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** In Goku's defense, he did say he didn't have much time to practice [[SS 3]].
* This really has as much if not more to do with Goku's own trainers than Goku himself. When left to his own devices on the trip to Namek, Goku's training is virtually identical if less intense than Vegeta's; turn up the gravity, blast self, heal with beans. The difference is that Goku's doing it in a controlled environment with a more efficient healing method compared to Vegeta who was increasing his power at the time by getting his ass kicked and thrown into a pod. Beyond that, Goku has always had the benefit of older, wiser trainers who teach him useful techniques like the kao ken. Vegeta was probably left to train himself. It's also likely that Vegeta did get to [[SSJ 2]] on his own; he seems confident in that he could take Dabra, who was nearly as strong as perfect cell(and thus out of reach of anything short of a ssj2). While Vegeta's confidence in his abilities and the reality are often not the same thing (see his fight with Frieza, Android 18, and perfect Cell), this was said against an enemy who he was observing fighting at full strength, giving him a better estimation of their abilities.
** I'd say you need to give credit where credit is due here. Goku was still weaker than Vegeta after being trained by King Kai, Mr. Popo/Kami, Korin, Roshi, and Grandpa Gohan. It wasn't until he started training on his own that he surpassed Vegeta. Granted the Anime and Movies imply he learned [[SS 2]]SS2, dragon fist, and [[SS 3]] from Grand Kai but we really can't say that's true for certain.
* And Goku ''takes sufficient rest''. That is just as important as training hard, because the real improvement happens during the recovery phase.
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== Saiyans have a collective source of energy from which they draw their transformative powers. ==
After Frieza killed off all the saiyans but four (or maybe nine or ten, if you count the movies), it became incredibly easy to go to higher levels of power, passing Super Saiyan and going to Legendary Super Saiyan (when you reach SS the hard way first) or [[SS 2]]SS2+.
== Saiyans are an offshoot of the human race, or the two races share a common ancestor. ==
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