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* To make the guess more wild, it's likely that earth suffered a Dark age at some point when humanity degraded to a much lower level of civilization due to some apocalypse (or a World war between bloodthirsty ancient human ancestors). Some humans escaped and traveled to planet Vegeta, [[Lost Technology|lost touch with their home civilization]] and themselves degraded to the Stone age in their attempt to adapt to the harsh conditions on the new planet. The native Tuffles too could have inflicted heavy losses against these humans, destroyed whatever tech they had and forced them into the wild where they struggled to survive for a long long time (Reminds me of what happened in Larry Niven's [[Ringworld]]). Over time humans on earth again became technologically advanced and evolved to lose their tails and their fighting genes (Super Saiyan genes became recessive to the point where they went vestigial). For Saiyans it was just the opposite. They adapted to the wild, over time probably forgot their own history and turned into savages and evolved into fighting machines under the 10x gravity and gained the ability to transform into apes and their Super Saiyan genes became dominant, but dormant. Thus humans split into two groups, but other than certain genes evolving to becoming dominant and others becoming vestigial, they are in fact the same species.
* Also their genetics are extremely compatible to the extent that their offspring are much more capable then either pure Saiyan or pure human. Perhaps the recessive vestigial Super Mode genes in humans combine with the dominant and active Super mode genes in Saiyans and get activated as a result, giving offspring like Gohan, Goten, Trunks or Pan much stronger genes (or the Super Saiyan genes occupy more of their genetic makeup), giving them more potential. On the other hand the tail genes are weakened over time and they die out. As well as the genes responsible for personality, which explains why only pure Saiyans [[Blood Knight|possess the fighting lust]].
* DBZ genetics seem to suggest that [[Lamarck Was Right]]. Perhaps after a few generations of very powerful human fighters having their own offspring, those humans' own Super genes will be activated enough to become dominant and we could see the first Super Human transformation, which would be the icing on the cake.
== Ironically, the Saiyans' Zenkai ability is a defense mechanism, not an offensive feature. ==
That's how it's so inconsistent. When Vegeta first demonstrated his Zenkai ability, he went from 18k to 24k; higher than Goku's kaioken 3x boost , when he got beaten to near-death one more time by Zarbon, he went from having the tar beaten out of him to kicking his ass. After he instructed [[The Woobie|Krillin]] to nearly kill him, he was indeed stronger than form 3 Frieza but was no match for his final form.
While training in 100x gravity, he kept putting himself in near-death, but on namek he was only as strong as [[The Dragon|Ginyu]], who was more than 4 times weaker than first form Frieza. Goku was so worried about fighting Frieza before he healed, and then conveniently became as strong as initial final form Frieza.
During their fight, Perfect Cell was no match for a Super Saiyan 2 Gohan; after blowing himself up in a desperate attempt to defeat him, his power increased so drastically that he can stalemate with a Super Saiyan 2-powered Kamehameha.
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** I think this is going to be my personal canon.
== Zenkai is a form of inbuilt Unlock Potential in Saiyans whose real purpose is [[Required Secondary Powers|to unleash enough potential for a Super Saiyan transformation to become possible]]. And Goku got there first thanks to his Kai-o-Ken ==
Ok, this is a big one, and it needed a lot of thought, so stay with me on this. Has anyone found it odd that the Saiyan's healing abilities go to bizarre extents once the Saiyan's power level and intensity of training go beyond a certain level and then vanish? Take a look at Namek Saga. Vegeta and Gohan's powers were improving dramatically after the fight with the Ginyu force. Vegeta's power went up by about 40%-50% after the Saiyan saga and the Zarbon fight, but then it went up 10x after he recovered from the fight with the Ginyu force to over 500,000 and then at least another 4x as he was at least as strong as Frieza's third form (though it wasn't enough to fight the 4th). Gohan (apart from Guru unlocking his powers) nearly surpassed Frieza in his third form albeit briefly.
Now a Saiyan's power level needs to be beyond a certain threshold to properly access the Super Saiyan form (a few million or so). Take a look at Goku. After repeated healing and training his power level went to around 90,000 (w/o Kai-O-Ken). But then it went from around 90,000 to 3,000,000 (as per official Daizhenshuu Guides) after the fight against Ginyu. That a '''33 fold increase!'''. You wonder if even Guru could have achieved that. That's followed by Goku finding more and more reserve of power up to a 20x Kaioken and then he lost it and became a Super Saiyan.
After that it's never works like that again except once in the Cell saga where Cell seems to have used it to come close to Super Saiyan 2 (well almost, as Gohan did beat him with one hand down and his power cut in half). It didn't seem to work like that the first time when he swallowed a Senzu Bean, (though it must have done something as his 100% power was strong enough to awe Goku). It's plausible that since Cell didn't need Zenkai for reaching Super Saiyan levels it just worked on boosting his power closer to Super Saiyan 2. Now after Cell was destroyed, it seems to have stopped working on him too as in the Otherworld he was floored by Pikkon. And by this point if healing even works at all on Goku and co., its effect is negligible.
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== Cell would have accepted defeat if Goku became a Super Saiyan 2 ==
Cell expected Goku to be the strongest of the Z fighters, he even offered him the opportunity to get a senzu bean so the fight could continue. Had Goku accepted Cell's offer he eventually would have received power boost to reach Super Saiyan 2 (granted he didn't die first). Because Cell predicted Goku was the biggest threat he probably wouldn't have gotten as angry as he did with Gohan (who was a [[Large Ham|"CHILD!!!!"]]) if he surpassed him.
