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Rome/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Drill Sergeant Nasty]]: One in the pilot, mellows in later episodes.
* [[Fiery Redhead]]
* [[Good -Looking Privates]]
* [[The Gump]]
* [[Heroic BSOD]]: Once the Unstoppable Rage has worn off, Vorenus has one of these after believing his whole family is dead
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* [[The Gambling Addict]]
* [[Gladiator Games]]: Pullo is sentenced to fight and die in the arena. After being provoked he kills five of the gladiators instead in a [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]].
* [[Good -Looking Privates]]
* [[The Gump]]
* [[Happily Married]]: To Eirene. Even though he {{spoiler|killed the man she loved in a fit of rage.}}
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* [[Family Theme Naming]]
* [[Name's the Same]]: The Vorenas.
* [[Not Allowed to Grow Up]]: BecauseA rare, possibly unique 21st-Century example, because of HBO's screwing the second season. Otherwise the younger Voreni would have been recast at least once per season to account for the time passed.
* {{spoiler|[[Made a Slave|Made Slaves]]:}} By Erastes Fulmen.
** {{spoiler|[[Sex Slave]]}}: Vorena the Elder.
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* [[Beard of Sorrow]]: Mark Antony grows a beard after Octavian crushes his rebellion. By a historical account, this actually happened.
* [[Berserk Button]]: Too many to count.
* [[Better to Die Than Be Killed]]
* [[Byronic Hero]]
* [[Coitus Uninterruptus]]
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* [[Dude, Where's My Respect?]]
* [[Evil Versus Evil]]: His conflict against Octavian.
* [[For the Evulz]]: Cuts off grain shipments from Egypt to Rome because he can.
* [[Guyliner]]: When he's in Egypt.
* [[Hot-Blooded]]
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* [[Unstoppable Rage]]
* [[Villain Protagonist]]
* [[Villain with Good Publicity]]: For a time.
* [[Wacky Fratboy Hijinks]]: In Egypt. This being Rome, they are taken [[Up to Eleven]].
* [[You Should Know This Already]]: Antony and Cleopatra hook up, but it doesn't end well.
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* [[Bigger Is Better in Bed]]: Firm believer in this.
* [[Blood Bath]]: In the first episode Atia takes a shower in the blood pouring down from a slaughtered bull during a ritual to ensure the safe travelling of her son to Gaul.
* [[Break the Haughty]]: By the end of the series her son is the most powerful man in the known world and will remain that to the day he dies, in partly because of her constant scheming and her upbringing of him. Yet the love of her life has abandoned her and then committed suicide, and [[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing]] Livia has surpassed her in influence over and respect from Octavian.
* [[Chessmaster]]: She likes to think she's this but since her plans fail at least half the time and she seems to act on whim a lot she's more of a [[Smug Snake]].
* [[Clingy Jealous Girl]]
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* [[Right Behind Me]]: Happens to him in "Pharsalus" while insulting Pompey. He doesn't mind.
* [[Tragic Hero]]
* [[What Could Have Been]]: The original plan of Season 2 was for it to be "the Brutus season", fleashing a lot the character and even ending with his death as the last shot.
* [["Well Done, Son" Guy]]
* [[Your Terrorists Are Our Freedom Fighters]]
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* [[Arch Enemy]]: To Mark Antony.
* [[Compelling Voice]]: The orator of the ancient world, and arguably one of the greatest public speakers who has ever lived.
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: [[Up to Eleven]] in the series.
* [[Face Death with Dignity]]: Very much so and without a doubt. Arguably the most dignified death in the series.
* [[Foreshadowing]]: Mark Antony threatens to have [[Creepy Souvenir|his hands]] cut and nailed to the Senate's doors. Guess what happens years later.
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* [[Country Mouse]]
* [[Genre Savvy]]
* [[Good -Looking Privates]]
* [[Love At First Sight]]
* [[The McCoy]]
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