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My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Characters/The Princesses: Difference between revisions

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The land of Equestria is not ruled by a king or queen, but by a pair of beautiful [[Princesses Rule]]. Celestia, the elder, is responsible for raising the Sun at dawn, and the younger Luna is responsible for bringing out the night at dusk. Together, they rule the land in harmony for all the different types of ponies.
Celestia also has a niece with the title of "Princess" named Mi Amore Cadenza, [[Some Call Me... Tim|who prefers to be called Cadance]]. Her special talent is inducing romantic love between ponies, though she is quite young and doesn't seem to be as powerful as the ruling sisters.
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* [[Cool Crown]]
* [[Creation Myth]]
* [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?]]: Celestia and Luna defeated Discord in ancient times with the Elements of Harmony, despite him being ''much'' stronger than them even then.
* [[Do Not Taunt Cthulhu]]: It's hard to do most of the time but do ''not'' get them mad. They're both extremely powerful [[Physical Goddess|Physical Goddesses]] and are not to be taken lightly (except for Discord but he's [[Reality Warper|on a higher plane than both of them]] and {{spoiler|[[Out-Gambitted|paid for it in the end regardless]]}}). This is clearer with Princess Luna, who is ''far'' less reserved in showing off her power.
* [[Everything's Better with Princesses]]: [[Justified]] since they rule together and you cannot have two queens; also [[Enforced]] by the Hasbro execs, who wanted the rulers to be princesses since many young girls (the target demographic) still equate [[God Save Us From the Queen|queens with evil]].
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* [[Light Feminine and Dark Feminine]]
* [[Meaningful Name|Meaningful Names]]
* [[Non -Standard Character Design]]: Along with Cadance, they're the only permanently winged unicorns (a.k.a. "Alicorns") to appear in the flesh on the show so far and they're noticeably more horse-like.
* [[Older Than They Look]]: More noticeable on Princess Luna who looks younger than she actually is. A standing theory for this is that when Luna became Nightmare Moon, she stopped aging as Luna which explains why she became younger when she reverted back.
** Of course Celestia was described as the elder sister so it's possible they always looked that different. We have no idea how many years (even centuries) she is older by.
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* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: Oh, indeed.
* [[Big Eater]]: "Ponyville Confidential" caught her indulging herself on ''mountains'' of cake. Possibly justified in that she is over twice the size of most of her subjects.
* [[Big Fancy Castle]]: An expy of [[Lord of the Rings|Minas Tirith]].
* [[Big Good]]
* [[Catch Phrase]]: "That's quite alright."
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* [[Color-Coded Wizardry]]: As of Season 2, her horn and objects affected by her magic have a bright yellow glow.
* [[Cool Big Sis]]: To Twilight and her friends, to a certain degree. Being their goddess, they're in awe of her.
** It's obvious Celestia adores Luna after she gets reverted from being Nightmare Moon and part 1 of "The Return of Harmony" confirms they were good friends before that (sharing the Elements of Harmony).
* [[Cool Crown]]
* [[Cool Pet]]: Her sickly pet bird Philomeena who is actually a [[The Phoenix|Phoenix]] near her rebirth phase.
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* [[Eccentric Mentor]]: She's got a rather mischievous sense of humor for a [[Physical God|Physical Goddess]].
* [[Ermine Cape Effect]]: While not to the tacky extreme seen in other girl shows, she is constantly dressed in impeccable finery and a tiara every time she appears. There's also her rainbow-colored gravity-defying hair.
* [[For Happiness]]: And Friendship. And Magic. [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|And cakes]].
* [[God Job]]: Bringing the Sun and the Moon up every day for a thousand years until Luna was redeemed and the Sun alone for some while before.
* [[God of Good]]: While her overt role is being the goddess of the sun, she fills most other qualities.