== The Hyperbolic Time Chamber/[[Ro Sa T]] is supposed to represent a black hole ==
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== Goku's massive advantage over Vegeta is because he trains much more efficiently ==
In the Buu Saga, Vegeta blames Goku for being more born talented for why he [[Can't Catch Up]], but when you think about it, Vegeta's training is rather crude and just about as brute force as it can get. In fact most of his improvement probably comes from Zenkai healing and we aren't even sure if he got to [[SSJ 2]]SSJ2 only because of Babidi or whether it simply boosted his [[SSJ 2]]SSJ2 power. In fact Vegeta only seems to indulge in brash over training for the most part, and if you know what that means, you'd wonder if he'd have improved at all if it weren't for healing genes.
* In fact that remark of Vegeta's is particularly striking because till the Cell Saga believed ''he'' was the born talented one. If anything, that probably means Vegeta did take a level in humility after all.
** An of course, as [[Dragon Ball GT|Super 17]] says, "It will only make [him] stronger!"
* This is all but proven when Vegeta clearly notices in the Cell Saga that Goku and Gohan are comfortable in their Super forms and then returns to training and doesn't attempt the same thing, though as the Buu saga proves Goku might have been wrong about how much energy transforming wastes.
** In Goku's defense, he did say he didn't have much time to practice [[SS 3]].
* This really has as much if not more to do with Goku's own trainers than Goku himself. When left to his own devices on the trip to Namek, Goku's training is virtually identical if less intense than Vegeta's; turn up the gravity, blast self, heal with beans. The difference is that Goku's doing it in a controlled environment with a more efficient healing method compared to Vegeta who was increasing his power at the time by getting his ass kicked and thrown into a pod. Beyond that, Goku has always had the benefit of older, wiser trainers who teach him useful techniques like the kao ken. Vegeta was probably left to train himself. It's also likely that Vegeta did get to [[SSJ 2]]SSJ2 on his own; he seems confident in that he could take Dabra, who was nearly as strong as perfect cell(and thus out of reach of anything short of a ssj2). While Vegeta's confidence in his abilities and the reality are often not the same thing (see his fight with Frieza, Android 18, and perfect Cell), this was said against an enemy who he was observing fighting at full strength, giving him a better estimation of their abilities.
** I'd say you need to give credit where credit is due here. Goku was still weaker than Vegeta after being trained by King Kai, Mr. Popo/Kami, Korin, Roshi, and Grandpa Gohan. It wasn't until he started training on his own that he surpassed Vegeta. Granted the Anime and Movies imply he learned SS2, dragon fist, and [[SS 3]] from Grand Kai but we really can't say that's true for certain.
* And Goku ''takes sufficient rest''. That is just as important as training hard, because the real improvement happens during the recovery phase.
== Chi-Chi was severely traumatized from Goku's fight with Piccolo Jr. ==
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== Piccolo is Batman ==
A bad-ass gruff character who is surprisingly good with kids.
* Plus he traveled the Earth as a kid.
** Dear lord. You're right...
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** But they never straight up fought in super saiyan form, at least not the same level. Goku always was a step up from Vegeta's Current form when he killed someone. He was SSJ When he fought Frieza, And [[SSJ 3]] when he fought Buu, and didn't even kill Buu with his own power.
* Who ever came up with that whacked up theory must be a huge Vegeta fan.
* Goku relies on his Super Saiya-jin forms a lot more because ''he's usually pitted against the [[Big Bad]]''. Threatening his own safety fighting in his base form when he could power up early on would be the DBZ equivalent of [[Never Bring a Knife to A Gun Fight]]. The only times we see him consciously avoid leveling up is when he has a specific intent - i.e. not defeating Buu so the surviving fighters on Earth could learn to shoulder the burden of Earth's protection. Besides, this theory would only really stand if Goku never trained in his base form, which is a bit of a [[Logic Bomb]] since earlier arcs showed us that attainment of higher power levels could only be done through the strengthening of the previous form, allowing the fighter to reach the breach of its potential before ascending. Hence, [[SSJ 2]]SSJ2 comes after a body becomes properly trained to [[SSJ 1]], which in turn would imply that the base form must be consistently strengthened, as well. Given the power he exemplifies in the Buu arc, it's obvious he doesn't take very well to the idea of "resting in peace."
== Cell was holding back ==
Four words. Goku And Piccolo's Cells.
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*** Simply having the cells would be irrelevant unless he was also stated to have some form of genetic memory which would allow Goku and Piccolo's feelings of affection for Gohn to matter. And if he had that then he probably wouldn't have been such a monster.
*** While normally genes don't affect memory, in Dragonball Z they obviously do, especially in Cell. Thus why Cell knows all of the techniques of those whose genetic material he is composed of. Maybe Cell is not an actual individual, but a mental mash-up of those from whom his cells were taken.
*** It's fairly obvious Cell gets personality traits from the people who's genes he has. It would explain his Blood Knight tendencies. That being said, he also got cells from Frieza and Vegeta, the first of whom hated Gohan and the second rather enjoyed punching him.
== Half saiyans EAT their tail during birth ==
Stay with me here, there is a story behind this. Gohan is only half saiyan, and unlike most other half saiyans, he has a tail. One other thing I noticed is that Gohan seems to be less of an eater than other half saiyans. So, in the womb, most half saiyans run out of nutrition and instinctively... Consume their tails. Gohan had enough to last, as he did not require as much nutrition as the others, and so he kept his tail when he was born. The reason full saiyans do not do this is because the female saiyans' body is already built to support a saiyan fetus, human females... aren't.
* Chichi would be strong enough to support Gohan in her prime, but not as much when she was pregnant with Goten (not to mention she'd be emotionally unstable with Goku's death and everything). Makes sense. But could also be that Chichi and Bulma wanted to prevent any future troubles (as they've notices how powerful saiyans could become) and just decided to cut their tails.
** Cool story, bro, But I doubt it. Remember Gokus Tail? It was torn, ripped, and cut off thrice, and only when Kami himself got it off did it stay that way. Chichi and Bulma almost definatly could not pull that off. (Hehe)
*** Gohan's never grew back once his was gone. Why would other half-Saiyan's tails?
**** It did. Remember, Piccolo yanked it off after destroying the moon when Gohan transformed during that one year of training for the Saiyans. It grew back spontaneously when Vegeta unleashed his fake moon to transform which leads to Gohan's transformation to Great Ape which helps win the battle.
