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Some general conventions that apply to almost all [[Badass Crew|Badass Crews]] are:
* They must include at least three people for obvious reasons. Two [[Badass|badasses]] would be [[Back-to-Back Badasses]].
* A Crew typically has a recurring and more-or-less permanent roster; you can reasonably expect to see the same members over and over. Which is why this [[Trope]] is a fixture of TV shows, comics, and other media which is made of recurring installments. You see this less in movie series, since they're often built around a central character who may have different supporters in each movie, i.e. ''[[Die Hard]]'' or ''[[James Bond (film)|James Bond]]''. This is probably because it's easier to sign one actor for a film rather than three or five.
* Most heroes have some sort of support or backup, but in a [[Badass Crew]], ''everyone'' must be capable of a [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]]. In fact a given episode may involve the [[What Measure Is a Non-Badass?|least]] [[Badass]] character doing something so awesome the jaws of the others drop in unison.
* There's usually one person who acts as the leader of the bunch.
* Their combined badassery is indispensable on the front lines, in actual combat. In their day-to-day applications, however, it can lead to some ''very sticky'' situations. For this very reason, they often have to watch what they say around each other, particularly with regards to lower-level antagonists that don't directly affect the other crew members.
* Most important: the crew must have a certain loyalty toward one another. Like a family. If one of them is hurt/kidnapped/killed the others will bring holy hell on those responsible, even if it means violating orders. For this reason, all [[Badass Crew]]s are a form of [[True Companions]].
Since, unlike a [[Badass Family]], none of the members were born into the Crew (though some of them might be blood relatives), some writers will use the story of the [[Badass Crew]]'s formation as an interesting [[Backstory|origin story]]. In most Action/Adventures and Sci-Fi/Fantasy stories, the [[Badass|badasses]] came together to foil a [[Big Bad]] and/or save the world.
The members of the Crew may not have even liked each other at first or even been outright enemies, but they come together and join forces because a) none of them can defeat the [[Big Bad]] and his plot without total cooperation, b) they worked out their differences, c) they see the [[Badass|badassness]] in each other and recognize a kindred spirit, or d) all the above.
The [[Badass Crew]] may be or have been a [[Ragtag Bunch of Misfits]]. [[Amazon Brigade]] is an all-female variation of this. The logical extension of this is the [[Badass Army]] where they are essentially a gigantic [[Badass Crew]]. Almost invariably a [[Caper Crew]] doubles as a [[Badass Crew]].
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* Colonel Mustang's crew from [[Fullmetal Alchemist]]. They're so badass that {{spoiler|when they made their move on the Promised Day, a platoon of five soldiers engaged with Central's forces without killing anybody; 60 injuries, no deaths.}}
* The Dai-Gurren Brigade from ''[[Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann]]''. There's nothing else that needs to be said. Airship carrier doing a double roundhouse kick, for example. [[Rule of Cool|e A ground-based airship carrier doing a double roundhouse kick to an]] [[Airborne Aircraft Carrier]] no less!
* The Urameshi Team from ''[[Yu Yu Hakusho]].''
* Everyone Takashi Komuro leads in ''[[Highschool of the Dead]]''.
* From the ''[[Mobile Suit Gundam]]'' series, we get the following: [core members of the following]
** Original Series: (The White Base pilots\crew)
** Gundam0083 (The Albion pilots/crew)
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* All versions of the [[Getter Robo|Getter Team]] are like this, but special mention goes to the Go team. Go, Sho/Kei and Gai get along MUCH better than Ryoma, Hayato and Musashi/Benkei.
* [[Gravion]] has the Gran Knights, who are [[Badass]] (in their own ways) in an out of titular mecha. The sequel bring us the Gran Troopers, who are the same, so much so that the leader of the first [[Badass Crew]] congratulates the second [[Badass Crew]] at one point.
* ''[[One Piece]]''.
** One [[Image Song]] even mentions that the Straw Hats aren't related, but are still [[True Companions|like a family]].
** The Whitebeard Pirates fit the criteria, even if they don't get as much focus as the Straw Hat Pirates.
** Shanks' crew.
** And lots and lots of other crews too, in fact the Straw Hats usually fight another [[Badass Crew]] at least once an arc. This show as a whole is FILLED with badass crews.
