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** Except ''Sideways Stories from [[Wayside School]]''.
* In ''[[Ender's Game]]'', Rose tells Ender that there are only three rules, "Do what I tell you and don't piss in the bed." When Ender asks what the third rule is, as he was clearly meant to, Rose replies that that ''was'' three rules - "We don't do too good in math, here."
* Implied in ''[[Vorkosigan Saga]]''s rules for space warfare:
{{quote|Rule 1: Don't overrule the Tactical Computer unless you know something it doesn't.
Rule 2: The Tac Comp always knows more than you do. }}
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* The [[Trope Namer]] is the Bruces Sketch from ''[[Monty Python's Flying Circus]]'', where "Rule six: There is ''no'' rule six" is sandwiched between "Rule five: No poofters" and [[Department of Redundancy Department|"Rule seven]]: [[Suspiciously Specific Denial|no poofters"]].
* Also in the "Monkee vs. Machine" episode of ''[[The Monkees]]'' as Peter prepares for a job interview:
{{quote|'''Mike''': [[Two Words: Obvious Trope|"Just remember these three little words]]: ''Don't. Argue.''"]]<br />
'''Peter''': "That's ''two'' words."<br />
'''Mike''': "See? You're doing it already!" }}
* In an episode of the TV series ''[[Porridge]]'', chief warden McKay tells Fletcher that there only two rules in Slade Prison. The first rule: "You do not write on the walls." The second: "You obey all the rules." Oddly, he'd just mentioned a rule against prisoners congregating in cells.
* A minor variation from ''[[Bottom]]'':
{{quote|'''Richie''': "Well, well, well, it's interesting because A, I said it and anything I say is interesting per se, and B, er, well, there isn't a B because the A was so great."}}
== Magazines ==
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{{quote|Rule 502.9d: Ignore this rule.}}
** It was originally a rule involving assigning trample damage that became obsolete, but kept to avoid renumbering the rest of the rules. It was finally removed when Eighth Edition was released.
* [[Dungeons and Dragons]]: Page 128 of the [[Dungeons and Dragons|3.5 Dungeon Masters Guide]] has a list of traits to flesh out NPCs. Number 26 is <s> blank</s> ''missing entirely'', and Number 100 reads "No sense of humor (See #26)".
* The [[Monty Python]] version of ''[[Fluxx]]'' has a card called "[[My Hovercraft Is Full of Eels]]." Two people playing the game must each choose a number between one and four. One is subtracted from the sum of those two numbers, and a rule corresponding to that resulting number must be followed. [[There Is No Rule Six]].
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== [[Video Games]] ==
* The manual for ''[[Lemmings]]'' paid homage to Monty Python in the Hints and Tips section with "6. There is no tip number 6."
== [[Web Comics]] ==
* ''[[Vexxarr]]'' has an experimental gravitic weapon made by humans after studying an alien [[Deflector Shields|repulsor]], test-firing which left Mars with about 1.05 natural satellites. Robots ordered to disassemble and rebuild [http://www.vexxarr.com/archive.php?seldate=052213 ran into a little... procedural problem] (see the next page as to what happened when they tried to do it safely):
'''Bot 1''': What does the repair manual proscribe?
'''Bot 2''': Step one, move back 10,000 AU or to a minimum safe distance.
'''Bot 1''': And ''STEP 2?''
(bot 2 studies the memo) (beat)
'''Bot 2''': There ''IS'' no step 2.
'''Bot 1''': ([[Face Palm|puts a manipulator to its camera]])
== [[Web Original]] ==
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