** Perhaps Goten and Trunks did have a tail once, but it was removed shortly after their birth, as suggested above, and it never grew back because perhaps Bulma found out a way to prevent the tail from growing back and shared it with Chi Chi. Maybe Bulma visited Kami himself and had him do to Trunks what he did to Goku to keep his tail from growing back, and later the same was done to Goten, this time by Piccolo, who had by then fused with Kami. The reason why Gohan's tail did not get the same treatment might have to do with the fact that it was not until Goku fought Vegeta that he discovered that the Saiyans become giant monkeys during the full moon. By the time Goten and Trunks were born, Goku already knew the dangers a Saiyan with a tail could present, so nobody was worried about Goku being upset or intrigued by the suggestion of his son having his tail removed.
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== Super Saiyan Transformation is all about the tail ==
I wonder why I'm the only one who thinks this and ignores most of the psychobabble. Evidence: The tail is a huge energy battery. The tail is needed for the massively disruptive Oozaru transformation. It's very important and no traditional Saiyajin voluntarily loses it. EVERY SINGLE CANONICAL SSJ HAS BEEN MISSING A TAIL.
Think about it - Saiyan bodies store much more Ki than ordinary bodies, with the tail SPECIFICALLY being a ki sink. Missing the tail, the high amount of power in the main cast needs to go to their bodies - instead of the tail - starting the process of SSJ transformation. The legendary super saiyajin probably had SO much energy it overloaded even the tail's capacity naturally.
Makes much more sense than some mumbo jumbo about pure hearts. also matches the half-human hybrids powerups- Gohan had a tail during the important formative years, while Trunks's and Goten's were removed at birth.
* Most likely not. The original design for a super saiyan three had a tail, and it was a sign of power.
* I don't think so. When Goku was turned back into a kid in GT, He got his tail back, and he was still able to go SSJ, [[SSJ 3]], AND [[SSJ 4]]. Also the [[SSJ 4]] transformations have tails.
** First, GT's place in canon is, at best, debatable. Second, Goku had already become a Super Saiyan by that point, and had been using the form for decades. It's established that once a Saiyan makes the transformation, they can do it any nearly any time he or she wishes. And on that note, yes, female Saiyans ''could'', theoretically, make the transformation. Toriyama said that Pan would have had the ability if she had sufficient motivation, like her grandfather and father before her.
** Or, the reason they grow a tail in [[SS 4]] is because it's a battery. They generate so much energy, that they would be to powerful if they didn't have a tail in that form.
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== The Ox-King was going to whore out his daughter. ==
Consider: When they first meet Chi-Chi, she's being sent by the Ox-King to get a favor from Master Roshi. And Chi-Chi's wearing... Well, it's quite a silly outfit. And the Ox-King ''knew'' what Roshi was like. So, the logical conclusion is that the Ox-King was willing to let Roshi [[Squick|have his daughter]] in exchange for the turtle master's services.
* [[What Do You Mean It's Not for Kids?|This is a children's cartoon, you freak!]]
** Aaaaalternatively, Ox King naively hopes that Roshi has standards, Chichi is TWELVE in that arc. Or he has faith in her ability to throw that head blade. Which she did. And it was awesome.
** But the Ox-King didn't know what Roshi was like. Roshi made it a point that he didn't want the Ox-King to know about the deal with Bulma, meaning he didn't want Ox King to know. Plus Turtle was surprised at Roshi's pervertedness when he first heard of it. Wouldn't that mean Ox King doesn't know?
*** Backed up by the fact that Roshi used to be able to ride the Nimbus, which only pure-hearted people can ride. Considering Grandpa Gohan's and the Ox-King's ages, it's possible that Roshi was different when he was training those two.
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* Perhaps another way of filling it in is that Vegeta considers himself unworthy of the title of King as he isn't the strongest, but has enough respect for his bloodline to call himself Prince.
** Or he could still be Prince Vegeta because he hasn't had a coronation, so he can't claim the title of King.
** Another alternative is that the Saiyans were a Principality, like Wales- Prince was the title of the ruler, not the heir to the throne. Freiza would have allowed them to keep the title as long as they submitted to him.
** Nope, his father was King. King of the Saiya-jin under Freeza's overlordship of the entire universe, mind you, but King nonetheless. I think that the above theory about lack of a coronation sounds right, not to mention there's no longer a Planet Vegeta to be King of. By the way, I've never quite figured this out: are we supposed to assume that King Vegeta was weaker than Bardock? The movie implies that, but never comes out and says it.
** Alternately, King Vegeta was the Prince of All Saiyans at the time of his death, and his ''name'' was King Vegita (Bejita-O), like how [[Fullmetal Alchemist|Fuhrer Bradley's]] first name was "King".
** Vegeta is the Prince of a race that consists of four people. Eight if you include the movies. He could declare himself King at any time because, hey, not like anyone can stop him. But as vain as Vegeta is, he probably realizes what a petty, pointless act that would be. In fact his vanity is probably what stops him from doing it; he knows he'd look like an immature child calling himself king of the sandbox at the playground.
== Turles is a clone of Goku. ==
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This is mostly my own impressions from the anime/manga, so feel free to dispute them thoroughly, but a) look at how easily he dispatches his enemies, and b) look at the fact that the whole deal with him is the huge power boosts he takes from his dual heritage.
* Firstly, Goku and Vegeta had a total of ''seven years'' non-stop training to surpass him, while Gohan didn't. It's not too much of stretch to consider that they surpassed him in strength in that time. Also, Gohan's opponents were Cell and his "children", who in comparison to Gohan were punching bags, well the former was. The Cell Juniors were more like exploding pinata, which was all simply to imply that Gohan achieved an unrivaled state of strength. The same thing was done when Goku first turned Super Saiyan, so your argument pretty much lays out like that. ''And finally'', it ignores the statements from ''both'' Goku and Vegeta upon turning [[SSJ 2]]SSJ2 that "You're stronger than Gohan when he first fought Cell." Nuff said.