* [[The Squad|Riot Force 6]] of ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS]]''. Even the [[White Mage]] of the group is [[Action Girl|someone]] [[The Beast Master|you]] [[Summon Magic|don't]] [[Our Dragons Are Different|want]] [[Berserk Button|to]] [[Beware the Nice Ones|mess]] [[Person of Mass Destruction|with]].
* Tsuna and his guardians, Xanxus and the Varia Squad from ''[[Katekyo Hitman Reborn]]''.
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* Jacuzzi and Nice's gang from ''[[Baccano]]!'' is a group of [[Street Urchin|Street Urchins]], who still manage to fend off [[The Mafia]].
* Onime no Kyo and his Shiseiten in ''[[Samurai Deeper Kyo]]''
* The Kurogane House from ''[[Shin Mazinger Shougeki! Z-hen]]'', a group of former Yakuza members who were saved from the verge of death by their current leader, Tsubasa.
* The Yorozuya from ''[[Gintama]]'' is this and a [[Comic Trio]]. The Shinsengumi also count.
* [[Mahou Sensei Negima]]
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* ''[[Bleach]]'': the main heroes are two shinigami, one with a sword that would make [[Final Fantasy VII|Cloud Strife]] tremble in fear, one with a sword that could {{spoiler|freeze a Fraccion solid}}. One Quincy, who not only fires light arrows but has {{spoiler|a freaking [[Star Wars|lightsaber]]}}. Two humans, one of whom can {{spoiler|defy divine law by rejecting reality}}.
** The 11th division.
* The Newspaper Club in ''[[Rosario to+ Vampire]]'' has been moving toward becoming this, especially recently. As club president, [[Chivalrous Pervert|Gin]] is technically their leader, but more often than not the de-facto role goes to [[The Hero|Tsukune]]. Even [[Tagalong Kid|Yukari]] has had her moments of badass. It's also implied that the club's previous generation was one of these, and a helluva good one if [[Lightning Bruiser|Gin]] and [[Superpower Lottery|Sun]] are any indication.
* The four Frenchmen from ''[[Le Chevalier d'Eon]]'', three of whom are among the best swordsmen alive.
* ''[[Soul Eater]]'' has several, with the meisters paired with their weapons. There's [[Musical Assassin|Soul]] and [[Badass Bookworm|Maka]], [[Boisterous Bruiser|Black Star]] and [[Team Mom|Tsubaki]], and [[Shinigami|Death the Kid]] with the [[Beware the Nice Ones|Thompson]] [[Only Sane Man|sisters]]. And when all three teams join together to beat the [[Big Bad]]...well, [[Catch Phrase|they're a freakin' lethal team]]. The manga pairs up Maka's group with Ox's to form young elite unit, Spartoi. They get natty new uniforms and everything.
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== Comic Books ==
* The [[Secret Six]]. Even the idea of family roles are played with when Bane becomes Scandal's "father". But don't underestimate them; they are ''villains'' after all.
* [[The Avengers (Comic Book)|The Avengers]]. But you gotta be badass when your core membership is [[Iron Man]], [[Captain America (comics)]], [[The Mighty Thor|Thor]], [[Incredible Hulk|the Hulk]], [[Wolverine]] and [[Spider-Man (Comic Book)|Spider-Man]].
* [[X-Men (Comic Book)|The Uncanny]] ''[[X-Men (Comic Book)|Frikkin']]'' [[X-Men (Comic Book)|X-Men]].
* [[Teen Titans (Comic Book)|Teen Titans]]. Their whole premise is that they are a family, and they most definitely are [[Badass]]. As an example, here are a few from one of the most recent incarnations.
** Impulse, almost immediately after joining the new Teen Titans, gets kneecapped by Deathstroke. After healing, which happens extremely fast and needs to be rebroken multiple times, his metabolism is so fast he is immune to ''anesthesia,'' he reads an entire library ''in a matter of hours,'' and retains ''everything'' he read, and proceeds to change his name to Kid Flash and [[Take A Level In Maturity]] ''and'' [[Take a Level In Badass|A Level In Bad Ass.]]
** Superboy finds out he {{spoiler|is a clone, not only of Superman, but also ''Lex Luthor,'' and nearly kills everyone while under Luthor's mind control}}, but then proceeds {{spoiler|to go shot for shot with ''[[Superboy Prime]]'' for multiple pages, culminating in the [[Heroic Sacrifice]] when he destroys the Anti-Monitor's tower by smashing himself and [[Superboy Prime]] into it, impaling himself in the process.}}
** As mentioned above, Speedy is HIV positive and still Fights The Good Fight.
* The ''[[Justice League of America|Justice League]]''. Duh.
