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My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Characters/The Princesses: Difference between revisions

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** [[Badass Princess|Badass Princesses]]
** [[Bodyguarding a Badass]]: They both have their own guards despite possibly being the most powerful beings in the world. They seem to be there partly because it's traditional, and partly to handle to small stuff (they appear to be practically useless against real threats).
** [[Retired Badass]]: Both of them. Back when they could use the Elements of Harmony, they saved Equestria together at least once and then Celestia had to save it ''from'' Luna/Nightmare Moon. Celestia is still pretty [[Badass]] but she lets Twilight and the rest of the Mane Cast do the world saving now. At least unless {{spoiler|a threat to Equestria [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Recap/S2 /E26 A Canterlot Wedding Part 2|uncloaks right in front of her]]}}.
** [[Badass Family]]: Luna and Celestia are both badasses, and their niece Cadance reveals herself to be [[Badass Princess]] in her own right. [[Barrier Warrior|Shining Armor]] and [[Badass Bookworm|Twilight Sparkle]] became a part of the [[Badass Family]] thanks to Shining Armor's marriage to Cadence.
* [[Bishie Sparkle]]: Both princesses give off a sparkle at all times.
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<!-- %% The intro is not counted as an appearance -->
{{quote|'''First Mention:''' [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Recap/S1 E1/E01 Mare in Thethe Moon|"Friendship Is Magic, Part 1" ("Mare in the Moon")]]<br />
'''Full Debut:''' [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Recap/S1 E2/E02 Elements of Harmony|"Friendship Is Magic, Part 2" ("Elements of Harmony")]] }}
{{quote|Voiced by [[Nicole Oliver]]}}
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* [[Characterization Marches On]]: Season 2 has been showing a more serious and strict side of Celestia, contrasting with her ever calm and relaxed personality from Season 1.
** Now we get to see that yes, it IS possible to see Celestia being fallible, vulnerable and overwhelmed. She can also get scared, upset or even angry. Ohh boy, you ''don't'' want to see Celestia getting angry.
* [[The Chessmaster]]: [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Recap/S1 E1/E01 Mare in Thethe Moon|The]] [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Recap/S1 E2/E02 Elements of Harmony|pilot]], the [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Recap/S1 /E26 The Best Night Ever|first season finale]] and the [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Recap/S2 E1/E01 The Return of Harmony Part 1|two-part]] [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Recap/S2 E2/E02 The Return of Harmony Part 2|season 2 opening]] though a rather benevolent version.
* [[Color-Coded Wizardry]]: As of Season 2, her horn and objects affected by her magic have a bright yellow glow.
* [[Cool Big Sis]]: To Twilight and her friends, to a certain degree. Being their goddess, they're in awe of her.
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* [[The High Queen]]: Most everypony around her treats her like this but it's implied she'd prefer a more relaxed approach.
* [[Hot Goddess]]: She is drawn more aesthetically...more clean, shiny, "beautiful" and pretty...compared to the rest of the cast. It's implied that she is (or at least fits) the ideal for equine beauty in Equestria; for example, the beauty parlor in Ponyville has a picture of a pony with her tall and slender proportions.
* [[Hundred-Percent100% Adoration Rating]]: Her people absolutely ''love'' her.
* [[Incorruptible Pure Pureness]]
* [[It's Personal]]: While we don't learn exactly what he did, it's clear from how she reacts to Discord that she hates him with a passion.
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{{quote|'''Debut:''' [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Recap/S1 E2/E02 Elements of Harmony|"Friendship Is Magic, Part 2" ("Elements of Harmony")]] (separate from Nightmare Moon)}}
{{quote|Voiced by [[Tabitha St. Germain|Tabitha St Germain]]}}
Princess Celestia's younger sister. She co-rules Equestria alongside her older sister. According to the [[Creation Myth]], she used to govern nighttime, but grew jealous of her sister and wound up [[Sealed Evil in a Can|sealed away for a thousand years]] as the Mare in the Moon. After being defeated by the reformed Elements of Harmony, she [[Heel Face Turn|Heel Face Turns]] and becomes Princess Luna again, resuming her nighttime duties. Her only appearances in the show so far are "[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Recap/S1 E2/E02 Elements of Harmony|Friendship is Magic, part 2]]", "[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Recap/S2 E4/E04 Luna Eclipsed|Luna Eclipsed]]" (her only major role), "[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Recap/S2 /E25 A Canterlot Wedding Part 1|A Canterlot Wedding - Part 1]]", and "[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Recap/S2 /E26 A Canterlot Wedding Part 2|A Canterlot Wedding - Part 2]]".
For her "corrupted" form, Nightmare Moon, see [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Characters/Antagonists|here]]
* [[0% Approval Rating]]: Princess Luna's bitterness turned her into Nightmare Moon because she ''thought'' that absolutely nobody liked her. Ironically her actions as Nightmare Moon made sure that [[Self-Fulfilling Prophecy|nobody liked her for real]].
** Her night wasn't totally lost though. The meteor shower scene in "[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Recap/S1 /E24 OwlsOwl's Well That Ends Well|Owl's Well and Ends Well]]" is a testament that ponies still ''do'' enjoy her night.
