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== [[Fridge Brilliance]] ==
* In [[Final Fantasy X]] - 2, the head-scratcher was how Yuna was tied to Shuyin and Lenne, or why she seemed to be the key to bringing them back together and calming Shuyin's insane rage. It's said outright that she isn't a reincarnation of Lenne, despite the parallels. Then, it hit me. Sin may be gone, the Fayth may be enjoying their overdue rest...but that ''doesn't'' mean Yuna stopped being the most powerful Summoner on Spira. And aside from the task of defeating Sin, a Summoner's duty involve sending the spirits of those who died violently to their rest. I raise a beer to you, Square.
** This is something I realized while replaying [[Final Fantasy X -2]] and reviewing the pre-requisites for the different endings. You receive a different ending based on your how many completion points that you've gained. If you have low completion points then Yuna will not re-unite with Tidus and will instead choose to continue her adventuring with the Gullwings, if you receive enough points however Yuna returns to Besaid and settles down with Tidus. At first I didn't understand why the game ended this way until I looked back at X. In X though Yuna traveled the world she didn't get a chance to enjoy it and experience it, that's where x-2 comes in. In X-2 the only way to receive a full 100% completion is to have Yuna visit every location on the map multiple times, see new people, and experience new things. The completion percentage represents Yuna's satisfaction with the adventures she has had so far. Once she has felt that she has truly experienced the world then she chooses to settle down with Tidus. In X-2 International+Last Mission which has never been released outside of Japan they reveal that Yuna leaves the Gullwings anyway no matter whether or not you decided to have her re-unite with Tidus. This also explains her behavior in X-2. As society in Spira was very strict during the events of X, Yuna as a summoner was probably never allowed to just be laid back and have fun. Also as a girl this troper can vouch that no matter how proper a girl is if she's around really good friends then she'll let her hair down and have fun, and for Yuna it was the very first time where she could just have and so she didn't know how to act, so she did the next best thing. She copied Rikku's behavior from [[Final Fantasy X]].
* With Rikku's personality it never made sense to this troper why she was so much more laid back until I realized that her situation is the same as Yuna's. Even though Rikku was chipper during X, it was because she like Yuna was a [[Stepford Smiler]], and she being an Albhed had very few choices as to what she could do with her life. Though she traveled the world before Rikku never got a chance to enjoy herself as she was on missions. This is the first time in Rikku's life that she is free to do what she wants and go where she wants. The problem is Rikku never had plans for what she wanted to do with her life, which is why she seems to just go with things. Now that Rikku can be truly carefree she's enjoying every minute of it.
* Lets go over a few facts; Tidus is a dream of the faith, he looks identical to Shuyin, Shuyin snuck behind [[Traped Behind Enemy Lines|enemy lines]] to get a WMD so he could save Lenne proving that he'll do anything to keep her safe, Lenne was a Summoner (ergo she was powerful) so she would be sent to the frontlines in the war (with no guarantee of her safty), Yune looks alot like her and was in a similar scenario...Tidus pulled out all the stops to save her when he learned the truth about [[Heroic Sacrifice|the Final Summoning]], Sounds alot like Shuyin...doesn't he? The ''brilliance'' here is the possibility that Tidus may have been the dream version of Shuyin. However it ''Really'' hits you when you remember that Tidus was basically a [[Laser Guided Tykebomb|plan the faiths came up with to end Sin's cycle]], could the faiths really have planned out Tidus meeting Yuna (who is ''again'' Lenne's look alike...or is it the other way around), falling in love with her, and finaly giving up his life so she would live, cuz lets face it; saving Yuna was his driving force --Ryuki
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== [[Fridge Horror]] ==
* In ''[[Final Fantasy X -2]]'', the characters access different ability sets (ranging from black magic to the power of [[Suckiness Is Painful|dancing so badly it causes your enemies to go blind]]) by using "Dress Spheres". The reason why this works is mentioned in a throwaway line about them being filled with the memories of people who actually had the ability to cast magic or dance or use certain weapons, and you're just borrowing their expertise when you use a Dress Sphere. This becomes much creepier when it also shows that using a Dress Sphere can cause unexpected side effects due to the consciousness downloaded into the Sphere breaking through and forcing the user into performing certain actions; this implies that each Sphere contains at least a part of the original person who was used to program it, instead of being just a set of skills and techniques copied out of someone's head (and the game never mentions how the memories are obtained... or what happens to the "donor" afterward). In other words, it's possible that each Dress Sphere is a [[Crystal Prison|tiny prison]] [[And I Must Scream|containing the enslaved mind and/or soul of a once-living individual, trapped forever and used as a source of power by anyone who picks them up.]]
** I'm skeptical. It's pretty much outright stated that {{spoiler|the Black Mage dressphere is a sphere of Maechen's memories from before the Machina War.}} In this case, it's more likely that they're very similar to recording spheres, but convey abilities and probably feelings of the person whose memories the sphere contains.
*** Not to mention Maechen's soul clearly not being in that sphere
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