** As founding member [[Martian Manhunter]] explained to an ancient [[AI Is a Crapshoot|Rampant AI]] that ''just '''didn't GET IT''''':
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* ''[[Lord of the Rings|The Fellowship Of The Ring]]''. Even those hobbits will bust your ass should you trifle with them or their pals. One of their greatest moments of collective badassitude is in the Mines of Moria when the company find themselves completely surrounded by thousands of Orcs - and are completely ready to take them on.
* ''[[Ocean's Eleven]]'': Daniel Ocean's crew. The precision point schemes they pull off make them [[Badass]], but what makes them family is made clear when Reuben is hurt; they put on a heist not to make a fortune, but just to spite the guy who hurt him.
* The members of the 1960 [[Oceans 11]].
* ''[[Pirates of the Caribbean]]'': The crew of the Black Pearl.
* ''[[Animal House]]'': The members of Delta Team.
* The main characters of the ''[[Star Wars]]'' original trilogy. Well, all except Threepio, anyway.
* The ''[[Seven Samurai]]''
* ''[[The Magnificent Seven]]''
* The [[Ghostbusters]].
* [[The Goonies]].
* ''[[Master and Commander]]'': Captain Jack Aubrey's crew. When even the doctor and a [[Handicapped Badass|one-armed]] 13-year-old grab swords and kick ass, you know your crew is badass!
* The impromptu [[Power Trio]] and their back-ups in ''[[Independence Day]]''.
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* Andy's toys from ''[[Toy Story]]''. Toys can't be [[Badass]], you say?? Kidnap or threaten one of them, they'll show you just how incorrect you are. In the first ''[[Toy Story]]'', [[Misunderstood Loner with a Heart of Gold|the Mutant Toys]] are the [[Badass Crew]]. Andy's toys don't play this [[Trope]] until ''[[Toy Story]] 2''.
{{quote|'''[[Butt Monkey|Mr. Potato Head]]:''' Prepare to meet... ''Mr. Angry Eyes!''}}
* Even though it's mostly about Sharpe and his [[The Lancer|Lancer]]-sidekick Sergeant Harper, the riflemen of the 95th (and to some extent, the entire South Essex Regiment) definatly quialifies. Memorable scenes include Hagman dual wielding a pair of rifles, private Perkins saving Sharpe's life and anything including Captain Frederickson ("A musket ball broke my jaw. I have false teeth. The sawbone stuck on the smile for free, sir. He also stuck on my hair. Hair belongs to a horse, sir.")
* The team of Allied commandos assigned to blow up the Nazi cannons on the Greek island of Navarone in ''[[The Guns of Navarone]]''.
* ''[[The Losers]]'', in both the movie and the comics, though the loyalty is particularly pronounced in the movie.
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== Literature ==
* The [[Jack Ryan]] novel ''[[Rainbow Six]]'' gives us Rainbow, headed by John Clark ([[Title Drop|Rainbow Six)]] and happens to be a multinational force of some of the baddesst asses from the world's most deadly special forces units, albeit they are presented in a very realistic and very mortal fashion.
* The [[Star Wars Expanded Universe]]:
** Any X-Wing squadron captained by Wedge Antilles. Specifically, the ''[[X Wing Series]]''' Rogue Squadron, and ''especially'' [[Crazy Awesome|Wraith Squadron]]. The four pilots of {{color|red|Red}} Flight, while a much smaller crew, all know each other from before and are quite awesome.
** The four stormtroopers in [[Survivors Quest]], Unit Aurek-Seven of the 501st. Cloud, Grappler, Watchman, and Shadow. They are ''unspeakably'' [[Badass]].
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* [[Lord of the Rings|The Fellowship Of The Ring]] is at least as [[Badass]] in the books as in the film.
* ''[[Discworld|The City Watch]]'' novels
** Vimes, Carrot, Angua and Detritus form one of these.
** The Silver Horde. Seven very old men. Six of them are Barbarian Heroes, the most dangerous occupation on the whole Discworld (and considering what some people do for a living, that's saying something.) They're primary skill is NOT DYING. They're made quite a habit out of it, and don't plan on breaking that habit.
** The Wizards of Unseen University are NOT the sort of people you want to find yourself squaring off against, either. It doesn't matter how you might try, either.
