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* [[And I Must Scream]]: Combined with [[Body Horror]] in the first season when the girls are told that, if sent to Hell, they will be compressed into human bricks and used as building materials, spending the rest of eternity fully conscious and in constant agony.
* [[Appropriated Appellation]]: Torako and Kagura were given their stage names by an evil porn company that had distributed DVDs of them in...compromising situations.
* [[Artistic License: Biology]]: Combined with [[Insane Troll Logic]] when Tomo insists that since she and Torako are twins, that means they're essentially clones, and therefore any sexual contact between them is only masturbation, and not incest. Yeah.
** Also, Gang Member 122 and Miura both seem to think that alligators are lizards.
* [[Artistic License Geography]]: When Sergeant Greene mentions being from [[Down on the Farm|Iowa]], Kyoto mimics a banjo in reference to the [[Deep South]].
* [[Ascended Extra]]: A great many characters originally introduced as background filler, including Gendo Yamane, Tetsuo Matsuoka, Chie Togusa, Ai Tanagawa, Shinji Ryougi, Ran and Rei Kakizaki, and nearly every other gang member to appear after the third season.
* [[Attempted Rape]]: Kyoto's first appearance has him trying to have some fun with Osaka. Because she was injured in the first place anyway he very nearly got away with this...Until Yukari distracted him. With her fist.
* [[Awesome McCoolname]]: According to the Shenanigoats threads, Tardboy and Torako name their daughter ''Chainsaw.''
* [[Ax Crazy]]: Stay away from Yukari. Seriously.
* [[Back for the Dead]]: Haru at the start of Season 3.5, reintroduced for the sole purpose of being vaporized. Her companion Karii apparently [[Put on a Bus to Hell|got it even worse]].
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* [[Break the Cutie]]: Kagura in most of Season 2 and up until her {{spoiler|resurrection}} in Season 3. Many of the gang members could also qualify, given what they'd survived.
** Notable mentions include Ran, Rei, and Kanako..
* [[The Cameo]]: David Bowie makes a brief appearance as a zombie early in the second season...before being run over by Yukari.
* [[Canon Discontinuity]]: Shin-Chiyo's rampage across North America, resulting in widespread destruction across the central United States and the separation of Florida from the rest of the landmass. (At which point it [[Artistic License Geology|drifts off into the ocean]].)
** [[Sonic the Hedgehog|Knuckles and Robotnik]] in Season 2? What are you talking about?
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* [[Flat What]]: Rachel lets out a good one of these when That Kid casually surfaces from and exits a, ahem, ''soiled'' pool... a good ten minutes after everyone else had left.
* [[Foot Popping]]: When Torako finally rescued Tardboy and freed him, the two share this moment. Tardboy was the one lifting his leg.
* [[Former Teen Rebel]]: A major source of the drama between Tsuruko and her daughter Torako is the former's fear that the latter has been following in her footsteps as a juvenile delinquent.
** Sergeant Greene was apparently prone to misbehavior during her younger years as well.
* [[Funetik Aksent]]: Crops up somewhat inconsistently when the Japanese characters speak English, usually to illustrate how bad they are at it. Also played up for maximum absurdity with the Russians' ridiculous accents in Shenanigoats.
{{quote|'''[[Red Scare|Olga]] [[Psycho Lesbian|Dykinsky]]:''' Beesidess, eef you shoot me end mek me repawn een Roossia you are oonly doink what SoDa woonts, becoos he ees ti-ehred off typink out my seelly fake Roossian eccent.}}
* [[Genre Savvy]]: Not that it does them much good.
** Played with when characters know doing something is stupid, explicitly comment on it being stupid, and then do it anyway.
* [[Good People Have Good Sex]]
* [[Grievous Harm with a Body]]: During her introduction in Season 2, Torako ripped off a zombie's arm and used it to beat its master so badly that ''his'' arm fell off
* [[Gundamjack]]: Kagura stole her mech out of the hangar of the Big Bad's walking battleship, and later the heroes take it up a notch by stealing the ship
* [[The Gunslinger]]: Almost everyone uses a gun at some point, but Ena's proficiency with firearms is disturbing.
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* [[Jerkass]]: Tomo, Ai Tanagawa, and Ren Tsutenpi all qualify.
** Fuuka has been having Jerkass tendencies more and more freqently as the story goes on. Mostly around Kokoro.
** Six seems to place people in two categories: Shimauu, and targets for abuse. And even Shimauu isn't exempt from his jerkass tendencies.
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]: Tomo and many members of the Yotsuba and Yanda Gangs and RED Team.
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Jerk]]: Again, Ai Tanagawa. She's not a very nice person.
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* [[Kansai Regional Accent]]: Risu and Ayumu Kasuga, Kasumi Chiba, and the Greene sisters.
* [[Kill'Em All]]: Yukari's homicidal rampage at the start of Season 1.