** [[Word of God]] states that Luna's transformation into Nightmare Moon was because of evil magic and may not have been entirely her fault or even choice. It doesn't really help that she seems to have a bit of a temper.
** Quite a few ponies are still scared of her in the present day...mostly due to a thousand years of rumors that built up around Nightmare Moon's [[You Mean "Xmas"|"Nightmare Night"]]. She's working on her reputation.
** Interestingly she ''agrees'' her Nightmare Moon self should be feared and hated.
* [[Adaptation Name Change]]: The single-volume [[Novelization|storybook adaptation]] of the [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Recap/S1 E1/E01 Mare in Thethe Moon|pilot]] [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Recap/S1 E2/E02 Elements of Harmony|episodes]] refers to her as Selena; [[Word of God]] [http://comments.deviantart.com/5/35510074/1714597033 says] "[[What Could Have Been|Her name was Selena for a short time, but there were legal problems with it. Guess the book writer didn't get the info.]]"
* [[Adorkable]]: When she starts moving out of her old princess mode, Luna is macabre yet cute and a bit nerdy much like a character escaped from a Tim Burton movie.
** She's even [[Adorkable]] ''in'' her old princess mode.
** Looking closely at the wedding reception near the end of A Canterlot Wedding Part 2 shows her rocking out to the music in the background.
* [[All There in the Manual]]: Her [http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-T_7bo4Lblwk/T16NVKFbBGI/AAAAAAAAibY/kifKb64EQ1U/s1600/7.jpg collector card] reveals that she "stays up late!" (It's unknown if this is referring to her guarding the night or if it means she stays up late into the morning.)
* [[Art Evolution]]: Her [http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/File:Canterlot_Castle_Luna.png old design] in her brief de-corrupted appearance at the end of [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Recap/S1 E2/E02 Elements of Harmony|the second episode]] had her with a shorter, light-blue mane that looked quite normal, as well as matching hooves. Her current design as of "[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Recap/S2 E4/E04 Luna Eclipsed|Luna Eclipsed]]", seen above, has a flowing mane and tail like her big sister with the texture of Nightmare Moon's smoke, as well as a slightly darker coat and silver colored hooves. Her old design is still used in many promotional materials, however.
** [[Lauren Faust]] says that it represents her regaining her powers that she lost when she was defeated as Nightmare Moon, explaining that it took her time for her "good" powers...represented by her magic mane...to come back. She also admits that she just made that up on the spot and doesn't know how the new show runners would explain it. They don't [[Word of Dante|so it's as good an explanation as any]].
** It might be accidental or not, but this explanation is actually supported in the show. [http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111022175028/mlp/images/f/f5/Luna_Eyes_3_S2E4.png Several] [http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111022181661/mlp/images/2/21/Luna_Happy_2_S2E4.png shots] of her show that a few locks of the mane retain the season 1 light-blue coloration
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* [[Power Echoes]]: Whenever she's using her [[No Indoor Voice|loud]] voice.
* [[Power Incontinence]]: She exhibits a touch of this when she gets worked up, given the [[Dramatic Thunder]] and gathering stormclouds that kick in every [[Large Ham|so]] [[Hair-Trigger Temper|often]].
* [[Power Makes Your Hair Grow]]: In her "grown" form from [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Recap/S2 E4/E04 Luna Eclipsed|Luna Eclipsed]] she has significantly longer mane and tail than immediately after she was rescued from being Nightmare Moon. Power also makes your hair ethereal, it seems.
* [[Royal We]]: Her manner of speech because it's dictated by protocol. See [[No Indoor Voice]].
* [[Shock and Awe]] / [[Lightning Can Do Anything]]: De-corrupted, her magical beams take the form of lightning.
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* [[Voice of the Legion]]: Her "royal voice".
* [[Voluntary Shapeshifting]]: She can assume {{spoiler|her Nightmare Moon form}} at will though whether it's a true transformation or just an illusion remains to be seen. Interestingly despite these magical special effects, she still has to wear fake pointy teeth to replicate the appearance shown in Zecora's illusions.
* [[What Happened to the Mouse?]]: After powering down and being forgiven by her sister, the younger princess is embraced by Ponyville at large and taken back to the castle to live with Celestia. She doesn't show up again until the season 2 episode "Luna Eclipsed", and after that only gets short appearances in "[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Recap/S2 /E25 A Canterlot Wedding Part 1|A Canterlot Wedding - Part 1]]" and "[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Recap/S2 /E26 A Canterlot Wedding Part 2|A Canterlot Wedding - Part 2]]", which finally explain why she hardly ever shows up (she's apparently active at night and asleep during the day).
* [[Woman in Black]]: Dark fur to contrast [[Woman in White|her sister.]] Again, [[Dark Is Not Evil]].
* [[The Woman Wearing the Queenly Mask]]: Of a different variety then her sis. She seems to think behaving in a [[Large Ham|grandiose]], [[Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant|intimidating]] demeanor is how royalty is supposed to act when she's actually a pretty sensitive and empathic pony. Might have been so back in her day.