{{quote|Ridcully: Please try to sue the University! We have a POND full of people who've tried to sue the University!}}
* The Dendarii Mercenaries of [[Lois McMaster Bujold]]'s ''[[Vorkosigan Saga]]''. From [[Handicapped Badass]] Miles Vorkosigan to [[Action Girl]] Elli Quinn to [[Hermaphrodite]] [[Deadpan Snarker]] Bel Thorne, the Dendarii, to Taura are awesome.
* [[Mystic and Rider]] has this - the [[True Companions]] formed around Senneth is made up of two elite fighters, two shapeshifters, a mind-reader and Senneth herself, who is not only the most powerful mystic ever, full stop, but is so good at sword-fighting that she can beat the Lirren boys. All of them can hold their own in a fight, ''and then some''.
* In a way, the SOS Brigade, led by [[Suzumiya Haruhi]].
** The leader can bend reality to her will, and once gave the time traveler the ability to fire lasers from her eye while filming a movie. The next character is a data-manipulating android that can't be killed, even with 6 spikes and 2 energy tentacles the size of a ship's mast through her body. After that, we have a [[ESPer]], who can move into alternate dimensions created by the leader, usually to fight her inner demons. Following that, we have a time-traveller, who grows up to become the Chessmaster that jump-started the events that implanted the ideas of aliens, time travelers and [[ESPers]] into Haruhi's mind. The last character is completely normal, as verified by 2 factions. However, said character managed to blackmail one of the factions into not terminating his friend.
** The condensed version: You piss off anyone of them, and chances are, someone will come in and kick your ass. Or head, as the Computer Club President realized.
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* ''[[The Unit]]''.
* Also, UNIT from ''[[Doctor Who]]''.
* God help you if you mess with certain officers, officials, and crewmen of the ''[[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined|Battlestar Galactica]]''. Yes, they're an exceedingly ''dysfunctional'' crew, and are [literally] at each others' throats repeatedly, but mess with them, and the only question is which one of them is going to destroy you and how flashy that destruction will be. Certain Cylon models exhibit this quality. But that situation is....''complicated''......
* Team DenLiner from ''[[Kamen Rider Den-O]]''.
* The Gibbs' Team in ''[[NCIS]]''
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* The team from "Soldier of Fortune", essentially the A-Team for grown-ups done by Jerry Bruckheimer. The team was headed up by ex-Delta Force major Matt Shepherd and contained ex-Marine Scout/Sniper Benny Ray Riddle (played by former Ranger Tim Abell), ex-CIA officer Margo Vincent, fomer SAS Staff Sargeant and electronics/EOD specialist CJ Yates with Jason "Chance" Walker (ex-USAF SOAR)as the pilot. The team was run by a spooky government-type called Xavier Trout, himself an ex-military type, when he/the US government needed deniable ops done.
* The [[Justice League of America]] in ''[[Smallville]]''. You've got [[The Flash|The Fastest Man Alive]], Victor Stone, a [[Hollywood Cyborg]] with both [[Super Strength]] and [[Hollywood Hacking]] abilities ([[Genius Bruiser]] much?), [[Aquaman]], who manages to be pretty [[Badass]] despite the whole [[What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?]] situation, and [[Black Canary]] an [[Action Girl]] with [[Make Me Wanna Shout]] abilities. All headed up by [[Green Arrow]], the biggest [[Badass Normal]] in the whole show. And that's when [[Superman]] and the [[Martian Manhunter]] aren't helping them.
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOvwdVp8Fvo This commercial] for Golden Sun has a badass crew of musicians.
* The study group as a whole in ''[[Community]]'' episode [[Community/Recap/S1 E23 Modern Warfare|Modern Warfare]], for surviving as long as they did in such hellish conditions.
* The ''[[Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger]]'', doubly appropriate because they're [[Space Pirates]]. Also Marvelous' previous team with Akared and Basco Ta Jolokia, the Red Pirates. When you're just three people and is considered to be the greatest threat the Zangyack ever face and having a bounty bigger than the Gokaigers, you have to be one. Not too mention they just started collecting the Ranger Keys when they started their adventure, meaning they face off against the Zangyack without the key's powers. Any Sentai team would probably count.