* [[Knife Nut]]: Gang Member 122's Knife is one of his prized possessions, this also counts as a [[Berserk Button]] for him. As Yukari finds out during their third encounter, and second fight.
* [[The Ladette]]: Sergeant Greene and Ai Tanagawa.
* [[Lampshade Hanging]]: ''Constantly.''
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* [[The Milky Way Is the Only Way]]: Averted; intergalactic distances seem to pose no problem at all to the most widely-used methods of [[Faster-Than-Light Travel]].
* [[Moe]]: When Asagi loses her contacts, she steals Gang member 122's glasses. They seem to have an ''interesting'' effect on her personality.
** [[Cute Mute]] [[The Woobie|Woobie]] Rei could qualify for this as well, when she isn't being [[Stringy -Haired Ghost Girl|creepy]].
* [[The Mole]]: Floaty tricks the group into trusting it early in season 3. {{spoiler|She later kidnaps half the cast for testing at the enrichment center}}.
* [[Mood Whiplash]]: Yukari is Free is all over the map, constantly switching back and forth from comedy to drama to action to borderline hentai and everything in between, often playing multiple scenes in multiple genres simultaneously.
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* [[No Bisexuals]]: Averted ''hard.'' At one point over half the main female cast was bisexual.
* [[No Fourth Wall]]: Played with in the behind the scenes discussion threads and omake-style "Shenanigoats" threads, in which characters frequently comment on the story or complain about their treatment at the hands of the writers.
* [[Numerical Theme Naming]]: The members of the Yotsuba Gang are numbered in the order that they joined up.
* [[Obligatory War Crime Scene]]: An odd example crops up near the end of Season 3, when Sergeant Greene ''prevents'' one of these from happening by shooting down Ryougi's suggestion that they simply execute the surrendered JSDF soldiers and instead orders them loaded onto the good guys' [[Airborne Aircraft Carrier]] and transported to safety. She is then told upon reuniting with the Army forces that she hadn't been expected to take prisoners, essentially meaning that her superiors ''wanted'' her to risk committing a war crime by leaving surrendered POWs to die from exposure to lethally radioactive fallout.
* [[One Steve Limit]]: Averted. So far there are two Randalls (with a third apparently to be introduced next season), two Samanthas, and two other characters named ''K''asumi and ''H''asumi.
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** The ''uncensored'' bit deemed safe enough for human consumption is half a sentence that still contains the words "goddamn" and "fuck."
* [[Staying Alive]]: Barring zombiefication, Yukari has died about 4 times.
** Osaka {{spoiler|has died about twice so far. She was able to return after promising to save Chiyo-chan from her evil counterpart.}}
** [[Portal (series)|GLaDOS]] has been killed on-screen at least twice, but she claims to have been killed far more times than that.
** Chiyo is now a member of this club, {{spoiler|because her soul WAS housed inside a doll while her body was still possessed by The Profound Darkness/Shin Chiyo. She's better now}}.
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* [[This Is for Emphasis, Bitch]]: "THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU, BITCH!"
* [[Too Dumb to Live]]: Most of the cast fall into this trope at some point or another. Surpisingly, most of them haven't kicked the can yet.
** Shimauu is a prime example, running away from the safety of a military base to wander aimlessly through a ruined city populated mainly by gangsters, thieves, murderers, and rapists. Alone. In the middle of the night. To find someone who, for all she knew, would just tell her to get lost. Great thinking kid, that couldn't ''possibly'' go wrong!
** Yui Morishita is apparently a very literal example, as she seems to just flat-out ''forget to eat'' for days at a time.
** Jumbo. Oh god, Jumbo. It's hard to decide what's stupider, handing an enemy your loaded gun or informing a [[Person of Mass Destruction]] that his girlfriend is a "lesbian whore."
* [[Trademark Favorite Food]]: Don't eat anything Rachel makes, unless you ''really'' like mustard.
* [[Trauma-Induced Amnesia]]: Rei Kakizaki suffers from this to a degree, in that she has suppressed many of her memories of the zombie apocalypse and can become extremely unpredictable and violent if something happens to make her remember.
** It has also been suggested in the discussion threads that Shimauu may be repressing memories of that period as well.
* [[True Companions]]: Nearly everyone on the good guys' side is just one big family. A big, perverted, destructive, badass family that can barely go five minutes without fighting amongst themselves.
* [[Twin Threesome Fantasy]]: It's not just a fantasy for Yomi.
** {{spoiler|Nor for Tardboy, though he's not likely to get another chance at it.}}
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** Rei is currently occupying it as well.
* [[Wrench Wench]]: Yumi and Haru.
* [[Yandere (disambiguation)]]: Chihiro, after hooking up with Sakakuro, before Season 3.5.
** Kaorin, and her trying to kill Kagura for "stealing Sakaki" from her. Enough said.
* [[Zombie Apocalypse]]: Most of Season 2.
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