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* [[Wrong Genre Savvy]]: Luna in a nutshell. Fortunately she gets ''reasonably'' better near the end of her debut episode.
* [[Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe]]: [[Shown Their Work|Averted]]. She uses "thou", "thee", and "thy" only when addressing single ponies and "you" and "your" when speaking to multiple ponies. Also when speaking to single ponies, she attaches the "-est" suffix only to verbs where the listener is the subject.
** She does slip up at least once in the episode of [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Recap/S2 E4/E04 Luna Eclipsed|"Luna Eclipsed"]] when she awkwardly changes subjects mid-sentence.
* [[You Were Trying Too Hard]]: She ends up coming off as far more forceful and intimidating than she realizes at first partly due to this. Once Twilight helps calm her down and make everyone more relaxed around Luna, things go much better.
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[[File:princess_cadance_by_90sigma-d4w3sjo2_8536.png|frame|[[Magical Nanny|The greatest foalsitter]] [[Cool Big Sis|in all the history of foalsitters!]]]]
{{quote|'''Debut:''' [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Recap/S2 /E25 A Canterlot Wedding Part 1|"A Canterlot Wedding - Part 1"]]}}
{{quote|Voiced by Britt McKillip<ref>according to [https://twitter.com/#!/goldenrusset/status/194118341235965952 this] tweet by Jayson Thiessen, [https://twitter.com/#!/dannyimusic/status/193865521224089602 this] tweet by Daniel Ingram, and [http://everfreeradio.com/?p=4102 this] interview with [[Hey Ocean!|Ashleigh Ball]]</ref>}}
Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, better known as Princess Cadance, is a [[Added Alliterative AppealAlliteration|pretty pearl pink princess pony]] and niece of Princess Celestia (and probably Luna's). She had been acquainted with Twilight Sparkle as she was her foal-sitter when she was really small. It was also back then that she met the colt who would eventually become her husband, Shining Armor. Her main talent appears to be bringing love to others. However, she had not been acting as herself in the days coming up to her wedding...
* [[All There in the Manual]]:
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* [[Multicolored Hair]]: Interestingly, it's pretty much the same colors as that of [[God-Created Canon Foreigner|toy-exclusive]] Earth pony [http://www.ponibooru.org/post/view/57952 Cupcake/Sugarcup], another pink mare.
* [[Non-Standard Character Design]]: Besides being a [[Winged Unicorn]], she has gradient wings.
* [[Only Known by Their Nickname]]/[[Some Call Me... Tim]]: Her full name is Mi Amore Cadenza, but she's known as Cadance; it must be easier to remember. Twilight, who has known her from childhood, never knew her real name until Shining Armor told her in [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Recap/S2 /E25 A Canterlot Wedding Part 1|"A Canterlot Wedding Part 1"]].
* [[Pink Girl, Blue Boy]]: The pink to Shining Armor's blue.
* [[Princesses Prefer Pink]]: She's one [[Added Alliterative AppealAlliteration|positively pink pony princess]]. Her toys are just as pink as Pinklestia, if not moreso.
* [[Royals Who Actually Do Something]]: {{spoiler|She and Shining Armor saved Canterlot from Queen Chrysalis [[The Power of Love|with a love-powered magic spell!]]}}
** When she was a teenager, she babysat Twilight even before Twilight became Princess Celestia's student.
* [[Spell My Name with an "S"]]: Both "Cadance" and "Cadence" have been used multiple times by multiple sources. "Cadance" tends to be used in newer promotional media ([[The Hub]]'s [http://www.hubworld.com/ homepage], back when it listed the name, used "Cadence" at first but later switched to "Cadance"), while "Cadence" is how it's spelled by the script of [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Recap/S2 /E26 A Canterlot Wedding Part 2|"A Canterlot Wedding - Part 2"]] and how it tends to be spelled by the show's crew; [[Word of God|Jayson Thiessen]] [http://twitter.com/#!/goldenrusset/status/194445077274304512 has said] "I personally use 'Cadence' but it may be debatable." Based on the evidence, it seems that the official spelling was changed from "Cadence" to "Cadance" late in the game. Looking at the two spellings, it's hard to tell because "Cadence" as a proper word would fit the show's pattern of [[Meaningful Name|meaningful]] and/or [[Punny Name|punny]] names much better ''and'' be a more obvious derivative of "Cadenza" (which is basically just Italian for, yet again, "cadence"), yet on the other hoof "Cadance" apparently does exist as a proper if uncommon female first name in real life. The jury may still be out.
* [[Spoiled Sweet]]: implied to be this. Even though Cadance is a princess, she still foal-sat Twilight Sparkle and thoroughly enjoyed doing it. And Twilight has very fond memories of her, which is why her cold, superior attitude upon meeting her again immediately sets off some alarm bells in her head. {{spoiler|She's right - that Cadance is not the real one, but a [[Doppelganger|Changeling]] imposter.}}
* [[Stealth Pun]]: Her full name is Italian, and since Pegasus unicorns are sometimes called alicorns, this would make her an Italicorn.
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