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* Your crew in ''[[Neverwinter Nights]] Hordes of the Underdark'' isn't very large, but among the four (possibly five) people on the team are a part-dragon kobold, a [[The Atoner|former drow assassin]], a slightly insane [[The Legions of Hell|tiefling]], and potentially the ghost of an elf paladin. Led by whatever you feel like making the player character. And the player and two of your compatriots get to {{spoiler|beat up Mephistopheles}} in the end.
* In ''[[Neverwinter Nights 2]]'', you have a [[Boisterous Bruiser]] (Khelgar), a [[Kleptomaniac Hero]] (Neeshka), a [[White Mage]] (Elanee), your [[Token Evil Teammate]] (Bishop), a [[Knight in Shining Armor]] as contrast (Casavir), an insane pyromaniac (Quara), a [[Badass Bookworm]] (Sand), a [[Badass Normal]] (Shandra), a [[Badass Abnormal]] (Zhjaeve), [[The Atoner|Ammon]] [[Complete Monster|Jerro]], [[The Scrappy|Grobnar]], and potentially a giant metal automaton with swords for arms. Your crew in Mask of the Betrayer is smaller, but no less badass. You have a new [[Badass Bookworm]] (Safiya), [[Things Man Was Not Meant to Know|whatever One Of Many is]], a fallen angel (Kaelyn), and a Hagspawn [[Casanova]] (Gann). Who go on to thwart the works of the god of the dead.
* ''[[Knights of the Old Republic]]'': Look at the first crew: [[Badass Normal|BadassNormals]] Carth and Canderous, [[Little Miss Badass]] Mission, [[The Big Guy]] Zaalbar, [[Badass Grandpa]] Jedi Jolee Bindo, [[Boisterous Bruiser]] assassin droid HK-47, Jedi [[Catgirl]] Juhani and Jedi [[Action Girl]] Bastila, and [T3M4] with the hidden pistols...all led by [[God Mode Sue]]!
** And ''KOTOR II'': Canderous and HK-47 (still [[Badass]]), T3-M4 (who [[Take a Level In Badass|took a few levels in Bad Ass]] between the games), [[Evil Mentor]] Kreia, [[Sociopathic Hero]] [[Determinator]] and Atton Rand, [[Badass Bookworm|BadassBookworms]] Bao-Dur and Mical (female PC only), [[Action Girl|ActionGirls]] Brianna (male PC only), Visas, and Mira (Light Side only), Goto, and [[The Big Guy]] Hanharr (Dark Side only). And all of them (besides the droids and Hanharr) can become Jedi if they aren't already.
* Every party line-up in a ''[[Final Fantasy]]'' game, but ''[[Dissidia Final Fantasy]]'' is the best example, being an [[Intercontinuity Crossover]] that brings the main heroes and villains from the rest of the series together to fight, and each and every one of them is just as Badass as they were in their original games. And if, like [[Final Fantasy I|Garland]] or [[Final Fantasy VIII|Laguna]], you weren't particularly badass in your original game, don't worry, you get to be an [[Adaptational Badass]].
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* [[Star Wars]]: [[Republic Commando]], normal clones are badass, Delta Squad turn badass Up to Eleven, they were born and bred for badassery. Taking out a droid production facility, retaking an acclamator-class ship from a group of trandoshan slavers and then defending said ship against an army of droids, each one of this four man team is crazy awesome, but together they are one badass crew.
* The eponymous ''[[Killer 7]]'' of the Smith Syndicate count.
* The 12th Unit of the Harmonian Southern Frontier Defense Force in [[Suikoden III]]. Consisting of [[The Captain|Geddoe]], [[Genius Bruiser|Ace]], [[Bare-Fisted Monk|Joker]], [[Lady of War|Queen]], [[Automatic Crossbow|Jacques]] and [[My Signifiance Sense Is Tingling|Aila]], even if the last one is a trainee. None of them are related, and a good number of them [[Teeth-Clenched Teamwork|argue frequently]] when they [[The Alcoholic|aren't drunk]], or even when they are. But, they are all extreme badasses, having fought and won in several wars.
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* ''[[The Order of the Stick]]''.