== Goku was in Super Saiyan form during Goten's conception. ==
Most Saiyans have extreme difficulty breaking the Super Saiyan barrier, but Goten and Trunks can do it easily. What do they (and, significantly, not Gohan) have in common? Their fathers could go Super Saiyan already. Now, maybe [[Lamarck Was Right]], but Occam's razor suggests a kinkier explanation. When Goku goes SSJ, his hair color changes, so his DNA must change as well, potentially passing on different characteristics. And if you were Chi-Chi or Bulma, [[Fetish Fuel|wouldn't you want to try it]]?
* Most probably not. Trunks can go SSJ easily too, and Vegeta most likely wasn't in SSJ form at the time of his conception. He may have been ''capable'' of going SSJ, same as Goku, but he wasn't doing the deed in SSJ state, so to speak.
** Vegeta probably wasn't Super Saiyan when Future Trunks was conceived, but due to the extra training he was doing due to knowing about the androids coming, he was Super Saiyan when Present Trunks was conceived, which is why he finds it so much easier to turn SSJ then his alternate time line self.
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* Also Chichi hates SSJ form, I doubt she'd let Goku do it like that. Unless he forced her. Which is a whole new issue.
** Full tank of [[Fetish Fuel]], to go please.
* Bra also doesn't seem to be able to turn into SSJ easily -- or at least has far too little interest in fighting to even try. Which might lend credibility to this theory.
* Also, it is stated that Goten was conceived before the Cell Games, and Goku was in SSJ pretty much permanently at the time...
* To me, it just looks like half-breed Saiyans have an easier time turning Super Saiyan, but the results are less spectacular. And in Super Saiyan form, Goku probably couldn't hold a turkey without roasting it, so just forget about makin' love.
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* This theory (that SSJ transformation ability is inherited in a partly Lamarkian fashion) also potentially explains why Pan did ''not'' ever transform into SSJ, despite several instances of extreme emotional stress/rage that might have caused such a transformation. At the time ''she'' was conceived, her father had undergone the Elder Kai's manipulation and did not need to transform to access his full power. Couple that with the fact that Pan appears to be at least as strong as a low-level [[SSJ 1]], on par with Goku when he fought Freeza (note how easily she disables and captures Dr. Gero/Android 20 in one scene), and how her ki aura turns SSJ gold when she powers up, and it raises the possibility that Pan inherited some part of the "mystic" transformation from Gohan, enabling her to access SSJ level power without physically transforming.
* This ties in with the WMG of the tail-SSJ connection above. We know Goku hadn't gone SSJ prior to Gohan's conception, but had by the time of Goten's. Vegeta had the capability to go SSJ when Trunks was conceived. We also know we never see a SSJ with a tail. Perhaps the removal of a saiyans tail begins a BIOLOGICAL process that results in the ability to go SSJ. This change could be passed on to offspring. Goku had lost his tail a good while ago when Gohan had been born, but had yet to complete the process. Thus, Gohan has an easier time going SSJ than Goku or Vegeta because he started somewhere in the middle of the process and the tail prevented it from progressing. By the time Goten was conceived, Goku had completed the SSJ process and passed his new genetic sequence more fully onto Goten. The reason Vegeta was able to go SSJ so comparitively soon (compared to Goku) after losing his tail was because he was in more near-death experiences. Its canon that Saiyans get a chunk stronger after almost dying, possibly pushing them along the SSJ process, but further, he was HEALED alot more. Indicating a higher rate of cell division. Goku regaining his tail in ''GT'' (a slow time consuming process) started a new biological process that allowed for a SSJ 4 state. Baby replicated this process within Vegeta after seeing it in Goku.
** Nice explanation but mostly likely NOT. The whole SSJ transformation was already a legend among Saiyan culture. Vegeta briefly pictures a gold SSJ Oozaru rampaging per the legends he was told and no Saiyans prior to Goku (who was not on his native planet) ever let their tails be removed. So there is reasons to believe that SSJ could be achieved by Saiyans with tails intact but it was so rare that it became something of myth and legend.
== The dinosaurs, talking animals & other weirdness are the result of the Dragon Balls. ==
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** Plus Fasha was on a different planet the day after Goku was born. That's some impressive recovery if she really is the mother.
* Alternatively, she wasn't a Saiyan's offspring, but some sort of superhuman experiment, and her mom was a [[Hot Scientist]]. How such hottie could get with <s>Hercule</s> Mr. Satan and have a cute daughter is yet to be explained.
** What's love got to do with it? She chose him because of his claims to be the strongest man, as part of her plan to breed a [[Super Soldier]]. After selecting the proper chromosome matches for her brains and his brawn, plus possibly some Saiyan DNA she found lying on some battlefield, Videl was the result.
*** She could even be Dr. Gero's daughter, and planned to take over the world with a super soldier, but probably didn't expect to be a labrat for Gero's heart virus (look theories below, and you know he'd be capable). After she finally got used to her family life, she suffered the same symptoms, dying when Videl was a kid. [[Tear Jerker]] indeed.
** Nitpick, but Kuririn isn't the only ordinary human capable of flight. Yamucha is, too. Of course, that doesn't detract from your point.
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**** Yamcha flew all the time in Z, check out the android saga.
**** Tien is stated clearly to be a human who gained his third eye through "attaining enlightenment". He and Chiaotzu apparently learned it as a technique from the crane school (Roshi's rival). By the end of ''Dragon Ball'' and the beginning of Z, most of the Z fighters at that time possessed the ability.
