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* ''[[Jaws Unleashed]]'' is a alright-to-downright-terrible sandbox adventure game, based on the movie ''Jaws''. The upshot? ''You play as the Great White Shark''. Controls are a mess and it is sometimes frustrating, but still ''you play as the great white shark''. And you can kill/destroy everything from seals, to smaller sharks, to whales, to fishing boats, to a ''fricking oil platform!'' There were also less thrilling ''Jaws'' games [[Jaws (video game)|for the NES]] and PC.
* ''[[World of Warcraft]]''
** There's a a few sharks, generally patrolling the border between shallow sea (where players can swim) and deep ocean (where they can drown of fatigue). In classic Azeroth, most sharks are elite (and thus very strong, but killable), but the coasts of Northrend ([[Wot LK]]WotLK expansion) have many non-elite sharks. Their level and variety differs depending on the level of the zone where you are.
** Also the immense raid boss shark named [[Punny Name|Maws]]. He's gained a ''Cataclysm'' cousin in [http://www.wowpedia.org/Gnaws Gnaws], who has a model more closely resembling a real-life great white shark.
** Unfortunately they have failed biology forever in Cataclysm by having the patrolling gigantic shark that keeps you from swimming into certain areas be a whale shark -- long noted as one of the gentlest things in the ocean, which eats krill. This is a shark known for not only letting divers swim around it, but specifically folding its fins back (even when it inconveniences the whale shark) to avoid running into them. Why they didn't create a fictional shark type for this (Dragon Shark anyone? Or maybe Wyrm Shark?) we may never know.
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