* The main cast of ''[[Sluggy Freelance]]'' has gradually morphed into this over the years. At first Torg and Riff were the only real close friends, and [[Killer Rabbit|Bun-Bun]] was the sole [[Badass]], but as time went by the bonds between them grew stronger, as did their individual [[Took a Level In Badass|badass levels]]. Gwynn [[Badass Abnormal|acquired some freaky magical powers]], Riff showed everyone what a [[Mad Scientist]] with too much time on his hands can do, Torg's become a master swordsman, and [[Unfazed Everyman]] Zoe]] has done pretty well against zombies, vampires, and psychotic assassins. The only character without a [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]] at this point is [[Team Pet|Kiki]], unless you count her [[Caffeine Bullet Time]] being used to fuel a ferret bazooka. Bub-Bun wielding the Ferret Bazooka would be of a "Crowning Moment of [[Crazy Awesome]]" for ''both'' of them.
* ''[[Looking for Group]]'' A nigh unstoppable warlock, an extremely skilled archer/swordsman, a cleric capable of reviving the dead as long as she has MOST of the ashes, an axe wielding dwarf, and a guy who tackled/wrestled a dragon and is actually smarter than he is strong.
* The Midnight Crew from ''[[Homestuck]]'' is this, even clownish Club Deuce has killed his fair share of adversaries. The main characters are quickly becoming this, as well.
* The Heterodyne performers in ''[[Girl Genius]]'' have shades of this. Mainly because they're able to survive in the countryside populated by giant robots, monsters, and God knows what else. By themselves. And the occasional glitchy Death Ray.
* ''[[El Goonish Shive]]'' also has a badass crew who are a very tightly knit group of teens... and they became so in about 2 or so months.
* ''[[Mushroom Go]]'': The crew of the [[Cool Ship|Chainless]] includes a [[Genius Bruiser|teenage prodigy]] [[Super Mario Sunshine|Pianta]], a six-foot-something chain smoking [[Yoshi's Island|raven]] and apparent master of martial arts, a [[Super Mario Bros. 2|Shyguy]] with a knack for chainsaws and a militant [[Super Mario Bros.|Koopa]] captain. They're pirates. In a [[Sand Is Water|desert]].
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* The main cast of ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender]]'' eventually attains this status; by the end of the show, we have a superpowered [[Kid Hero|Kid]] [[The Messiah|Messiah]] (Aang), a powerful waterbender (Katara), the world's best earthbender and {{spoiler|''only'' metalbender}} (Toph), {{spoiler|a powerful firebender and highly skilled swordsman (Zuko)}}, and two [[Badass Normal]] warriors (Sokka and {{spoiler|Suki}}). The Order of the White Lotus probably also qualifies.
* ''[[Kung Fu Panda]]'''s Furious Five - Tigress, Monkey, Mantis, Crane and Viper- are China's top kung fu masters, and both films show you exactly ''why''. By the second film, their [[Badass Crew]] is the Furious Five plus Po, who earns his way in after enduring the [[Training From Hell]].
* [[Metalocalypse|Dethklok]]. They may be dumb as a box of particularly dim hammers and they may fight and bitch at each other all the time, but when it really counts, they're thick as thieves (even if they don't admit it). Many of the Crowning Moments of Awesome in Metalocalypse double as Crowning Moments of Heartwarming because they're all at their most badass when they're looking out for each other.
* ''[[Transformers Cybertron]]'': The Autobots. All of them can, when it counts, crack open a can of whup-ass. Especially Optimus Prime. Four words: "[[Super Robot|Optimus Prime,]] [[Super Mode]]!"
** The original Maximal crew from Beast Wars. Their scientist/medic guy ''[[Gatling Good|dual wields chainguns]]''.
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* The Penguin Team from ''[[The Penguins of Madagascar]]''
* ''[[Codename: Kids Next Door]]'': Sector V...on occasion
* The [[Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers|Galaxy Rangers]]. The colony worlds love 'em, the core worlds barely tolerate 'em, and they're always just this close to going rogue...but no one's going to argue the fact that Foxx and his [[Badass Crew]] are the best weapon the League's got against the Queen of the Crown's superior numbers.
* [[Darkwing Duck]] and crew certainly belong here. We have Darkwing as [[Badass Normal]], Morgana as [[Black Magician Girl]], Gosalyn as [[Future Badass]], Launchpad as [[Gadgeteer Genius|Gadgeteer]] [[Genius Ditz]], and Honker as [[Tagalong Kid|Tagalong]] [[Child Prodigy]].
* The Captains in ''[[Captain Scarlet]]'', to an extent (more so in fanon).