* Another possibilty may be that Videl is actually Fasha reborn as a human with no memories of her past life... After all, you do have Kid Buu reincarnate as Uub at the end of Dragon Ball Z, who's to say that it hasn't happened before (it also seems to be the natural process for those who were not totally evil)? The main difference between the two cases is that Goku made the request for Uub to retain some of his past life's fighting skill and potential (at least I think that's the case), while Fasha's memories were wiped completely before she was reborn as Videl. But, on some sort of subconcious level, she remembered certain details... That's why Videl was able to learn how to use her Ki to fly so fast!
** If such is the case, Fasha's memory wouldn't need wiping. When a person is reincarnated as another after death, all memories and knowledge of their previous life disappear permanently. That's why no one can remember ever having any past lives. If Fasha was reborn as Videl, she wouldn't remember her past life anyway.
== Nappa was once the most powerful Saiyan. ==
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== The "heart virus" Goku dies of in the alternate future is caused by the attack Devilman used on him when he was a child. ==
When Devilman used the devilmite beam on goku, he was a child, & his heart was pure. But, who's to say that the effects of the beam didn't wear off immediately afterwards? The devilmite beam might have been permanent, & Goku's purity didn't last forever. During his battle with Frieza, Goku became enraged (which caused him to become a super saiyan) after he found out that Frieza killed his best friend & his entire species. The devilmite then took effect, but the beams grew slowly, because Devilman wasn't manipulating them. Eventually (about a year after he went SSJ) the beams grew large enough for Goku to start feeling them. The beams then shredded Goku's heart, & he died before they could destroy anything else.
* How come medicine worked on it, then?
** Simple Goku's heart was weakened, he was strong enough to fight the Devilmite beam. But it weakened his heart enough to allow the heart virus to work, why else was Goku the only one affected?
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We're talking about an empire that may span dozens, if not hundreds, of planets. We're talking about a creature that was so powerful that nothing could challenge him. So now that he's gone, the universe is suddenly facing a massive power vacuum. Numerous people will be competing to fill that vacuum - many of them probably a little whacked, others completely insane, and still others just dumb and selfish with no clue what it takes to rule properly. And each of these people will have their supporters, some looking for a free ticket to power and status, and others showing cultlike devotion to their new master and his grand destiny. Bloodshed for years. Huge-scale anarchy. Err, maybe Vegeta taking over wouldn't have been so bad?
* It wouldn't happen because almost everyone that wanted to take over when Freeza eventual death would happen was working for him ''and'' died. The only one that wanted such thing is alive after his death is Vegeta (who pretty much redeemed himself); or, if you take in consideration [[Sealed Evil in a Can]], Buu.
** Two problems. The first is that power levels for better or worse seem to make a lot more difference in who wins a fight than inteligence or talent. So once the Ginyu force and Freiza were wiped out Zarbon likely could have taken command with little trouble. Possibly less trouble than the Captain Ginyu since all the flashbacks suggest that Zarbon and Dodoria are the next in command regardless of their power levels. The second being that Frieza couldn't be everywhere at once and since it's implied that the Saiyans are well above the rank and file (and lets be honest Raditz wasn't all that powerful by any scale used in DBZ) the elimination of Frieza, King Cold, the Ginyu Force, Zarbon and Dodoria and Cui all at once is an enormous vacuum.
** Why assume that the only megalomaniac villains out there are the ones we see? Surely, some reasonably powerful people are going to come crawling out of the woodwork when they get their chance?
** If you count GT, then Dr. Myuu and his Machine Mutant Empire would count as one such villain.
* Freeza's empire is stated in the Anime dub to have slightly over 40 planets, sometime in the early Namek Saga. That's a lot of worlds, but considering that the average world has no Saiyin-level Chi-users, and the number of powerful individuals who died around the same time as Frieza (anyone left after that struggle would have to be too weak for the Ginyu Force, and probably weaker than Zarbon or Dodoria), no war would have resulted which a lone Z fighter couldn't wrap up on a dull weekend. Most likely Vegeta, during his stint of away-from-Earth training which ultimately got him a Super Saiyin form. Though, of course, he would have just killed any warlords, and said he was coming back later to rule their worlds. Maybe people are still out there, trembling in fear at the though of his return...
* The show is pretty coy in describing what Frieza and his henchmen are exactly, but they were far from civilized. They knew nothing of technology and power levels, yet somehow they had really impressive technology and power levels; sometimes they called themselves "mutants." I'd figured they were bio-engineered soldiers, and the real bosses were on some other planet.
* The 2008 special explains that Abo and Cado took over, so no real problems. Plus, by the end of the special, they're friendly with the Z fighters, which is probably good news for their empire. Obviously not canon, but it is an explanation.
* Vegeta was shown at one point beating up on [[The Remnant]] of Frieza's forces on the occasional world, so it looks like the individual planets were simply allowed to go free (if Abo and Cado didn't take them back).
** Must be filler. After the Frieza arc the DBZ team had no further access to spaceships, and the only ones who ever space-travelled after that were Goku and Dende.
*** Dr. Briefs almost certainly still has the blueprints for the insanely upgraded version of Goku's spacepod that he built for Goku, and IIRC, Bulma herself modified Piccolo's ship for human use, so those plans should still be rolling around as well.
** Have we neglected Cooler? Or King Cold? Frieza's older brother and father, respectively? They most likely have control of his empire now.
*** Not... terribly likely, given that King Cold was killed by Future Trunks about two minutes after Freiza, and Cooler was killed in the movies. He may have gotten sorta better, but wasn't in any condition to do any ruling. And was killed once and for all anyway.
Line 339:
== Saiyans are to the Time Lords as Romulans are to the Vulcans. ==
Romulans are a violent warrior race and look similiar to the Vulcans. Vulcans are a logical observational race. Saiyans are a violent warrior race and look similiar to Time Lords, yet there's the difference of the tail. Time Lords are a logical observational race. Saiyans just go through regenerations differently (super saiyan state) or sometimes not at all.
