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[[File:Wandering_hamster_4110.png|frame|Sorry, folks. Your typical teenage swordsman and his friends couldn't show up. So instead, we got these guys to take their position.]]
{{quote| ''Lord Hasim has been overthrown, plips run rampant, and a menacing evil lurks in the shadows... or is it a cactus? What hamster is spiffy enough to save the world? Bob!''}}
''Wandering Hamster'' is a freeware RPG made by James Paige using the OHRRPGCE, presumably made as a sort of a demonstration of what kind of games the engine is capable of making. It casts Hamster Republic's mascot Bob the Hamster as a freelance monster-hunter and adventurer who finds himself (as well as others) getting involved in various JRPG-style escapades. Currently playable yet still remains unfinished despite actual development going as far back as 1997. Current version can be found [http://hamsterrepublic.com/ohrrpgce/index.php/Game_Wandering_Hamster.html here].
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