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* [[Good Is Not Soft]]: She's a genuinely good pony who cares about her subjects and sister with all her heart. That said, she shows no mercy to a truly evil villain like Discord ({{spoiler|twice}}) and was willing to [[Sealed Evil in a Can|seal her own sister away]] when she turned into [[Super-Powered Evil Side|Nightmare Moon]].
* [[Guile Hero]]: Despite being a hero, she's more than willing to resort to [[The Plan|sneaky plans]] to lead the heroes to victory. And then there's {{spoiler|masterminding Discord's defeat by simply sending Twilight Sparkle all of the friendship letters she'd sent the entire first season.}}
* [[Hidden Depths]]: She comes across mostly as a formal and regal [[The High Queen|High Queen]] and it probably comes across stronger to her subjects. Now observe her mischievous side.
* [[The High Queen]]: Most everypony around her treats her like this but it's implied she'd prefer a more relaxed approach.
* [[Hot Goddess]]: She is drawn more aesthetically...more clean, shiny, "beautiful" and pretty...compared to the rest of the cast. It's implied that she is (or at least fits) the ideal for equine beauty in Equestria; for example, the beauty parlor in Ponyville has a picture of a pony with her tall and slender proportions.
* [[Hundred-Percent Adoration Rating]]: Her people absolutely ''love'' her.
* [[Incorruptible Pure Pureness]]
* [[It's Personal]]: While we don't learn exactly what he did, it's clear from how she reacts to Discord that she hates him with a passion.
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** She also feels rather guilty about not realizing {{spoiler|the seal keeping Discord imprisoned has been broken}} until it's too late.
* [[No-Nonsense Nemesis]]: {{spoiler|Her reaction to Discord's escape is pretty much this. She calls the Mane Cast in and outright tells them to use the Elements Of Harmony to ''take Discord out ASAP''. Unfortunately Discord is ''more'' [[Genre Savvy]] but she earns points for trying. Justified as she was there the ''last time'' he'd been free and knows just how dangerous he really is.}}
* [[One-Hour Work Week]]: Averted hard. In all her appearances, she is shown to be at work, giving work, going to work or being called almost immediately to work either directly to the government or trying to keep the very realm happy and safe.
* [[OOC Is Serious Business]]: {{spoiler|Her behavior in the season 2 premiere is at odds with her normally relaxed manner in the first season which serves to underline just how serious a threat Discord is. To compare, when dealing with Nightmare Moon, she just sort of lets Twilight stumble upon the answer. Here she gives the Mane Six the Elements of Harmony (or tries to anyway) and straight up tells them to ''take Discord out''. This may possibly be subverted: in the first example, the elements wouldn't work at ''all'' until Twilight made friends who could wield them. In the second, they could already use them.}}
** Also the season 2 premiere is the first time when Celestia is shown to be ''vulnerable and fallible'': {{spoiler|She is unable to wield the power of the Elements of Harmony, Discord manages to outsmart her by stealing the Elements under her nose and rather than resort to an alternate plan, Celestia's only reaction is to jaw-drop and stand there with an [[Oh Crap]] expression on her face.}} Yes; Discord is ''that much'' of a menace.
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* [[Defeat Means Friendship]]: After the Mane Six defeat her with [[The Power of Friendship]], she's accepted back into Equestrian royalty by both her sister and subjects. The subjects are apparently still somewhat scared of her, though.
* [[Dramatic Thunder]]: Seems to be quickly becoming a signature feature of hers. The weather reflects her mood, or more precisely, her anger and excitement.
* [[Establishing Character Moment]]: All thoughts of Luna being a mere Woobie are shattered when she makes her big entrance in Luna Eclipsed as '''''PRINCESS OF THE NIIIIIGHT!!!'''''
** Doesn't prevent her from being a woobie though. It just gives her a lot more depth. Like, you know, [[Character Development|everypony else]] on this show.
* [[Face Heel Turn]]: Princess Luna turning into Nightmare Moon in the [[Creation Myth]].
