta is no [[Friends|Ross and Rachel]]. Your sexual tension and lack of chemistry are putting us all on edge. Which is why, ironically - and hear this on every level - [[Incredibly Lame Pun|you're keeping us from being]] ''[[Friends]]''.<br />
'''Britta:''' Jeff and I do not have sexual tension. We just argue all the time.<br />
'''Shirley:''' Awww, just like [[Cheers|Sam and Diane]]! I ''hated'' Sam and Diane. }}
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