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Justice League (animation)/Radar: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|Hawk Girl: So do you sleep better now.
Green Lantern: You know I do. }}
** GL's tone was more then a little amorous.
* "Injustice for All" had a rather humorous exchange between the Flash and Hawkgirl:
{{quote|'''Flash:''' ...That's right, fastest man alive!
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''(She immediately torches up the place while Firefly watches with raised flamethrower.)''
'''Firefly''': I think I'm in love. ''([[Something Else Also Rises|shoots a burst of fire from his gun on the last word]])'' }}
** Made even better when you consider Volcana is voiced by Peri Gilpin, who plays the rather promiscuous Roz on [[Frasier]]. She even talks to Firefly like Roz would talk to Frasier or Niles.
* Similar to one of the ''[[Teen Titans (animation)|Teen Titans]]'' examples, in "The Savage Time" when the team is thrown into a pile while riding alternate-Bruce Wayne's rocket train (long story), the following exchange occurs:
{{quote|'''Hawkgirl:''': ... Whose hand is that?
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** Also from that episode-- the maid.
{{quote|'''Maid:''' Are you certain the wine is all you require, your highness?}}
** The following exchange, also from this episode:
{{quote|'''Diana:''' I won't let you hurt Audrey.
'''Savage:''' Hurt her? I love her. I've never met a woman who can do the things for me that she can.
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'''Vixen:''' [[Power Perversion Potential|Promises, promises]]. }}
* In "Secret Society", as the team starts in-fighting, Hawkgirl nearly calls Wonder Woman a stuck-up bitch but is [[Curse Cut Short|cut short]].
** Likewise in Part 2, some of The Shade's goons from the last episode are seen walking out of a seedy-looking club with loud music, explaining they only got out because one guy's mom put up bail. "How's she gonna pay it all back?" "Eh, she'll just have to keep dancing for a few more years." Yes, folks, we just got a strip club on Cartoon Network.
* In "The Balance", Hermes delivers to Wonder Woman a message from Zeus to invade Tartarus.
{{quote|'''Wonder Woman:''' He's telling me to go to--
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'''Waller:''' Not ''remotely'' what I meant. }}
** Given that Terry had by that time read up about Bruce's old playboy act, this is getting crap past and yet another way of hooking the ''[[Batman Beyond]]'' series to the older shows one more time, AS the fat lady (Waller) is singing.
* In "I Am Legion", Hawkgirl on Flash gazing at his new crush Fire (talking to her gal-pal Ice): "You'd probably be wasting your time anyway. I hear she's, y'know... [long, Flash-panicking pause] ''[[Hide Your Lesbians|Brazilian]]''."
** Doubles as a [[Mythology Gag]], as Fire and Ice are [[Heterosexual Life Partners|close friends]] with a certain amount of [[Ho Yay|Les Yay]] in the comic.
** [[Completely Missing the Point|She doesn't have pubic hair?]]
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* "The Great Brain Robbery": The [[Freaky Friday Flip]]-suffering Flash is implied to have sex with supervillain Tala while in Lex Luthor's body. Quoth the Flash after Tala pulls him aside (off camera) to "rest": "Hey. That's not restful." She also implies he's better than Lex because he's warm and giving (and enthusiastic). (There's also a strong implication that Tala had previously slept with Grodd, who is a sapient ''gorilla'').
** No wonder she chose Lex then. By human standards, gorillas are awfully underequipped in a certain manner.
** Creators kinda tried to deny that Flash and Tala had sex in that scene (after talk arose about moral implications of such act), but how else could you interpret Tala's words afterwards:
{{quote|You're so different, so attentive, so caring, so enthusiastic... I like it.}}
** Note also her apparent disappointment upon Lex's return.
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{{quote|Ah, Tala. I ''so'' miss bending you to my will.}}
* Who can forget the [[Grand Finale]] close-up of Luthor's rapturous face as he exclaims "Brainiac, I'm coming!" Also, "I want to merge with you again!" Hell, the ''entire'' Brainiac/Luthor relationship has more [[Ho Yay]] than you can shake a stick at.
** [[Heh, Heh, You Said "X"]], [[Stealth Pun|shake a stick]].
* And there is also the exchange between Green Lantern and Flash after the latter appears in a commercial for a power bar ("Eclipsed"). The Flash uses the money he receives to buy (of all things) a van:
{{quote|'''Lantern:''' Why do ''you'' need a van... wait, I don't wanna know.}}
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** Then there's the opening scene:
{{quote|'''Captain Cold''': The way people tell it, you'd think the Flash shoved my cold gun--}}
* Non-sex example: The orbit-to-surface energy weapon on the Watchtower satellite was once named in dialog as the "[[BFG|Binary Fusion Generator]]".
* Then there's the [[Corrupt Corporate Executive]] villain of "Metamorphosis" who seems to love his daughter just a little too much...He goes to visit her in her apartment like he's picking her up for a date (bringing flowers, making a last minute hair and breath check) and then later when they hug, he appears to [[Squick|smell her hair.]]
** And then there's the fact he tries to kill her boyfriend, turns him into a super-powered freak and then when he himself gets turned into a gigantic mutant monster, the first thing he does is go after his daughter and carry her off like [[King Kong]].
** He also tries to kill Green Lantern for consoling his daughter with a hug. A subtle addition is his face that, despite its relative shapelessness as a blob, conveys the disgust and anger of a scorned lover when he is mistaken by his daughter to be Rex. I think with three comments, and all the evidence given, we can say this is completely intentional. Probably one of the creepiest things in the DCAU for this troper.