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* The crew of ''[[Apollo 13]]''. Complete with [[The Captain]], Mission Commander James A. Lovell, [[Number Two]] Fred Haise, [[Ace Pilot]] Jack Swigert, and featuring the ''two'' [[Cool Ship|Cool Ships]] the Aquarius and the Odyssey. Definitely [[True Companions]], as training to be an astronaut will force you to see the man next to you as family. The crew was so badass, they were able to get back home even after their [[Cool Ship]] got busted in mid-flight.
** Though a lot of the credit also should go to their [[Voice with an Internet Connection]], the Mission controllers who diagnosed the problem from the telemetry, figured out the rocket burns required to get the crew on a trajectory to return to Earth (using just the Aquarius' engine, since the integrity of Odyssey's could not be determined), developed kludged-together procedures to keep the crew alive, and then worked out how to power the Odyssey back up and bring the crew through re-entry on less power than was thought possible. Badass the crew was, but they were not alone in being badass.
* The Assault Team that launched a rescue mission to save over 100 hostages from from a hijacked plane at Entebbe Airport in 1976. Not surprisingly, they were part of the [[Badass Army]] known as the Isreali Defense Forces.
* The Zeezura Club devoted to the exploration of the Egyptian and Libyan desert in 1930. Contained many a [[Badass]] such as Bagnold, Almasy, and Wingate.
* The 1953 Everest team. Also contained many a [[Badass]]. Including the porters. Every Sherpa is a [[Badass]]. Its [[In the Blood]].
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* [http://www.chinahush.com/2010/05/19/chinese-cargo-ship-fights-off-pirates-with-beer-bottles/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+ChinaHush+%28ChinaHush%29&utm_content=Google+Feedfetcher The crew of a Chinese cargo ship fights off pirates] using ''beer bottles''. [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]], indeed.
A great number of Sports teams are this:
* The 1972 Miami Dolphins; who won '''''every''''' game that season, up to and including the Super Bowl.
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*** That team was pretty ordinary, but Strahan, Umenyiora, and Tuck - who harassed superstar quarterback Tom Brady throughout - absolutely count.
** If we're talking football, then look no further than the Pittsburgh Steelers and Oakland Raiders of the 70s. Not only did they win consistently, they faced off each other for AFC supremacy every year and had legitimate bad blood, leading to extremely physical, emotional, dirty games. The Steelers typically were the [[Designated Hero|designated good guys]], due to their classy owner, blue collar roots, and disciplined team ethic. The Raiders were always the [[Designated Villain|bad guys]], in part because of their [[Jerkass]] owner, rowdy fans, and perhaps, even rowdier players. Also note the Raiders were made up of a bunch of guys with [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast]], guys like Jack "The Assassin" Tatum, Ken "The Snake" Stabler, and Skip "Dr. Death" Thomas. Incidentally, both the Steelers and Raiders only acheived full-blown [[Badass Crew]] status because they first had to take that mantle from the waning Dolphins, who not only had that undefeated season, but repeated the next year with a team some experts believe might have actually been better than the '72 Dolphins.
* The University of Miami Hurricanes football team, particularly in the 1980s and 1990s. The Canes, which won five national championships and appeared at several more title games, developed a "Thug U" reputation due to its "Catholics vs. Convicts" rivalry with Notre Dame, the players appearing at a national championship pregame banquet in combat fatigues (and losing to underdogs Penn State the next night at the 1987 Fiesta Bowl), the on-field taunting by the team (which led to the NCAA adding "the Miami Rule" addressing excessive celebration), the team's alleged payments from Two Live Crew's Luke Campbell, and many of the recruited players being from urban areas (unprecedented at the time, now somewhat the norm).
* The 1990 UNLV basketball team, led by Jerry "Tark the Shark" Tarkanian. They dominated basketball, beating Duke to win the championship, while their coach defied the NCAA (he was notorious for saying "The NCAA got so mad at Kentucky they decided to give Cleveland State two more years of probation."). The next year, the UNLV team almost had an undefeated season, but lost to Duke in the Final Four.
* The Michigan "Fab Five" teams of the 1990s. They popularized baggy shorts and brought swagger to college basketball, despite being the NCAA runner-up twice. Unfortunately, Ed Martin, a booster for the Michigan team, was found to have provided benefits to the team in violation of NCAA guidelines, and as a result, Chris Webber was found ineligible and the Fab Five title appearances were vacated.