** [[Heel Face Turn]]
* [[Fallen Hero|Fallen Heroine]]: Helped save Equestria from Discord before becoming so bitter (and corrupted by ''something'') she turned into [[Mad God|Nightmare Moon]] and took over the [[Big Bad]] role herself. Thankfully she's back on the good side now.
* [[Fish Out of Temporal Water]]: Part of the reason Luna is received so poorly on Nightmare Night; while it seems to everypony else that she's still acting evil, in reality she's just presenting herself with outdated royal etiquette. Which just happens to involve using [[No Indoor Voice]] and [[Antiquated Linguistics]]. Being trapped in the moon for a thousand years makes it hard to keep up with modern trends.
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* [[Hero with an F In Good]]: Luna ''really'' wants to be liked and redeem her image in the eyes of the common-folk but she comes off as incredibly intimidating without even trying. One thousand years of scary stories about her being a [[Chaotic Evil]] harbinger of doom, and ''then'' of being a cannibal predator that must be fooled with disguises and placated with tribute, most likely did not help things.
* [[Historical Villain Upgrade]]: In actual events, she was turned into Nightmare Moon due at least in part to some outside influence and simply wanted to bring everlasting night. In legends, she simply turned evil out of resentment and ate ponies.
* [[I Just Want to Have Friends]]: She just really wants to be accepted but she comes off as rather intimidating.
* [[Jekyll and Hyde]]: Luna/Nightmare Moon.
* [[Large Ham]]: At times, during her visit to Ponyville. Some can be attributed as part of the royal Canterlot tradition of speaking, others as part of her actual personality.
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** Justified by the fact that [http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/fun the word "fun" is only about 300 years old in real life], meaning that the word could literally have not existed before she was banished.
* [[Not What It Looks Like]]: Pretty much everything she does in "Luna Eclipsed". She appears to be touting her old hammy evil routine but she's really just out of touch with modern etiquette. Her [[Big Entrance]] is of particular note. Pinkie Pie isn't helping matters of course.
* [[OC Stand In]]: Between appearances, Luna was the show's most common pony in fanfiction and mention of her hiding in her sister's shadow and cuddling with an abacus was treated as de facto interpretation. Now [[Took a Level In Badass|not so much.]]
** On the other hoof, a few of those fics actually managed to [[Fish Out of Temporal Water|get]] [[The Atoner|a few]] [[Adorkable|details]] [[Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant|right.]]
* [[Perky Goth]]: Luna is now devoid of malice, but her personal tastes still look like something escaped from a horror movie starting with her macabre [http://www.hasbro.com/common/assets/Flash/Creative/dad2af6e1c4311ddbd0b0800200c9a66/0f6b55af5056900b1013cd724a8d4018/assets/props/MLP_PropH_Carriage.swf royal chariot], her demonic-looking [http://www.hasbro.com/common/assets/Flash/Creative/dad2af6e1c4311ddbd0b0800200c9a66/0f6b55af5056900b1013cd724a8d4018/assets/characters/MLP_CharH_Pegasus.swf royal guards] and the idea that animating a group of giant, hairy spiders would be "fun" for everyone else.
** Ironically, it was realizing people ''liked'' being scared on Nightmare Night that let her win over her subjects.
* [[Power Echoes]]: Whenever she's using her [[No Indoor Voice|loud]] voice.
* [[Power Incontinence]]: She exhibits a touch of this when she gets worked up, given the [[Dramatic Thunder]] and gathering stormclouds that kick in every [[Large Ham|so]] [[Hair-Trigger Temper|often]].
* [[Power Makes Your Hair Grow]]: In her "grown" form from [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Recap/S2 E4 Luna Eclipsed|Luna Eclipsed]] she has significantly longer mane and tail than immediately after she was rescued from being Nightmare Moon. Power also makes your hair ethereal, it seems.
* [[Royal We]]: Her manner of speech because it's dictated by protocol. See [[No Indoor Voice]].