* If they are related, the divergence must have been much, much farther in the past than the Vulcan-Romulan split, judging by physiological differences. I read somewhere that the Vulcans and Romulans diverged around the time of Christ, and all their differences are cultural, wheres Time Lord-Saiyan differences are in many respects genetic, indicating time for divergent evolution.
** Perhaps the Time Lords banished their more violent members eons ago, before inventing TARDISes, and sent them all to a random planet in space pods, the random planet just happening to be inhabited by Tuffles? This would, of course, imply that Time Lords originally had tails, and it is the Saiyans who are the physically closer to the ancestor species...
*** This would imply that Time Lords can go Oozaru at some stage. Maybe Gallifrey has something to do with Blutz waves?
Line 346:
* Alternately, everyone in Planet Vegeta were Americans. Most of them happen to have vegetable names in English, only slightly modified.
** Lol, possible. But [[Word of God]] has it that Vegeta was given English moves so as to seem more alien to the Japanese audience.
*** Like Americans.
== Most Saiyans are (or were, briefly) alive ==
Line 385:
== Goku was able to continually surpass Vegeta because he drank the Divine Water ==
Goku drank the Divine Water in Korin's Tower in order to defeat King Piccolo. It changed him from being a lowly C-Rank warrior to probably an A-Rank Warrior. Guru's raising of Gohan's and Krilin's potential probably had a similar effect.
* Interesting, and entirely possible! That would explain why Krillin pulled far ahead of the other humans after the Namek saga.
** Now that I think of it, if [[Lamarck Was Right]] biology applies to the [[Dragon Ball]] universe, than young Trunks and Goten should've easy surpass their fathers, and maybe Vegito for that matter, if they put any serious effort into training.
* You mean the divine water he drank before his fight with King Piccolo? Because the 'divine water' in Korin's tower was just ordinary water.
** Right, that 'Divine Water', the one that's potentially fatal. Not the ordinary water that Korin normally guards.
* All the kami water did is give him a power boost. The reason why Kakarot was able to easily surpass Vegeta is because he had more battle smarts. Even though Vegeta trained more and violently then Kakarot, Goku trained smarter and more efficiently than him. A good example of this is when Vegeta was on Namek getting his face pounded in and Goku was training in 100x gravity, who do you think suffered more Goku or Vegeta, I believe that one's so easy it doesn't need to be answered because we all know the answer, but answer this to your self who came out stronger. Goku's training was no walk in the park either but he did it at a steady pace or at least steady for him since we all know how energetic Goku is. Oh yeah do you remember when Kakarot came out of the hyperbolic time chamber stronger than Vegeta (because he mastered the fpssj instead of the assj form) because he recieved better training than him and it was because he trained (worked on his strength and speed) instead of torturing himself.
== King Chappa and Mr. Satan are one and the same person ==
Line 434:
* I'm with you, this guy is a genius!
* You're not insane, just wrong. Trunks did travel through time the first time, but in affecting the past, he automatically created a new dimension. There is ''no'' way for Trunks to travel back to his ''own'' past timeline, because in that past time line Trunks ''did not'' travel into the past. Because if he had, then that future wouldn't exist. Make sense?
** Actually, its canon that any time-travel they commit also is interdimensional travel as well, since Trunks notes that there are several things in the main Z timeline that are different from his own (like their Androids being ridiculously stronger than his own or Goku falling from his disease at a different time).
*** Precisely. There is no way to travel into your own timeline, so in that sense only interdimensional travel is possible.
== ''Dragon Ball Z'' was suppose to be ''Dragon Ball The Next Generation'' ==
Nowadays many viewers wondered why did [[Akira Toriyama]] became such a Master in [[Demoted to Extra]] when it came to just about any DBZ character whom was from DB. (Well except for Goku, even though Akira seemed to have tried to do that. Namely on how later on in the series Goku has been accused of trying a little too hard to get the younger fighters to take over his role.) Its no secret that Gohan was suppose to have taken over the role of "Earth's Hero" and Main Character from his Father. (In which plenty of fans have wished that the show ended on the Cell Saga so Akira might have actually got his wish.) While DBZ did have its fair share of new characters, Goku never did lose his role as Earth's main protector. And despite on how they have been hit with the "[[Demoted to Extra]]" trope (some a lot more than others) it was still pretty much the adventures of Goku and his friends.
But in Akira Toriyama's defense its an interesting idea to try to come up with a "Next Generation" a bit more gradually. Cause often enough when a franchise tries to use that idea we get a bunch of new characters that come out of nowhere, in which we might not even be certain if we are in the same continuity anymore. (But its generally due to the story having a time skip when that happens though how much of a time skip can often vary.) The story would often like to claim that these characters would have any connection to any previously established character, even though the story never actually mentioned their existence until now. Akira tried to avert this by getting Gohan to one day take over his father's role gradually. But sadly DBZ is probably quite the example on how that kind of idea can go wrong. So in other words Akira might have succeeded in truly getting Gohan to truly take over his father's position as Earth's Main Defender if he did it right from the start.
Line 471:
* This is actually widely believed by fans, and is pretty much fanon / almost canon. However, if you follow the GT canon, Ginyu gets sent to Hell and is reunited with his recognizable purple body. This could just be for the viewers' sake, or in GT he really was the purple guy. However, if you don't follow GT, the above theory looks very acceptable.
** Alternatively, the purple guy who came from Hell in GT was ''actually the frog in Ginyu's old body?''
*** In Budokai Tenkaichi 3, it says that Ginyu was originally the same race as Jeice and Sauzer.
== Bulla is far stronger than she looks. ==
Line 516:
* Jossed by genetics. If this theory were valid, she'd be a boy.
** Not necessarily. There ARE female Saiyans, so their genetics have to be close enough that you can derive either a male or a female.