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{{quote|'''Old Woman:''' . . . well its '''about time!''' ''*cue jackpot sound*'' (subtle)}}
*** It's also a reference to fans going berserk over the tension between the two being resolved.
* In the final part of "Starcrossed", during the final battle between Green Lantern and <s> Katar Hol</s> [[Significant Anagram|Hro Talak]] in "Starcrossed", John tells Talak to "[[Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner|Kiss]] [[Punctuated! forFor! Emphasis!|my]] [[An Axe to Grind|axe!]] He did make an axe with his ring, but the delivery of the line sounds so much like "ass" that many fans think that's actually what he said.
** In the same episode, [[Martian Manhunter]] delves deep into Kragger (Hro Talak's right hand man)'s head. the first thing he sees is a destroyed statue of Hawkgirl (Talak's fiance, last they knew), followed by a statue of the man [[Ho Yay|right beside]] Talak, so close they could make a ''doorway between their legs.'' [[Bruce Timm]] [http://dcanimated.wikia.com/wiki/Kragger states this was intentional.]
* In "Fearful Symmetry", upon finding out about Galatea, Green Arrow notes that she is identical to Supergirl, just more "mature." The camera is centered squarely on Galatea's chest.
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** ''Implied!?'' it was a plot point.
** Don't forget that Joker gets like that about all his new horrible death-and-pain dealing devices. He's not even interested in Harley that way on a basic level, he just enjoys having an accomplice. Ace is his new Ace in the hole. Sorry, I couldn't resist.
*** We were all provided a [[Male Gaze]] of Queen, from The Joker's POV. The fact that she is a teen also comes close to crossing the line into [[Ephebophile]].
* When the Question decrypted some Cadmus files in "Question Authority", there appears to be one titled 'BRAZILBOYZ'. I'm sure that's...perfectly innocent. Yes.
** Hey, I'm sure that was just a [[The Boys from Brazil|reference]] to [[You Cloned Hitler|cloning Hitler!]] What's so bad about that?
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* The episode "This Little Piggy" has a pretty good one, right before Circe turns Wonder Woman into a pig.
{{quote|'''Circe''': "When I'm done with you, Hippolyta won't want you for a daughter, and your pointy eared boyfriend here won't want you for ''anything''."}}
** The commentary is even funnier as the producers point out how Bruce is nicer to Diana when she's a pig than when she's a person, especially since they note this during the scene where he's ''petting her.'' Diana would've had a fit if she knew.
* In "Ultimatum", Batman says "Mine are bigger than yours." to Amanda Waller. Of course, he was talking about how he had Superman and Aquaman on his side while she just had [[Mooks]].
** The fact that he gives a (rather forced-looking) grin when he says it doesn't help. This ''is'' [[Anti-Hero|Bat]][[Badass|man]], after all.
* Only sex-''related'', but this troper noticed something on "This Little Piggy". Wonder Woman is looking wistfully at the couples out on the town, and as her eyes move from one couple to the next, they also just ''happen'' to be following [[Ho Yay|two men walking together]] at the same time.
** Similarly, Batman's famous nightclub blues ballad includes one quick shot of the audience. Comprised entirely of male couples. It appears Batman sang the blues at a gay club.
*** This troper thinks that Circe might've just wanted an all-male audience for vanity's sake. That being said...I prefer the above explanation.
* How about in "Paradise Lost" with the blatant, in-your-face rape imagery?
* In the episode "Hawk and Dove"...
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* In "Secret Society" Shade remarks "this just gets better and better" upon seeing Giganta grow in order to break through a wall. He's standing at her feet, looking up, and she's wearing a short dress.
** In "To Another Shore", a similar occurence happens. Giganta, Heatwave, and some other guys are out on a mission. At one point the group starts to walk off, with Giganta still in her giant form. Heatwave walks underneath her, and they actually make a point of showing him briefly stopping and looking up as he does so!
** In the same episode, Grodd mentions how bad decisions can come from of 'one of those moods that you get in from time to time'. Giganta replies "I hear that!", which is [[Informed Flaw|out-of-the-blue]] enough to make one suspect that she's actually [[No Periods, Period|talking about something a little different...]]
** [[Wonder Woman]]: "[[Straw Feminist|Men!]] Unless you do it yourself, it doesn't count." [[A Date with Rosie Palms|Oh Wondy, you really have no idea do you?]]
* There's this exchange between Deadshot and Wonder Woman in "The Enemy Below":
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'''The Flash:''' [''to Green Lantern''] Uh... You wanna take that? }}
* In "The Balance," in the scene where the League's magical members are freaking out, record and reverse Zatanna's backwards ramblings. She's saying [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zCHI1LXqUs "All is lost! Faust sits on the throne of Hell!"] And other than it being reversed, it's in no way censored.
** And let us not forget, from the same episode, Flash announcing to the entire lunchroom: "I had dinner with two women at the same time. Cause I'm a stud~!"
*** ...and then accidentally squelching his hand into a plate of mashed potatoes, standing there awkwardly with [http://i40.tinypic.com/3584ged.jpg white gunk] all over his hands, and then [[Does This Remind You of Anything?|licking it off.]]
* In "Ancient History", when Vixen and Hawk Girl are teasing each other back and forth while exercising, Vixen comments that Hawk Girl should stop lifting weights or she'll start getting bulky. Hawk Girl replies that she's just trying to maintain her girlish figure, then trails of grumbling [[Pettanko|"My girlish, girlish figure..."]] while the camera centers on her chest.
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