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Assassin's Creed II: Difference between revisions

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* [[An Axe to Grind]]: Ezio can disarm Brutes and use their axes against them.
* [[Ancient Conspiracy]] / [[Conspiracy Kitchen Sink]]: As of ''Assassin's Creed II'', it might be safer to ask who wasn't involved in this mother-of-all-conspiracies. Name a historical figure. Yep, they're involved on either the Assassin side, Templar side, or were just shmucks/ descendants of [[Precursors|Those Who Came Before]] who ended up with a Piece of Eden. A short list:
** On the Templar side, we've got: Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, J.P. Morgan, Oppenheimer, Tsar Nicolas, Rasputin, [[George Washington]], [[Adolf Hitler]] ''and'' [[Franklin D. Roosevelt|FDR]] ''and'' [[Winston Churchill]], Lee Harvey Oswald, [[The Pope|Rodrigo Borgia (aka Pope Alexander VI)]], the Pazzi family. Oh, and lest we forget, you know who the ''first'' Templar was? ''Cain''. That's about as ancient as an ancient conspiracy gets.
** On the Assassin side we've got: [[Divine Comedy|Dante Alighieri]], [[The Prince|Niccolò Machiavelli]], possibly Gandhi and [[Joan of Arc]]. ''Brotherhood'' indicates that Brutus and the forty Senators who killed Caesar were also Assassins, which means that Altair's musings on the possibility of the Assassin Order predating Mu'alim are true: the Assassin Order has evidently been around for at ''least'' two millenia, probably much, much longer. [[Nikola Tesla]] wasn't an Assassin himself, but after the Templars had ruined him the Assassins contacted him to recommend that he assist in [[The Tunguska Event|Tunguska]]. Marco Polo either was an Assassin or was associated with them, and the same holds true for Kublai Khan.
** On the schmucks/Those Who Came Before side, we've got [[Jesus]], [[King Arthur]], Houdini, [[John F. Kennedy]], and maybe Gandhi and John the Baptist. Oh and Cleopatra, [[Emperor Caligula|Caligula]], [[Genghis Khan]], [[Alexander the Great]], the First Emperor of China and King Xerxes? All killed by Assassins. However, those are just the ones famous by Ezio's time; Subject 16 mentions additional people. ''Brotherhood'' adds [[Gaius Julius Caesar]] to the list of people killed through influence by the Pieces of Eden.
** Also, a number of major historical events, such as {{spoiler|the Moon landing, [[Who Shot JFK?|the assassination of JFK]], the first nuclear detonations, and THE MURDER OF JESUS}} were done either because of or to acquire Pieces of Eden.
*** [[The Tunguska Event]], on the other hand, was an attempt to {{spoiler|destroy a Piece of Eden by Nikola Tesla. It failed.}}
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