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== [[Newspaper Columns]] ==
* In a [[Dave Barry]] column he describes a novel called "Romeo and Juliet 2", citing glowing reviews from a couple of completely insignificant newspapers, followed by a glowing review from the [[New York Times]]:
{{quote|"...a recently published book!"}}
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* ''[[Dominic Deegan]]'' features a [[Trickster]] elementalist who literally rearranges quotes from characters by catching "words on the wind" in a bottle in order to have them say something completely different from what they'd meant.
* [http://cectic.com/106.html This] ''Cectic'' provides an excellent example.
* ''[[Schlock Mercenary]]'' had a moment when Ennesby [http://www.schlockmercenary.com/2008-07-14 educated Tagon about such possibilities]. Then [http://www.schlockmercenary.com/2008-08-31 this] happens with Schlock. Earlier, UNS {{spoiler|tried to frame Breya for Xinchub's treason}}.
== [[Web Original]] ==
* [[Zero Punctuation|Yahtzee]] occasionally spoofs this by mine-quoting himself - giving a long list of reasons he dislikes something and ending it with a quasi-positive statement, while displaying only the last few words on the screen, as if it were an endorsement. For example, while he says, "...if you've got a love of repetitive tactical combat that borders on the fetishistic, and you really badly need to know what happens next to faceless characterless protagonist of the ongoing storyline then I heartily recommend Perseus Mandate" shows only the last five words on the screen.
* [[Stephen Colbert]] invited fans to do this in the Edit Challenge. Footage of an interview was posted on the internet, deliberately providing material that could be edited into something less innocent. For example, "I love cock{{spoiler|-fighting}}." The results can be found on [[YouTube]].
** ''[[The Daily Show]]'' and ''[[The Colbert Report]]'' are also frequently accused of using the technique themselves - Bill O'Reilly complained that one clip of him apparently contradicting himself had "eight out-of-context edits" within a few seconds. Whether the edits actually changed the meaning of what he was saying is debatable.
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** The callers on [[True Capitalist|Ghost's online radio show that claims to be about Capitalism]] do this ''with his own voice''. This leads to much lulz, and the host getting incredibly angry over the embarassing things they've made him say...
{{quote|"...and I hate to keep beating - my grandmother - here... *punch punch punch*"}}
* Byron Hall and someone identifying himself only as "Burnout" counter-reviewed Jason Sartin and Darren MacLennan's infamous review of [[FATAL]]; it was rather hilarious and sad. Sad because it would appear that Hall and Burnout's myriad counts of quote mining appear to have been from genuinely understanding the remarks being mined the way they ended up mining them. They also appear to think that reviewing while still being entertaining is somehow unprofessional, so we have the rather hilarious image of a guy who created a game with rules about rape (''any'' rules about rape, if you're reading this, Hall) trying to take the moral high ground over a couple guys who listed hitting yourself in the scrotum with a tack hammer as an activity preferable to playing FATAL.
** Of course, the net result is that someone who bothered to make a [[Beyond the Impossible|over-the]]-over-the-top gross parody "game", the only imaginable purpose of which is blatant trolling of [[Yaoi Fangirl]]s (who else would ''try'' to play anything with all those rules?) not only blatantly trolled a couple of "offended!" reviewers whose attention constantly wanders toward male genitals - which is just continuing to shoot fish in the barrel - but trolled their followers into claiming that [[Hollywood Tourettes|they consider coprolalia entertaining]] all over internetz, which is at least some result.
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCAffMSWSzY Obama Admits He Is A Muslim]. The whole thing is a quote mine. [[Did Not Do the Research|Some]] [[The Fundamentalist|People]] [[Everyone Is Satan in Hell|won't]] [[What an Idiot!|listen]] [[Hitler Ate Sugar|to]] [[You Fail Logic Forever|logic]].
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCAffMSWSzY Obama Admits He Is A Muslim]. The whole thing.
* [[Dirty Potter]]. NSFW
* Parodied in [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vl4pjEbEydE this] Lasagna Cat video, in relation to the ''[[Garfield]]'' [[Live Action Adaptation|Live Action Adaptations]]. After a straight quote from [[Roger Ebert]]'s positive reviews of both movies, the video begins quote mining from other, more negative reviews. The quotes start out saying nice things about the movies, then become vague, then scathing, then outright ridiculous.
* Troper [[User:Ronka 87]] did a [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/posts.php?discussion=lqct9wkjx0xl7d4r9s6ptkef liveblog] of [[Dingo Pictures]]' [[Mockbuster]] ''Anastasia''. Her hyperbolic, vitriolic summation of the movie was then put on the [[Dingo Pictures/Quotes|company's quotes page]], where troper [[User:Willy Four Eyes]] quote mined it to hilarious effect [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/posts.php?discussion=lqct9wkjx0xl7d4r9s6ptkef&page=3#71 here].
* [http://julvett.deviantart.com/galleryart/#/d36y96mTeenage-Lily-and-Snape-193074430 This] ''[[Harry Potter]]'' [[Fan Art]].
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* J. Robert Oppenheimer is often quoted saying "I am become death, the destroyer of worlds," quoting the Bhagivad Ghita, as if to indicate that he felt the Manhattan Project was a mistake. In context, he makes it clear that the quote was in reference to doing your duty, even if it was unpleasant.
* Steven Harper's attack adds aimed at Micheal Ignatiaff include the quote "No one speaks for the Liberal Party of Canada, but me." which was clearly taken out of context from when he was trying to establish his credibility as the leader of the party, though it is presented with the intent of making Ignatiaff seem like a control freak. The pot calling the kettle black?
* A more meta example: there was a certain period of [[Imperial China]] -- namely that of Spring and Autumn and that of Warring States -- when diplomatic language relies on quote mining from a [[wikipedia:Book of Songs (Chinese)|certain collection of poems.]]
* Attempted (failed) positive example: on the Martin Luther King, Jr. memorial, a quote was mashed up into "I was a drum major for justice, peace and righteousness." The problem: it was a rhetorical device from [http://mlk-kpp01.stanford.edu/index.php/encyclopedia/documentsentry/doc_the_drum_major_instinct/ a sermon] ''against'' self-aggrandizement.
* A [http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2011/nov/22/mitt-romney/mitt-romney-says-obama-said-if-we-keep-talking-abo/ particularly egregious case] occurred when Mitt Romney used a clip of Barack Obama saying "If we keep talking about the economy, we’re going to lose." to imply that Obama thought his economic record was weak. The problem? Obama was himself quoting John McCain's campaign!
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