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** Sleeper agents. They act during their day jobs. Completely safe (since they are not part of the active LCS, they do not commit crimes), can shift public opinion depending on their profession, can smuggle items or money to one's safehouses (and, at 100% efficiency, they are never caught). Gain 1% or 2% efficiency at the end of each month. Plus some little extras (Cops can warn the LCS from imminent police raids, lawyers can defend liberals in a trial, and so on).
** Spray paint. It can win you the game for a mere 20$. Since crimes on site cap at 10, going somewhere, spraying 10 tags, going out, rinse, repeat, is an incredibly boring way to play the game, but is a surefire and almost foolproof way to win to victory.
** Shotguns. Common, inexpensive, easy to use, powerful, relatively simple to conceal (can be hidden under a trenchcoat), and the only firearms that are ''always'' legal no matter how liberal the gun control laws are, they're also single-shot-only, have virtually no critical hit chance, have poor armor penetration, and overall have substantially less [[Cool Gun|'cool' factor]] than assault rifles or [[SM Gs]]SMGs.
* [[Bottomless Magazines]]: Averted.
* [[Bullying a Dragon]]: When an LCS squad wanted for murder counts in the thousands decides to do a rampage at the AM radio station, armed with M-16 and equipped with army body armor, they are [[Zerg Rush|met with waves of angry mobs with]] [[Torches and Pitchforks]].
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