*** Gohan has his X chromossome from Chichi and his Y chromossome from Goku (there's no ohter way around). He passes his X (Chichi's) chromossome to Pan and so does Videl, hence Pan is a girl. Since Gohan's X's chromossome is entirely human, we could either assume that a female born from Gohan is less Saiyan than a male son.
**** Except you're confusing sex-linked traits, carried on the sex chromosomes (the X and Y chromosomes), with with traits carried on the autosomes (all the other chromosomes). Species is not a sex-linked trait, it's the result of a specific combination of genes on a specific arrangement of chromosomes that an organism has. There might be Saiyan-specific genes that are carried on the Y chromosome that Pan wouldn't have inherited (that female full Saiyans also wouldn't have), but that doesn't mean she has any less Saiyan DNA than a hypothetical son of Gohan's. An offspring's always going to get half of each parents' DNA (Except in the case of nondisjunction, in which case the offspring would either not end up being viable and getting miscarried or, if they were born, would probably have many serious medical issues.). The only way for Pan to have been half Saiyan would be if Gohan and Videl decided to make a designer baby and add another quarter set of Saiyan DNA from another Saiyan.
Line 523:
* But he heals completely! It probably takes way longer than that to learn a sixth sense, even if you sorta need it. And even if he did learn, wouldn't he just forget it after his eye heals?
** Well, yes, but Vegeta's very gifted. He could've noticed that it could be done, and when he lost sight in one figured out how to do it. From what we see on Namek, Vegeta did learn it, this just seems the best reason.
* According to a WMG below saiyans have sharigan and this could be what helped him to learn to since energy, or perhaps it was [[Word of God|the creators']] way of [[Applied Phlebotinum|moving the story along]].
== Dabura was a nice guy and benevolent king with a few dickish habits and desires before Babidi majin'd him ==
Line 531:
== Raditz was, is, and always will be the most powerful fighter ==
Raditz had hair with a length that rivaled goku in SS3, so my theory is that Raditz was able to transform into an SS at a very younge age, due to being constantly beaten to near death due to his weakness. after his 105th or so loss, he became sdo enraged that he became a super sayan. He kept this hidden so that he could train more and allow himself to be beaten in order to become even more powerful, but eventually he reached the point where a normal sayin couldnt do any damage to him. He knew that Vegeta or Nappa could damage him, as well as Frieza, but they would have killed him, and he would have not been able to come back since he didnt know about the dragon balls. So he went to earth to have Goku, whom he knew would be strong enough but not kill him, to beat him senseless, but he didnt expecct Gohan and Piccolo.
Now, it could be said that Goku was, at birth, one of Frieza's minions, and he never really formally quit. That means that when all people destroyed by Frieza's minions were brought back to life, so was he, twice as powerful as before, with a powerlevel now exceding 1,000,000. He then used a time machine to go to Trunks universe and get killed by Cell. Then he was brought back to life again in Fusion Reborn. After he was killed once again his powerlevel was well over a billion and he could become [[SSJ 4]]. he then killed king yenma and went off to train in the world, waiting for the day goku would be strong enough to stand a chance against him
** Raditz was killed by Piccolo, not Goku, who had nothing to do at all with Frieza, and it had been more than 1 year after his death so he wouldn't have been revived anyway. [[Epic Fail|Natch.]]
Line 537:
== 18 is, somehow, related to [[Leave It to Beaver|Mrs. Cleaver]] ==
Seriously, how many people would actually engage in hand-to-hand combat while wearing pearls?
== Kaio-sama/King Kai [[Narrator All Along|is the narrator]]. (In the Japanese version.) ==
Line 577:
== Future Trunks is Ranfan's husband. ==
It's not that far-fetched. After going back to his time and defeating the Androids, Trunks decided to go back further in the past, to a time when Goku is still a kid and the rest of the Saiyans haven't arrived on Earth yet. He ended up being romantically involved with Ranfan in the past and eventually married her. That's why Ranfan's husband is also named Trunks.
* Where does it show Ranfan married to someone named Trunks?
** In the ''Dragon Ball Bouken Special'' manga guide published by Shueisha in 1987. [http://daizex.com/general/feature/ See here for more info].
* Damn you! I just thought of that same theory and pulled up this page so I could post it, only to find it at the very bottom of the page...
Line 598:
== Kid Buu is at least the second most powerful form of Majin Buu ==
Okay, I know people can't seem to agree on which is the most powerful form of Buu, so I just though I'd stick this up and see what people think. When Super Buu is changing back into Kid Buu we get an explanation from the Supreme Kai about what's happening, and about midway through Old Kai specifically says that absorbing the other Supreme Kai's made Buu weaker. So every form he took after absorbing them (Fat Buu, Old Buu and Super Buu) was weaker than Kid Buu. This doesn't include the other absorbtions though, so I think the order goes like this:
Super Buu (With Gohan, Goten, Trunks and Piccolo),
Line 653:
== Dragon Ball takes place in Shadowrun's Sixth World ==
Futuristic technology, widely present magic and a rather large metahuman population first just make it look like a regular [[Fantasy Kitchen Sink]] world but a lot real historical figures, events and cultures are referenced in the series. To the citizens of Dragon Ball Earth, they might be ancient history.
On this earth, the Awakening in 2011 also must have reshaped the world a lot more radically than in ''[[Shadowrun]]'', resulting in a very different looking world map.
== Chi-Chi is jealous, envious and afraid of her family ==
She has to know that any of them can wipe the floor with her. Yes, go Big Head Yell, throw objects, fume and rage--cool. They obey her because they love her; They fear her temper because of that love, it makes them upset to see her upset. She has them by the heartstrings, but in no other way. Her way of handling or mishandling them goes back to the final tournament of the original DB. She shows up, wants to surprise the boy she loves, figures to give him a good fight at worst, which is fair. Goku was always strong, but he wasn't making super-geometric leaps when they were kids. But she shows up, and not only does he not recognize her, he brushes aside her combat challenge, one she has prepared for likely for years, under the tutelage of a great fighter, her own father. From the start she realizes even the hint of physical control of any sort is out for her men, and must therefore keep herself tsundere to handle it all.
