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* ''[[Sailor Moon]]'' has a good example of this. One episode had {{spoiler|Nephrite's}} death, and the line that comes next has [[Narm]] written all over it: "I'm so sorry, {{spoiler|Naru...}} I guess I won't be taking you out for a chocolate parfait." [[It Makes Sense in Context]], but still sounds silly when taken by itself. No one cared because [[Tear Jerker|they were sniffling...]]
** There is plenty of Narm Charm in the dub: {{spoiler|After apparently escaping Zoicite and [[She's a Man In Japan|her]] mooks Molly mentions the local Cafe makes exquisite Cholote Parfaits and asks if Nephrite if they could go have one sometime,which he agrees to. Then she asks him if he has "Holidays in that Evil Society of His." The sheer silliness of the second question,already silly in Japanese, gets funnier with Molly's goofy Brooklyn Accent, Nephrite and even Molly herself have a bit of a laugh about it. Instead of ruining the scene, it somehow manages to keep the drama and pathos of the Japanese version wonderfully}}.
* ''[[Jo JoJoJo's Bizarre Adventure|Jo Jos Bizarre Adventure]]''. From the '''FAAABULOUS''' character designs, to the outrageous ''abilities'' (fighting with a bladed hat, putting zippers everywhere, turning rocks into mud, stopping time), to the characters themselves...then there are the manly tears, such as {{spoiler|when Polnareff cried when Abdul took a bullet for him, to when Joeseph saw his daughter's stand turning on her, et cetera}}. Yet, somehow, Jojo manages to work.
{{quote|'''The next thing you're going to say is ____'''.
'''Muda da, MudaMudaMudaMudaMudaMudaMudaMuda!''' vs '''OraOraOraOraOraOraOraOraOra!'''
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* [[Al Pacino]]'s first scene with [[Johnny Depp]] in ''[[Donnie Brasco]]'' was noted on the [[Directors Commmentary]] as one that could have been pathetic, but worked due to Pacino's skill. Lefty's line, "In all the five boroughs, I'm known. I'm known all over the fuckin' world. Anybody asks ''anybody'' about Lefty from Mulberry Street..."
* The only actor in ''history'' who could deliver the line "If it had to happen to one of us, why did it have to be you?" in ''[[An Affair to Remember]]'' was [[Cary Grant]]. Combine this with the explosive chemistry between Grant and co-star [[Deborah Kerr]], and what could have gone down as one of the sappiest, glurgiest movies ever produced is instead one of Hollywood's most epic love stories.
* The [[Sy FySyfy]] [[B-Movie]] ''[[Meteor Apocalypse]]'' has just what you'd expect of a B Movie -- low budget, bad script. But for film shot in only 12 days, the ''acting'' (even through the badly-written dialogue) is actually pretty good.
* The final scene of ''[[Dead Poets Society]]'' is almost universally considered to be a very powerful and moving ending to the film. But think of how it would sound written down on a script and what one would think it would end up like...
* ''[[Troy]]:'' Achilles' captive Briseis wakes him up with a [[Sword Over Head|sharp knife]] to the throat. After imploring her to "[[Kill Me Now or Forever Stay Your Hand|do it]]" ''("[[The Fatalist|we all die some time]]")'' he grabs her and [[Coitus Ensues|has his way with her]], prompting her to drop the knife slowly out of her hand. ...[[Better Than It Sounds|Yeah]]. As one reviewer said: ''"[[Even the Guys Want Him|Only Brad Pitt]] could do this (old-style Hollywood) scene and not have the audience burst into laughter."''
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* ''[[Little Women]]'' plots a course through [[Mary Sue|Mary Sues]], [[Purple Prose|wildly extravagant and sentimental prose]], [[An Aesop|Aesops]] (some of them [[Family-Unfriendly Aesop|rather questionable]]) in [[Once an Episode|nearly every chapter]]... and comes out as a gripping romantic drama with a deserved place in the highest pantheon of American literature.
