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* ''[[Mobile Suit Gundam]]'' - Amuro, with his Gundam, was a factor who helped balance the odds in the war between Zeon and Earth Federation. It was later [[Retcon|retconned]] by saying that his Gundam wasn't the only one used in that time.
* At the end of ''[[Higurashi no Naku Koro ni|Higurashi Kai]]'' this trope is lampshaded when Rika says that {{spoiler|the only world when they managed to defeat [[Big Bad]] was one where Hanyuu was a real person, not a ghost}}. Also, Keichii did do wonders to her resolve.
* The titular hero of [[Naruto]] becomes this during {{spoiler|The Fourth Shinobi World War}}, [[The Alliance|the allied shinobi forces]] aren't getting their arses handed to them, [[Blatant Lies|per say]], but [[Curb Stomp Battle|they're struggling and taking heavy casualties]], to the {{spoiler|[[Zombie Apocalypse|Edo Tensei]] [[Our Zombies Are Different|resurrected]] ninja}}. Along comes our protagonist, who's finished his [[Training From Hell]], [[Time to Unlock More True Potential|becoming even more capable]] and improved his relationship to the [[Enemy Within|Nine-Tailed Demon Fox]]. He summarily uses his cloning technique to cover most of the battlefield, kick ass, save lives and [[Spot the Imposter]]. Most, if not all, of his ninja comrades definitely see him as this now. Also counts as a ''several'' [[Big Damn Heroes|big damn hero]] moments.
== Comic Books ==
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* Used in ''[[Incredible Hulk|The Incredible Hulk]]: Future Imperfect'' - [[La Résistance]] from a [[Bad Future]] uses a time machine to summon Hulk and ask him to defeat [[Big Bad]] Maestro, {{spoiler|his [[Future Me Scares Me|evil future self]]}}. This Happens again in the ''[[Planet Hulk]]'' arc, as Hulk ends up leading a rebellion against the Red King of Sakaar.
* Not surprisingly this is part of the job description of the [[Green Lantern|Blue Lanterns]] who literally channel the power of hope. The relatively few people who can "inspire great hope" has limited their membership quite drastically.
* [[Superman]] is pulling this trope constantly.
* [[Batman]] is perhaps the only reason ''anyone'' with an ounce of sense stays in [[Wretched Hive|Gotham City]].
* [[Captain America (comics)]] of course. He especially became this for the fractured and extremely distrusted [[Marvel Universe|Marvel]] superhero community when he returned to life during [[Dark Reign (comics)|Dark Reign]].
* [[Captain Britain]] at ''least'' to the United Kingdom.
* Superheroes in general, at least when they aren't suffering from bad publicity.
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* By ''[[Spider-Man (film)|Spider-Man 3]]'', Spider-Man was this for NYC.
* The protagonists of ''[[Children of Men]]'', and specifically the young mother with her baby, are this for the entire world, as no one has given birth in nearly 20 years. Near the end of the movie {{spoiler|they stop a shoot-out between the army and some terrorists by simply walking nearby}}.
* Leonidas from [[300]] . He does this by dying. But then, that was [[The Spartan Way]].
* Jakob from ''[[Jakob the Liar]]'' ultimately serves as a deconstruction of the trope. Set during the 1940's during World War 2, Jakob fills his fellow Jews with hope over news that the Russians will soon liberate them from the Ghetto, telling them he got the information from his "secret radio." {{spoiler|In truth, while the initial news ''is'' true, it eventually snow balls into him having to fabricate news to keep up the charade. This torments Jacob because his new found status puts him at risk of being arrested by German soldiers, but at the same time his lies actually give the Jews inspiration to live on and suicide rates drops.}}
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== Western Animation ==
* Batman is this for the Gotham City Police Department (well, the non-corrupt parts) in ''[[Batman: The Animated Series]]'' and, later on, for the [[Justice League]].
** Terry from [[Batman Beyond]] is also a great example to the point that in the opening after all the words showing how crapsack things are HOPE flashes onscreen.
* Sonic The Hedgehog is this to the Freedom Fighters in ''[[Sonic Sat AM|Sonic the Hedgehog]]'' ([[Sat AM]]).
* In the animated video for [[Disturbed]]'s cover of [[Genesis (band)|Land Of Confusion]], their [[Mascot]], The Guy, managed to turn people, who were previously running away and hiding from evil soldiers, into an angry mob who beat the hell out of their former oppressor, attack ONZ headquarters, punish corrupted politicians and bind the [[Anthropomorphic Personification]] of [[Greed]], who is then killed by The Guy.
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