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* ''[[Dead Space (series)|Dead Space]]'' flips this around mostly. Humanity has outstripped its ability to sustain itself, so they build Planet-Crackers; gigantic starships that tear planets apart in a multi-year process to provide raw materials for humanity. The resulting gravitational shifts wreak holy hell on the solar systems of the cracked planets. However, it appears that nobody can really complain about this as humanity hasn't run into any alien life. Until the events of the game, and they're really mutated human space zombies anyways. {{spoiler|And we knew they were there.}}
* ''[[Super Robot Wars]]'' features a few of these among it's original villains: The Ze Balmary Empire of the ''Alpha'' series seeks to turn Earth's population into mind-slave soldiers, the Ruina in ''D'' looks to use humans as cattle, the Fury in ''J'' want to eradicate humanity and use the planet as their new home, while the Database in ''W'' take the Brainiac route.
* The [[Scary Dogmatic Aliens|Scrin]] from ''[[Command and& Conquer]]'' seed planets with [[Green Rocks|Tiberium]], then wait for the spread of the material to drive the planet's inhabitants into extinction. Then they begin collecting up the Tiberium on the now dead world. Unfortunately for them, they didn't expect GDI and Nod to still be existant when they arrived on Earth. It was [[Xanatos Roulette|all according to]] [[Dark Messiah|Kane]]'s plan.
* Although Lavos from ''[[Chrono Trigger]]'' is more of a [[Planet Eater]], there are shades of this in Lucca's analysis during the final battle sequence, which suggests that it is {{spoiler|collecting and analyzing the planet's evolutionary history in order to make itself more powerful.}}
* The Angel Cartel and Serpentis in ''[[Eve Online]]'' are interplanetary [[The Syndicate|syndicates]]. They don't explicitly loot, just [[Shame If Something Happened|"protect"]]. Also, the Amarr Empire used to organize slaver raids against Minmatar planets. In the Incursion [[Expansion Pack]], Sansha's Nation restarts it's own [[Human Resources|"recruiting drive"]].
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