* Discussed with an internal example in ''[[Star Trek: Klingon Empire]]''. The old animated show "[[Battlestar Galactica Classic|Battlecruiser Vengeance]]" is this for many Klingons (and it's a nice wink to actual fans of [[Star Trek: The Original Series|Original Series]] ''[[Star Trek]]'' too). One particular episode presents the Klingon hero repelling a Federation boarding party. The episode was produced during the height of tensions between the empire and the Federation, and the party consists of ridiculous, inaccurate computer-generated images of Federation member races. Specifically, the Andorian is more green than blue and has overlong antennae, the Vulcan's ears are too pointed, the Tellarite looks more like an actual boar, the Betazoid has fully blacked-out eyes instead of simple dark irises, the Human has eyes too large and a mouth too small, the Trill has spots covering her entire body, and the Denobulan has misplaced ridges. In the minds of many "modern" fans, the inaccuracy just adds to the joy of it.
* Let's face it: Both the ''[[Harry Potter (novel)|Harry Potter]]'' books and [[Harry Potter (film)|films]] can be quite [[Narm|narmilicious]]... but the thing is, the quality of it is just so good, it can easily be forgiven. One particular example is the ending of [[Harry Potter (Franchise)/Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix|the fifth]] when Harry gives his [[Reason You Suck Speech]] to Voldemort; which basically boils down to "I have [[The Power of Friendship]]. You don't. I pity you (though I still want you to die)". This, coupled with the shots of Voldemort's kind of goofy poses in the visions Harry sees during the film, ''could'' be extremely [[Narm|Narmy]]... but it's not. The reason being that when you've spent all this time reading the books and/or watching the films, you'really do understand what Harry is saying no matter how corny it might be. This is doubly true for the movie, which also shows clips from all the previous ones before it, most of those clips being of other [[Narm Charm]] moments from the series. This trope can definitely also apply to the ending of the 7th book; After [[Earn Your Happy Ending|all the crap]] that [[Power Trio|The Trio]] has been through, you can't help but feel happy that everything turned out okay (for the most part) in the end... unless you're a fanatic [[Shipping|Shipper]] and the ending defied your [[OTP]]; in that case, the ending of the series was your worst nightmare come true.
** * [[Harry Potter (Franchise)/Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows|"I'll join you when hell freezes over!"]] is one of the cheesiest cliches out there. But considering that this is {{spoiler|[[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass|Neville Longbottom]]}} saying it to {{spoiler|[[Big Bad|Voldemort]]}}'s face, and suddenly [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|you don't feel like laughing anymore.]]
* ''[[Nineteen Eighty-Four]]''. This conversation was used in the climax of the story. At first it seems to be a trivial discussion about counting fingers, but it's actually about a man being [[Mind Rape|tortured]] into changing his perspective in order to ''[[Two Plus Torture Equals Five|see things that aren't there]]''. Some might say it's worse than [[Room 101]] itself.
** Room 101 is just a means to an end. Specifically, YOUR end...
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== Tabletop Games ==
* [[Our Orcs Are Different|Da Orks]] of ''[[Warhammer 40000]]'' have their existence based around this trope. In the [[Darker and Edgier|grimdarkness]] of the far future, where everyone is fighting for survival or conquest or [[For the Evulz]], the Orks fight [[Boisterous Bruiser|for the hell of it]] and treat the whole thing as one big laugh, their interstellar campaigns of genocide compared to a ''pub crawl''. Their relentless obsession with [[More Dakka]], ability to perform amazing physical and technological feats [[Clap Your Hands If You Believe|solely because they believe they can]] and ridiculous [[Funetik Aksent]] combine to create a faction that can never be taken seriously, and are infinitely more enjoyable because of it. The Orcs of ''[[Warhammer Fantasy Battle]]'' on which they are based invoke this trope as well, but not to the level of the Orks.
** [http://1d4chan.org/wiki/Orkhammer "AN OPEN MIND IZ LIKE A FORTREZ! CUZ WE SMASHED IT!"]
** More subjectively, the setting can feel like the writers are just trying too hard. [[Memetic Mutation]] clearly shows that some people love it for that anyway.
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