* Very likely; from a female perspective I have to say thats often how it works in real life. I can honestly say every single one of my boyfriends has been stronger and larger than me; but a loud voice and a little love goes a long way.
* Alternatively, her family did their best to keep her happy to keep the food coming. She is known for her fantastic cooking abilities and saiyans (and half-saiyans) being what they are, consume A LOT of food. If Chi Chi is not kept happy, the food may stop coming which would be a fate worse than death.
** Most times, it wouldn't be so inherently unequal. With application and leverage, many times a size and strength advantage can be alleviated. In Chi-Chi's case, this is impossible, which is sad. Release her, Yamcha or Mister Satan in our world, and they would kick most ass without powering up. Her firstborn flew through a tree unharmed within weeks of his birth. Her younger son achieved a genetic milestone while not yet 10. Most grandmothers don't have their little ones making worldwide flights before kindergarten. While she can be obnoxiously tsundere (The ''Kai'' cut of her after the Saiyan arc doubles this), it is her way of keeping from going Super Nutso Level 5.
== Namekians have a stunted sex-drive ==
It always bothered me why the Namekian civilization is so small despite the fact two hundred years had passed since the near-extinction of their species. Given the amount of healthy adults and given that we've already seen King Piccolo could lay at least half a dozen eggs in a matter of days, their population should at least be double what we see. Then I realized that Piccolo Jr, Kami and Dende have all shown no interest in starting a family either (in fact it could be argued that neither did Guru or King Piccolo. Guru had no choice and King Piccolo was only interested in using his mutated children for war). During Frieza's invasion, we saw no more than ten kids maximum. All things considered, Namekians appear to have the sex-drive of a Panda. Only reproducing when they have no other option. It could be theorized that without the biological impulse to have sex like humans do, Namekians have no inclination to reproduce and may in fact find the whole subject a taboo.
** Or they may be going for quality, and not quantity. There are fewer children because they want each child to have the most love and attention while growing up.
** They don't have a sex drive. They reproduce asexually.
Line 677:
It's supposed to be extremely rare to the point that Goku is the first Super Saiyan in thousands of years, yet once Goku transforms, every other surviving Saiyan (except Tarble and Paragus) is able to transform. My theory is that Super Saiyans have a passive ability to accelerate other Saiyans' transformation (and thus require less of a "push" to make the first transformation) just by being near them. Thus, once Goku first transformed, other Saiyans required less of a push to make the change, to the point where Goten who had spent his entire life around a Super Saiyan (Gohan of course) was able to transform without even trying.
* Or maybe it only affects babies.
* Or the transformation to super saiyan occured through years of saiyan babies getting stronger.<br />Vegeta said saiyans, after being wounded, come back as strong as whatever wounded them, well maybe the strength is passed down and dormant in every child, making the first saiyan relativly weak compared to the last saiyan.
* If goku got a lobotomy, then by some manner of [[Applied Phlebotinum|Saiyan Strength]], was revived to the point of not being a vegetable anymore, would he have physcic powers, considering a lobotomy is a surgical interruption of one or more nerve tracts in the frontal lobe of the brain: used in the treatment of intractable mental disorders.<br />This is mentioned because to come back stronger from a brain ailment would have to be '''¿physcic?''' powers, right?
** Goku was able to read Krillin's brain by touching it on Namek. So it's pretty much canon that he already ''does'' have psychic powers.
Line 702:
**** True, Bulma gets upset with Yamcha about his flirting with other city girls in ''Dragon Ball'' which leads to her ditching Yamcha and going to search for the dragon balls after the first World Tournament and the beginning of the Red Ribbon Army arc.
**** Now, now, I believe things are a bit more complicated than that. I don't think there has been a single instance of Yamcha openly flirting with another girl. And, as Bulma's Mom explained during the Red Ribbon Army arc, Tsundere Bulma got jealous of Yamcha's status as a [[Chick Magnet]]. Of all the times they fought and "broke up" we only get to hear Bulma's side of the argument which boils down to insult Yamcha/throw a temper tantrum; without mentioning she's not above laying her eyes on other men (Goku, General Blue, Zarbon). Finally, the only evidence of Yamcha's "infidelity" comes from Future Trunks' testimony. Info which clearly he got from [[Unreliable Narrator|Bulma]], who might as well have said that in order to save face.
**** The only time I can ever remember someone accusing Yamcha of cheating was a pre-22nd Budoukai-vaguely-Red-Ribbon-Army-ish episode where a thief or soldier flirts with him, he looks incredibly uncomfortable with it. Bulma ''misinterprets the entire scene,'' and refuses to wait for an explanation before going off to adventure with Goku. Yamcha is cocky, yes. He's proud, a bit devious in his early appearances, but while I'm not sure I'd say he was deeply in love with Bulma, it's clear the two of them cared about each other, and the whole "Yamcha cheats on Bulma and she runs crying to Vegeta because he's ''so understanding''" scenario has never really rung true. It is a gross disservice to all three characters. It would have been much more believable if it had been written as "Bulma got fed up with Yamcha going off to train all the time and got with Vegeta because, hey, he stays close to home and he's not all bad." And furthermore, it's also just... not very ''like'' Toriyama. It actually sounds really out of place in a series like ''Dragon Ball''.
== Dr. Briefs and his wife are actually [[Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt|Brief and Panty]]. ==
Line 717:
== Namekians are related to [[Martian Manhunter|the Martians]] of [[The DCU|the DC Universe]]. ==
Okay, so this is probably spawned from my intense appreciation of these two characters and lack of sleep, but whatever. As a lot of people on the internet (and pretty much anyone ever) have seemed to
== Ginyu actually survived the Namek saga. ==
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