* The mid-70s Philadelphia Flyers, aka "The Broad Street Bullies." Were the first expansion team to win the Stanley Cup (winning it twice in a row), became beloved in Philadelphia and loathed by traditional hockey fans for their success through intimidation and violence. They were also known for their skirmishes against the Soviet "Red Army" teams.
* The early-90s Pittsburgh Penguins, led by Mario Lemieux and Jaromir Jagr. The Penguins won the Stanley Cup for the first time in 1991, led by coach "Badger Bob" Johnson. Sadly, "Badger Bob" died of cancer shortly after winning the Cup, and he was replaced by the season by legendary Blues/Canadiens/Red Wings coach Scotty Bowman, who, in his first of two seasons as their coach, led the Penguins to their second consecutive Cup.
* The New York Islanders ice hockey team, which won four '''straight''' Stanley Cup titles between 1980 and 1983.
** Several Montreal Canadiens teams accomplished similar feats in several decades.
*** The Canadiens won five straight from 1956-1960, and four straight from 1976-1979. However, the Islanders played in an expanded league (the Canadiens of the 50s played in a six-team league; by 1980, when the Islanders finally won, the NHL had 21 teams) and had to win more games to get to the finals, which is why those Islander teams hold the record for most consecutive playoff victories (19). Also in the Islanders' favor is the fact that no team since in any of the four major North American professional sports leagues (MLB, NBA, NFL, NHL) has won four consecutive championships. (They reached a fifth straight final)
*** The Islanders dynasty itself was ended by another badass crew, the Edmonton Oilers, led by Wayne Gretzky. The Oilers won the Cup four times with "The Great One" and won a fifth time after Gretzky was traded (Gretzky himself never won the Cup again after the trade).
* The 1996 Chicago Bulls, with their 72-10 winning streak and fourth NBA championship, would qualify. Notable players, led by Phil Jackson, included all stars Dennis Rodman, Scottie Pippen and Tony Kukoc, as well as a certain guard from North Carolina.
* Shaq and Kobe's Lakers, particularly the 2001 team.
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* Magic Johnson's Lakers.
* Isiah's Pistons. Like the Broad Street Bullies that terrorized the NHL in the 1970s, the "Bad Boys," which also included Bill Laimbeer, Dennis Rodman, and Joe Dumars and coached by "Dream Team" coach Chuck Daly, were beloved in Detroit and despised by traditional basketball fans by winning two consecutive championships through violence, intimidation, and lack of sportsmanship (when the Pistons lost to the Bulls in the 1991 playoffs, the Pistons players refused to shake hands after the game).
* 2006 Miami Heat.
* Tim Duncan's Spurs.
* The 2008 Boston Celtics.
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** This South African troper wonders by virtue of what exactly the [[N Zers]] have "the best rugby team in the world" if they don't, I don't know, '''win''' or something. Sure, the three Super 15 nations are in a league all our own, so the All-Blacks are among the world's Top 3 at any given time, but I don't think any of our national teams (NZ, SA, AUS) could be called "the best". We're more or less equally matched in every area, and in many cases victory in the end seems to come down to luck of the draw. It's getting to be NZ's turn to win again, that's for sure, and I wouldn't mind an NZ victory next time around... but losing since 1987 even though NZ is supposedly "the best"? I don't think so, sorry mate.
*** This is a point of view, but there is such a thing as the International Rugby Board world rankings, which the All Blacks top at the time of writing and have done most of the time (with South Africa a distant second). Consult also the other wiki: they "... are unique by being the only international team to have a winning record against every nation they have played". Then there's the opening paragraph: "They won the inaugural Rugby World Cup, are the leading points scorers of all time and the only international rugby team with a winning record against every test nation they have ever played. The All Blacks have held the top ranking in the world for longer than all other countries combined and in over 100 years only five of the top twenty ranked test rugby nations have ever beaten [them]".
* The English Rugby Union team of 2003. Wilkinson, Dawson, Johnson...
* The Liverpool football team of the late 70's/80's. Ian Rush, Kevin Keegan, Kenny Dalglish, Mark Lawrenson, Alan Hansen etc.
* Brazil's national football team that won the 1958, 1962, and 1970 World Cups. Not only had the best player ever (Pelé), but also a full roster of talented players: Garrincha, Zagallo, Tostão, Gerson, and more. The 1982 team is also considered to be one of the best teams in Brazil's history, even if they didn't win the WC that year (contrast with the teams that won in 1994 and 2002, both considered very inferior to the others).
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