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* [[Vague Age]]: Even though she's an immortal moon goddess and only slightly younger than her adult sister, her true form's biological age is pretty ambiguous. Made even more confusing as of ''Luna Eclipsed'', where Luna's colors are slightly different and her mane flows like Celestia's, though [[Word of God]] has given an (on-the-spot) explanation as to how it could have happened.
** [[Word of God]] [http://comments.deviantart.com/4/1603670/1919104364 says] that "Luna is not yet full grown."
* [[Villain Decay]]: [[In-Universe]]. Nightmare Moon is a [[Mad God]] who tried twice to plunge the world into [[The Night That Never Ends|eternal night]] and presumably almost succeeded both times. ''Luna Eclipsed'' showed that the public perception of Nightmare Moon is that she's a [[I'm a Humanitarian|cannibal]] who young ponies can placate with their candy.
* [[Voice of the Legion]]: Her "royal voice".
* [[Voluntary Shapeshifting]]: She can assume {{spoiler|her Nightmare Moon form}} at will though whether it's a true transformation or just an illusion remains to be seen. Interestingly despite these magical special effects, she still has to wear fake pointy teeth to replicate the appearance shown in Zecora's illusions.
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* [[Badass Princess]]: {{spoiler|She vanquishes Chrysalis' brainwashed bridesmaids, dispels Chrysalis' brainwashing spell on Shining Armor, and together with him banishes the evil Queen and all of her changeling swarms far away from Equestria with a powerful magic blast.}}
* [[Battle Couple]]: With [[Magic Knight]] and captain of the Royal Guard Shining Armor. {{spoiler|The first time we actually see the ''real'' Cadance with him as a couple, they kick Queen Chrysalis' flank.}}
* [[Bridezilla]]: Everyone seemed to be assuming this is why she was being so unpleasant before the wedding.
* [[Color-Coded Wizardry]]: Her magic aura is a bright cyan, the same color as the heart in her cutie mark.
** {{spoiler|An early indicator that the first Cadance is an imposter is that her magical aura is green.}}
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* [[Modest Royalty]]: Doesn't even think being a member of the royal family is a big deal.
* [[Multicolored Hair]]: Interestingly, it's pretty much the same colors as that of [[God-Created Canon Foreigner|toy-exclusive]] Earth pony [http://www.ponibooru.org/post/view/57952 Cupcake/Sugarcup], another pink mare.
* [[Non -Standard Character Design]]: Besides being a [[Winged Unicorn]], she has gradient wings.
* [[Only Known by Their Nickname]]/[[Some Call Me... Tim]]: Her full name is Mi Amore Cadenza, but she's known as Cadance; it must be easier to remember. Twilight, who has known her from childhood, never knew her real name until Shining Armor told her in [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Recap/S2 E25 A Canterlot Wedding Part 1|"A Canterlot Wedding Part 1"]].
* [[Pink Girl, Blue Boy]]: The pink to Shining Armor's blue.
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* [[What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?]]: Despite being a royal Alicorn, Cadance's magic is very weak and limited (Twilight's magic is more powerful and versatile than hers) plus her special "love" talent cannot ''create'' love, only rekindle and amplify the one already present between couples. This trope is subverted at the end, as Cadance's love power is what allows Shining Armor to perform once again his barrier spell, this time supercharged with Cadance's own power.
** [[Heart Is an Awesome Power]]
* [[Wing Pull]]: Justified. Being in an underground cave, her wings aren't much use, and are kept tucked in close to her sides while escape attempts are made. But when Twilight and her aren't going to make a long jump, they finally come out in full force.
* [[Winged Unicorn]]: She seems to be a garden variety one compared to the [[Physical God]] princess duo. Flashbacks demonstrate that she's about the same age as Shining Armor is.
** Cadence was originally going to be a regular unwinged unicorn, but it was changed somewhere along the line.
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